Hate your period? Menstruation is a completely natural physiological process. Each girl after entering the fertility threshold is forced to put up with him every month. Alas, often this process is associated with unpleasant health and some psychological problems. Statistics show that 70-80 percent of the fair sex to one degree or another suffer from symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Is it any wonder that psychologists hear complaints from many girls? The article describes the causes of such hatred in terms of psychology, and also gives tips on how to deal with PMS.
What is premenstrual syndrome
This is a condition characterized by a set of certain changes in the body and psyche, which occurs every month 3-12 days before the onset of menstruation. As a rule, women "get acquainted" with this syndrome at the age of about twenty years. It happens that girls do not experience it before childbirth, and after childbirth and feeding they recognize it from the point of view of the most negative symptoms. It happens that, on the contrary, the symptoms are clearly manifested immediately before the first menstruation, and after childbirth subside.
Hate your period? Very often, psychologists hear such complaints precisely because of the premenstrual syndrome. Women can be understood: who will like to experience psycho-emotional difficulties every month on a regular basis and come to terms with changes in their own bodies?
Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are as follows:
- The following manifestations are characteristic of the neuropsychic form of the syndrome: irritability, dysphoria, loss of strength, tearfulness, causeless jumps in mood. From the side it may seem that this is a list of symptoms of a condition not quite normal from the point of view of physiology, of some kind of psychiatric deviation. But this opinion is not entirely true, otherwise 80 percent of women could be given a psychiatric diagnosis. In addition, in each individual case, the neuropsychic form proceeds differently. Some women have practically no manifestations of it, but others have very pronounced signs.
- Vegetative and neurological symptoms of PMS: high fatigue, decreased performance. A woman may be less productive at work these days. This does not mean that she is a bad employee. Very often, women reproach themselves for such a completely physiologically justified decrease in their working capacity and fully compensate for their shortcomings after the period of postmenstrual syndrome has passed.
- If the syndrome proceeds in an edematous form, then the girl gains weight, even if she is on a strict diet. This is due to fluid retention in the tissues. Also, this process is accompanied by engorgement of the mammary glands, severe thirst, impaired urination. Alas, if the syndrome is clearly marked by swelling, then in some cases it can even lead to the development of infectious diseases of the urinary system (if the period coincides when the woman sat on a cold surface or drank an insufficient amount of fluid).
- The crisis form of PMS is characterized by sympatho-adrenal crises. These are jumps in blood pressure, heart pain of an unclear origin, while the ECG is normal, panic attacks. After a crisis, abundant urination usually occurs - the body gets rid of the fluid that it has been storing for several days. This form of premenstrual syndrome can develop from an untreated cephalgic, neuropsychic or edematous form and usually manifests itself after forty years. The background for the occurrence of such a condition is diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, digestive tract.

Why do women hate menstruation?
From the description of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, it becomes clear that by the first day of menstruation, the woman is “platooned”. So is it any wonder that women hate menstruation? Who will like to endure such completely natural physiological conditions once a month that most doctors refuse to treat? Fortunately, modern medicine has an arsenal of medications that can help smooth out all the mental and physical manifestations of PMS.
And what if the complaint about menstruation has a psychological connotation? After all, some girls do not experience PMS, but they hate the "red days of the calendar." There is already a purely psychological reason: most likely, the girl has problems with her own gender identity. The reception psychologist will conduct a survey during which he will find out how long such a clear aggression towards his nature began, how it manifests itself on the physical level (some girls show self-aggression in relation to themselves), are there suicidal thoughts, etc. If it’s simple " got monthly "- this is one, then the help of a specialist may not be needed. But if a woman is ready to harm herself in one way or another because of them, then serious work of a psychologist or psychotherapist is required.
Hate your period? This is a kind of protest against their own femininity. After all, if not for menstruation, a woman would not be fertile, and the greatest miracle of nature - the continuation of human life, would become impossible.

10 reasons to hate
The most common reasons why there is aggression towards menstruation:
- the need to buy hygiene products;
- it is very unpleasant to use gaskets in the heat - after an hour an unpleasant smell and sweat make the process unbearable;
- at the time of menstruation, sexual life becomes not the same as usual;
- in the first days it hurts and pulls in the lower abdomen;
- increased appetite, many girls eat themselves extra pounds;
- tampons and pads strongly rub the genital area, and you need to bother with the mouthpiece for a long time;
- severe swelling appears, and the girl is forced to refuse to wear tight clothes;
- due to puffiness, facial features change, the girl does not work well in photographs;
- unpleasant odor, the need to use tampons;
- you have to choose clothes in such a way that, even if the gasket leaks, it is not very noticeable.

What is the reason for feeling unwell during menstruation?
Women got menstruation also because pain and poor health accompany them not only during the PMS, but also directly during the period of menstruation. Again, in each case, everything is individual. But according to statistics, 45% of girls suffer from severe pain in the lower abdomen in the first days of menstruation and are forced to take painkillers. During menstruation, puffiness does not subside - girls are forced to take diuretics.
Hate your period? What to do? How to put up with this condition?

Ways to get rid of irritability in the period of premenstrual syndrome
There are many easy ways to get rid of regular discomfort. Yes, you have to resort to them every month, but it will give you the opportunity to feel relatively normal.
Ways to get rid of irritability, apathy and self-eating during PMS:
- Set the deadlines so that during the ICP the main work is completed - reports are submitted, obligations are fulfilled, goods are displayed. This will help relieve yourself for a certain period of time, and not suffer from the inability to boast of high performance.
- Pay attention to over-the-counter mild antidepressants and sedatives. They are not addictive, and you can take them only a few days to mitigate the severity of PMS.
- Contact a psychologist or psychotherapist and work out your installation. What to do if there is no way to contact a paid specialist? There are anonymous helplines by which you can talk with a specialist for free. You can also throw out your negative on specially designed sites for this.
Wall of hatred: "I hate menstruation!"
This is a famous site that anyone can visit and throw out their negative emotions anonymously regarding any life problem. As a rule, there you can create your own thread or write under the old ones. This splashing of emotions often acts like a visit to a psychologist. This site has a lot of threads on the topic "I hate period."
The wall of hatred is a kind of portal of exclusively negative emotions. Therefore, do not stay too long reading other people's threads. After you throw out all your annoyance with the current situation, it is better to close the tab as soon as possible.
How to pour out your hatred: advice from psychologists
How else can you splash out your irritation during your period? Here are simple tips that do not require financial costs:
- Go to a dense forest or park where no one will see you, and scream, pour out your irritation, sing songs and lie on the grass.
- Go to the gym and beat a pear heartily or run a few kilometers on a treadmill. When a person is physically tired, the hormonal background is smoothed out.
- Do not strain your loved ones with your aggression - it will pass, and relations will be seriously damaged. It’s better to go to a movie theater alone to buy sweet popcorn (glucose contributes to the release of endorphins).
- Take a day off, citing ill health (after all, this is pure truth), and do what you love.

Medication methods to reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome
If simple advice from psychology does not help, you can resort to pharmacy tools to get rid of irritation. These are such effective medicines as:
- Phytosedan is an herbal soothing tea. The instruction recommends brewing two sachets with a glass of boiling water and taking it on an empty stomach. The composition includes valerian, motherwort. After taking several servings of Fitosedan, irritability disappears, and an even and calm state appears. The tool does not cause psychological or drug dependence, it is inexpensive - about eighty rubles for a package with twenty filter bags.
- Afobazole is an OTC remedy for irritation and stress. Alas, it must be taken constantly, but the effect is more pronounced than from soothing tea. The cost of packaging with twenty tablets is about three hundred rubles. Thoughts about the unpleasant will go away on the background of the constant intake of this soft preparation.
- "Negrustin" - a vitamin complex with St. John's wort extract in the composition. Ideal for receiving during PMS, high workload and problems in the family. It helps to tune in a positive way and not to freak out over trifles. It suits women even more than men, since the combination of vitamins in the composition has a moderate diuretic effect, and also strengthens the nervous system and smoothes the emotional state. In a word, Negrustin is an excellent tool to alleviate the symptoms of PMS.

Swelling during menstruation and ways to get rid of it
Why do women hate menstruation, in addition to lower abdominal pain and increased irritability? This is weight gain and puffiness. If a girl knows that she is prone to retain excess fluid, then you should think about taking mild diuretics in advance:
- "Fitonephrol" is a herbal tea that gently helps get rid of edema, and is also a preventive measure for the development of diseases of the urinary system. The cost of packaging with twenty filter bags is about one hundred rubles.
- "Cyston" is an Indian homeopathic medicine. You can apply it directly on the days of PMS, so that there is no edema and the weight is kept at the same level.
- "Kanefron" is also a homeopathic remedy, but it should be taken in a course. Suitable for those girls who, in addition to swelling with PMS, also suffer from chronic pyelonephritis, are prone to urethritis and urolithiasis due to frequent fluid retention.

Does physical education facilitate the course of premenstrual syndrome
Why do they hate monthly girls who do not suffer from edema, or from pain, or from the mental manifestations of PMS? No matter how sad it was to realize this, but many psychologists are sure that the girls simply have nowhere to "pour out" from themselves the accumulated anger and dissatisfaction with their lives. The recommendation from this unpleasant psychological state is simple: visit the gym on a regular basis. The hormonal background will even out, self-esteem will increase, and painful thoughts about how much the girl hates menstruation will go away by themselves.
We must choose a sport that would be to their liking. In this case, physical education will be a kind of rest, unloading. Training will be a place where a girl can pour out all her negativity without fear of seeming ridiculous or uncivilized. And then she will return home tired, but happy - and will fall asleep with a sound healthy sleep. There simply will not be time and energy to think about hatred of monthly or other physiological phenomena.