One of the best ways to treat gastrointestinal diseases is a strict diet. With colitis during the exacerbation, it is recommended that special attention be paid to the organization of nutrition.
Why does it occur and how does colitis occur?
The cause of colitis is most often malnutrition. Violation of the regime, the use of junk food, as well as alcohol abuse are not the best way affect the condition of the intestine. In addition, colitis can develop due to intestinal infection or helminthic invasion. Also, this disease often occurs when:
- prolonged use of antibiotics and abuse of laxatives;
- surgical interventions or injuries in the abdominal cavity;
- food allergies;
- frequent stresses.
It is worth noting that the course of colitis at the initial stage is not too pronounced. Unpleasant sensations are not permanent, but occur occasionally and can alternate with each other. That is why people often neglect unpleasant symptoms without seeking medical help. So colitis flows into a chronic form with periodic exacerbations. To normalize the condition, you need a healthy diet. With colitis during an exacerbation, food should be sparing.

Main symptoms
Acute or chronic colitis is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. The most common include the following:
- pain that is localized in the side of the abdomen (usually worse before defecation or after eating harmful foods);
- bloating, accompanied by a feeling of fullness;
- frequent belching and flatulence;
- nausea and vomiting;
- violation of the stool;
- mucous and bloody discharge during bowel movements;
- bitterness in the mouth in the morning;
- concomitant symptoms in the form of headache and physical weakness.

Principles of proper nutrition pin
Compliance with some mandatory rules requires a diet for colitis. During an exacerbation, as well as for the purpose of its prevention, it is worth following the following principles:
- you need to eat often and little by little (in total there should be about 6 meals during the day);
- food should be thoroughly chewed (at least 30 movements with jaws should be in each piece);
- every time before eating it is advisable to eat a small peeled apple;
- refusal of hard and dry food;
- it is unacceptable to eat too hot or too cold foods;
- copious fluid intake.

Diet number 4
What is the right diet for colitis during an exacerbation? Specialists in the field of gastroenterology recommend sticking to a special menu. It is also known as Diet No. 4. It is characterized by such features:
Characteristic | Description |
Indications | Chronic or acute colitis |
goal | Normalization of digestion, suppression of inflammation, inhibition of fermentation and putrefactive processes. |
Mechanism | Reducing the amount of carbohydrates and fats (while maintaining a normal protein content). Limitation of chemical and thermal irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. The diet is based on the use of liquid dishes, steamed or in water. |
Chemical composition |
Number of meals | 5-6 |
Featured Products
People suffering from chronic or acute colitis are advised to follow the so-called diet No. 4. It includes food that not only does not harm the intestines, but also helps maintain its functional state. So, a diet for colitis during an exacerbation period involves the use of the following products:
- dairy products;
- mucous soups based on low-fat broth;
- steamed or boiled white meat and fish;
- rice, semolina or oatmeal cooked on the water;
- jelly and jelly based on fruits and berries;
- boiled eggs or omelet;
- rosehip broth;
- grated fresh fruits and vegetables;
- hard cheeses (unsalted);
- biscuit cookies ;
- cinnamon as a seasoning.

Prohibited Products
A number of restrictions is characterized by a diet for colitis during an exacerbation. The list of products prohibited for use is as follows:
- sausage and sausages;
- onions and garlic, as well as hot spices;
- apricots and plums in any form;
- black bread;
- fresh bread and other flour products (especially muffin);
- borscht;
- milk soups;
- alcoholic drinks;
- pickled and smoked products;
- whole milk;
- carbonated drinks;
- fried foods;
- coffee and chocolate;
- pasta;
- rich broths;
- fatty varieties of fish and meat;
- pearl barley;
- peas, beans and other legumes;
- honey;
- concentrated juices.

Estimated Daily Menu
The most important point of treatment is a diet for colitis during an exacerbation. Nutrition should be balanced and light. An approximate menu for the day is as follows:
- for breakfast you need to eat oatmeal on the water and cottage cheese (both frayed dishes), as well as drink unsweetened tea;
- followed by a snack of dried blueberries;
- for lunch, it is recommended to eat light chicken broth with semolina, steam meatballs, as well as rice porridge on the water and jelly;
- dinner consists of a steam omelet, grated buckwheat porridge and tea;
- a couple of hours before bedtime, you can drink fruit or oat jelly.
Diet depending on the type of colitis
The diet for colitis during the exacerbation period largely depends on what symptoms the disease accompanies. So, based on the manifestations of the ailment, nutrition can be as follows:
Disease | Power Features |
Ulcerative colitis | The basis of the diet should be protein food. It is worth paying attention to fish, cottage cheese, chicken, as well as soft-boiled eggs. Fats are consumed in limited quantities. |
Colitis with constipation | The emphasis should be on fermented milk products. Solid products need to grind or grind. It is permissible to use lightly roasted dishes. |
Colitis with diarrhea | To normalize the intestines, it is recommended to use dried bread. The basis of the diet is boiled meat and fish. Fried and hard-boiled eggs are strictly prohibited. Fatty foods should be completely discarded. |
Spastic colitis | It is accompanied by pain, and therefore it is important to eat food that will not irritate the intestines. Grated soups and boiled porridges should be preferred. Meat and fish should only be steamed. |
Catarrhal colitis | The first 2-3 days of the diet, it is permissible to drink only herbal decoctions and mineral water without gas. Next, you need to eat in small portions, gradually increasing the number of meals. Refuse milk, legumes and smoked meats. |
Atrophic colitis | It is worth giving preference to products that do not contain coarse fiber. |
Diet for colitis during an exacerbation: nutrition and recipes
Having figured out the list of recommended foods, it is important to combine them into healthy, and most importantly, delicious dishes. Diet for colitis during exacerbation should be based on soft, enveloping and light textures. We decided to submit the recipes in the form of a table.
Dishes | Ingredients | Cooking |
Oatmeal jelly |
| Pour oatmeal with water, mix well and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and put the resulting liquid on the fire. Heat until the mass thickens to a jelly state. Drink half a glass before meals. |
Boiled meat cutlets |
| First, boil the breast and rice. While the porridge cools, the meat needs to be twisted three times in a meat grinder. Mix everything, after which form cutlets from the resulting mass. Steamed dish is being prepared. |
Curd Souffle |
| Rub the cottage cheese several times through a sieve, and then mix it with semolina, sugar and yolk. Beat the protein in a strong foam and gently mix into the curd. Put the mass in a greased form and cook until steamed. |
Semolina broth |
| In a concentrated meat broth put vegetables, salt and herbs, cook for a quarter of an hour. Strain the cooled liquid and dilute with water in equal proportions. Put the broth on the fire again, bring to a boil. Pour semolina gently and cook until tender. |
Liver pudding |
| The washed liver, cleaned of films, grind in a meat grinder. Grate boiled carrots. Combine liver, carrots, egg yolk, butter, milk powder and salt. Beat the protein separately, then combine it with the liver. Pour the mass into a mold and steam. |
Nutrition for Improved Condition
A strict diet with colitis of the intestine during the period of exacerbation contributes to a fairly rapid improvement in the condition. As a result, the diet gradually begins to expand.

So, it is permissible to eat not only boiled and steam, but also baked dishes (be sure to remove the crust). The following products can gradually be added to the list of permitted products:
- ripe tomatoes and potatoes in limited quantities;
- products from lean dough (rolls, pies with cottage cheese, fruit, egg or meat);
- pasta as an additive to soups;
- ripe fruits and berries, peeled and pitted;
- weak coffee;
- sweets such as marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, jams and jams.
As the condition improves, it is recommended to expand the diet, consuming small amounts of sausages, vegetable oil and other prohibited foods. This is not systematic, but only aimed at ensuring that the intestines are ready for processing any food.
Colitis Prevention
The best prevention of gastrointestinal diseases is the right diet. With colitis during an exacerbation, it is important to eat healthy foods. But itβs better to prevent the problem than to treat it later. That is why it is recommended that you always adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. It is also worth remembering that nervous tension and stress can lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition. That is why it is important to avoid negative emotions and bad mood.

Forget bad habits (smoking and alcohol). And drink antiviral drugs and antibiotics strictly as prescribed by the doctor, while taking medications that protect the stomach and intestines.