There are a lot of opinions on how a mother should breastfeed while breastfeeding her baby. It is known that through breast milk the baby receives all the components and vitamins necessary for the development and growth. Therefore, the nursing diet should be varied, balanced and fortified. Without exception, all mothers monitor their diet during breastfeeding, being afraid to use something extra that can cause an infant to have an allergy or an upset ventricle. Which ultimately leads to the fact that lactating nutrition very often becomes scarce and useless both for herself and for the child. In order to maximally fortify the diet, a nursing mother needs to eat more vegetable dishes.

What is the significance of vegetables when breastfeeding
Most vegetables are very useful for both mothers and babies. They contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients. You can use them raw, boiled, stewed or baked. Fresh help to normalize digestion, prevent the appearance of constipation. In winter, it is advisable to eat freshly frozen vegetables. Because they are more useful than those that supermarkets offer us. Moreover, imported vegetables are often processed with chemicals to preserve the presentation, and this is very harmful to the baby.
Is eggplant good for breastfeeding?
Is it possible for nursing mother to have eggplant, and what is the use of it? With the regular use of this vegetable, we can:
- Reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It helps strengthen the heart muscle.
- Lower cholesterol. Prevents absorption of the latter in the intestine.
- Helps fight osteoporosis, helps restore cartilage.
- Restore water balance, relieve puffiness, improve kidney function. Creates a diuretic effect.
- Remove toxins from the body. Helps to cleanse the digestive tract.

Can I eat eggplant nursing
Answering this question, we can say that eggplant is not listed in the list of prohibited products during lactation, on the contrary, it is a desirable vegetable. According to the research of the Institute of Nutrition RAMS , a list of nutrients necessary for the normal growth and development of the child was compiled.
Can eggplant be given to nursing mother? Eggplant is a very saturated fruit, all of the substances listed below are contained in it, and all of them are necessary for both the child and mother. Eggplant for a nursing mother is a storehouse of useful elements and vitamins.
- It contains a lot of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.
- This vegetable contains copper (Cu), phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) necessary for the growth and development of the child.
- Eggplant is rich in nicotinic acid, vitamins C and A, B, including riboflavin (B2) and thiamine (B1).
So, the answer to the question “is it possible for the nursing mother to have eggplant” is unambiguous - it is possible and even necessary.
Important! Young fruits contain much more beneficial substances and microorganisms. The older the vegetable, the more harmful and toxic it is.

How to properly introduce nursing eggplant into the diet
Choose vegetables should be quality, fresh and tested. There are several rules for putting eggplant into nursing recipes.
- Without fear, you can eat eggplant when breastfeeding, if you ate it before the birth of the baby, and the vegetable did not cause any allergic reactions.
- If there were no eggplants in your diet during pregnancy, then a nursing woman should introduce it gradually and carefully. And eating, closely monitor how the baby reacts to a new product. If no deviations and reactions have occurred, then you can safely eat it without fear.
What you should not eat nursing mothers
Never drink alcohol. Remember that the opinion of some mothers that a glass of red wine will not do any harm is very, very wrong. It is absolutely impossible to do this. Alcohol, which is part of breast milk, is completely absorbed into the baby’s blood.
The list of prohibited foods for breastfeeding also includes pickled, salted, spicy and canned foods. When they are used by mom, the milk will become spicy, this can lead to the fact that the baby will abandon her breast altogether.

What vegetables are allowed to eat a lactating woman and in what types
- The potato . You can eat in any form, except for fried or fries.
- Cauliflower. Allowed if steamed.
- Carrot. Use very carefully and in scanty portions so as not to cause allergies.
- Beet. It is possible if the baby has no reaction to it.
- White cabbage. It is better to refuse it, it contributes to excessive gas formation. Dishes and recipes for nursing with its content, it is desirable to exclude from the diet.
- Cucumbers, zucchini . A list of nursing mothers allows them to be added to the diet. These products are extremely rare to cause allergies, they do not affect the digestive process.
- Tomato, bell pepper and eggplant . Introducing a nursing mother into the diet at first is advisable with caution, observing the baby's reaction. Each of these vegetables should be administered every 3 days.
To make it easier for every mom who is breastfeeding to understand the variety of vegetables and remember what can and cannot be eaten, we will present such a peculiar “vegetable traffic light”.

Red vegetables - prohibited in principle. They contain allergens and pose a risk to the health of the child. In addition to tomatoes, they can be introduced into the diet, but very carefully: every 3 days, strictly monitoring the reaction of the baby.
Yellow vegetables - it is possible, but with caution. A little earlier, pediatricians generally recommended excluding vegetables and fruits of this color from the diet when breastfeeding. Today, there is a different opinion, according to pediatricians, some of them are even desirable during this period. However, they must be introduced into the diet extremely carefully and in small portions. If there are not too many of them in the composition of breast milk, this will not lead to stool disorders and bloating.
Green vegetables - you can eat without fear. All vegetables and fruits included in this color shade can be eaten safely. In addition to white cabbage.
To summarize
Can nursing mother eat eggplant? We hope we have given an exhaustive answer to this question. In addition, useful tips and advice are given on how to eat mothers who are breastfeeding should be useful in life.