Proper and balanced nutrition is extremely important for every person. Regardless of the presence or absence of problems with being overweight, it is very important to follow an individually designed diet that takes into account the characteristics of your health condition, age and lifestyle. Then there will be much less health problems.
But we are talking about a healthy person. Somewhat different is the situation with those who for health reasons should limit their diet. Most often these are people with chronic diseases of the digestive tract, as well as patients undergoing postoperative rehabilitation. It is required to follow a diet after removal of appendicitis. Despite the fact that this operation is considered very simple, within a few weeks it is required to minimize the load on the intestines. And this can be done in only one way. You need to eat right.

A little physiology
What is appendix removal? This is a cavity operation, during which the abdominal cavity is dissected and the process of the rectum is cut off. Since the integrity of the intestinal walls is violated, proper nutrition takes an important place at the rehabilitation stage. Following a diet allows you to quickly return to a normal lifestyle and restore the functionality of the digestive tract.
A diet after removal of appendicitis is necessary, but the attending physician should make it up. He will study the medical history and give his recommendations. In general, such a regimen is designed for a minimum of 14 days. More precisely, the duration cannot be determined, since it depends on the presence or absence of complications after surgery.
The first hours after surgery
The diet after removal of appendicitis is not static and may vary depending on changes in the patient's condition. The faster the work of the digestive tract is restored, the sooner the doctor will allow the inclusion of new products in the diet.
The most difficult ones are the first 24 hours after surgery. During this period, the intestines are still too vulnerable. Any load can cause seams to diverge. Therefore, in the first day you can not only eat, but even drink. During this period, you can only moisten your drying lips. The body must direct all resources to recovery.

Second day
During the round, the doctor examines the patients and determines the further diet. After removal of appendicitis, there is no temperature and pain? This is a good sign! So, recovery is taking its course, and soon everything will return to normal. Most often, there is no appetite during this period, but this is good. The intestines must fully recover before being included in the work.
On the second day, doctors are allowed to drink a small portion of a light broth or rice broth. Sometimes a little fruit jelly is allowed at the discretion of the attending physician. And, of course, self-medication should not be allowed. Relatives should understand the importance of this period and not give you traditional fruits and yoghurts. Invite them to consult their healthcare provider first. He will explain what you can eat after removing appendicitis, and what you should refrain from.

Third and fourth day
Usually by this time the patient's condition becomes quite tolerable. He can move around without much discomfort. Doctors recommend moving more and sitting less in the room. If the patient feels well, there are no signs of inflammatory processes (high fever), you can slightly expand the diet. Let's see what you can eat after removing appendicitis during this period.
- The diet of the third and fourth day is allowed to include low-fat broth on chicken or veal.
- Mashed potatoes. Do not dilute it with milk or add butter. While you need to adhere to a diet.
- Boiled rice In no case on milk!
- Vegetable puree is an excellent product for restoring the intestines. Pumpkin or zucchini is best.
- Natural yogurt. Of course, this should be a product without sugar and fruit additives.
- By the end of the fourth day, you can try a small piece of boiled mashed chicken.
Day Five, Sixth and Seventh
It was not in vain that we decided to consider it by day. Diet after the removal of appendicitis allows you to do something that even the most expensive medicines cannot afford. By itself, it heals and restores the work of the digestive tract. But with improper nutrition, the best medical complex will not work at full strength.
Four days after surgery, the patient's diet should be based on fresh foods. That is, it should be very thin cereals or soups. This will reduce the burden on the stomach, but at the same time provide your body with enough nutrients. In the postoperative period, it is very important to use broths cooked on chicken meat. A good option is beef and veal.
It is best to prefer mashed soups based on zucchini, potatoes, beets or carrots. They contain many vitamins and positively affect your body, and most importantly, contribute to the rapid healing of internal tissues. To make mashed soup, you need to boil the vegetables, and then grind them with a blender to a puree state.

Drinking mode
The postoperative period is the time of the most careful attitude to your body. You must protect the gastrointestinal tract from excessive load. Do not forget to drink enough fluids. It is also very important for the restoration of the digestive system. It is best to drink just pure water. Natural juices, tea, self-made compote can also be done in small portions, observing the body's reaction. You should not forget about the sense of proportion. About 1.5 liters of water should be drunk per day.
First week behind
Diet after surgery to remove appendicitis is gradually becoming less stringent. The main thing here is a sense of proportion. Every day, it is recommended to include in the diet a small portion of new products and observe the reaction of the body. If the condition has not changed during the day, you can continue to use it, as well as introduce new products into the diet. Starting from the seventh day, dairy products can be introduced into the diet. This is kefir and unsweetened cottage cheese, yogurt. It is advisable to take natural origin with live bifidobacteria. This greatly diversifies the diet and makes life easier for the patient.

Constipation after surgery
This is another big problem that the diet is designed to solve after the removal of appendicitis. 5 days a person spends mostly in bed. This means that the intestines are very difficult to get involved in. When you walk, food moves much easier on it. That is, you need to choose those products that contribute to natural emptying. Do not forget that some medications also provoke constipation.
Fiber-containing foods help restore bowel function. These are dried fruits and boiled carrots, rosehips and baked apples. Doctors also recommend regular pumpkin consumption. This is a source of a large number of vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on blood coagulation and accelerate metabolic processes, increase the degree of digestibility of all products. For children, the diet after the removal of appendicitis is necessarily built with the inclusion of pumpkins in the daily menu.
Accelerated recovery
Medicine does not stand still. Today, surgeons no longer need to perform a large incision. Modern technologies can minimize tissue damage, which greatly speeds up the healing process. So, the procedure is performed through a small hole with a length of not more than 1.5 cm using a thin tube of optical fiber. This is how laparoscopy is performed in adults. Diet after removal of appendicitis you need to adhere to 2-3 days. It may take longer to play it safe.

What you need to refuse
You can go from the opposite. Do not write down what you need to eat, but simply make a list of prohibited products. You just need to exclude them from your menu, and you can be calm that the recovery of the intestines is taking its course.
- The main thing is to exclude salt. Best for a month, or at least for 14 days. The same applies to pepper and other spices, that is, everything that can provoke irritation of the mucosa. By adding them to your food, you will extend the recovery period.
- Eliminate beans, peas, beans, and tomatoes from the diet. All these products provoke intestinal colic and bloating. Given the postoperative sutures, you should save your intestines.
- For two weeks at least it is necessary to refuse fatty and fried, from smoked meats and sausages, mayonnaise and ketchup. And it's not even about gaining excess weight. Itβs just that the body should now direct its forces to recovery, and not to digest heavy and fatty foods.
- Carbonated drinks.
Is it possible to eat chocolate after removing appendicitis, you should consult your doctor. Most likely, he will answer that a small segment of quality chocolate can be eaten per day. But you should not abuse it. Sour-milk products are useful and very necessary, but in the period of postoperative recovery from their use is also better to abstain.
Approximate diet
Starting from the third day after surgery, the patient's nutrition gradually returns to normal. We will give an example of food for a week so that you can focus on it.
- We start the day with a glass of tea and one little cookie. For lunch, a plate of broth and porridge on the water. At noon, fat-free kefir or jelly, and for dinner - porridge on the water. Buckwheat or oatmeal will be an ideal option.
- It is possible to gradually increase the load on the digestive organs. For breakfast, cook porridge without milk and butter and tea with cookies. For lunch, a broth with a small piece of meat and potatoes. Be sure to grind it to a puree condition. For a mid-morning snack jelly, and for dinner any porridge.
- Add 1 boiled egg to the diet. You can put some carrots and potatoes in the broth, and add a piece of boiled fish for dinner.
- Morning porridge can be slightly salted, add it with a slice of a loaf of cheese. Cookies and juice are good for lunch. For lunch, a broth with vegetables, buckwheat with steam patties and stewed fruit. For dinner, a little stewed cabbage and boiled fish.
- From this day, you can add a small piece of butter to the porridge. Make yourself pumpkin porridge.
- If you feel good, you can add dairy products. You can start with a cottage cheese casserole without sour cream.

Diet for children
Appendix can become inflamed at any age. Therefore, such operations in children are not something out of the ordinary. There is no particular difference between the diet during the recovery period in children and adults. Basically, the diet is the same. The only thing is that it is more difficult for children to refuse sweets, which is mandatory. The rest of the recommendations are similar. You canβt eat spicy, starchy, salty. Include in the diet as much as possible fresh vegetables and fruits.
Instead of a conclusion
How much to follow a diet after removal of appendicitis, only the attending physician will say on the basis of individual characteristics and the speed of recovery of the body. Most often, it takes no more than three weeks. The early days require aging and very strict restrictions. Starting from the third day, gradually introduce one product per day into the diet. Listen carefully to the sensations and report your observations to the doctor.
If you feel great, there are no digestive problems, you can increase the amount of food consumed, as well as introduce new foods. As a result, after a couple of weeks you will completely return to your usual diet. Recovery after surgery is pretty fast. The most important thing is to protect the intestines from unnecessary stress. If necessary, doctors will prescribe medications for medical support.