Water is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the human body. It acts as the main component of any biochemical reactions. Only the lazy in our time does not say that it is necessary to drink a lot of water every day. This idea is broadcast in the media, in various articles on health: everywhere they write about the benefits of drinking plain water. However, few will talk about the potential dangers of uncontrolled fluid intake in large quantities. In this article we will consider a lethal dose of water, as well as the main processes that occur in the body during the use of large volumes of fluid, the norm per day for a person and also diseases during which it can be increased.

What is the significance of water in the human body?
Each person has heard about the undoubted necessity and use of water for life. However, not everyone will be able to answer the question of what exactly it is responsible for in the human body and what effect it has on it. So what are the main functions of water?
- She participates in all metabolic reactions and processes, contributes to their acceleration. Thanks to this, nutritionists advise patients seeking to normalize their weight to consume sufficient fluids daily, because even if the deficiency is observed, the rate at which fat cells are eliminated slows down. A lethal dose of water per day is of interest to many.
- It provides blood circulation through the vessels and assists in the transfer of oxygen and other beneficial elements to all tissues and cells. It has been scientifically established that up to eighty-five percent of water is in our blood, and the remaining fifteen occupy red blood cells.
- Helps moisturize joints and protect them from aging and wear. In addition, it is an integral part of articular synovial fluid.
- Water moisturizes oxygen exhaled by humans. This is required for the full perception of air by the alveoli.
- Thanks to water, the regulation of thermal processes in the body is ensured. For example, during overheating, the temperature decreases due to sweating.
- It contributes to the removal of hazardous chemicals and toxins from the human body. Water is also present in feces and urine.
- Takes part in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. This substance is responsible for the normal condition of the skin, its hydration, well-groomed and healthy appearance.
- Is a participant in digestion. Any digestive juices contain water. At the same time, thirst acts as a protective reflex of the human body. Her sensation begins when the indicator of the amount of water drops by five hundred to a thousand milliliters of the established norm. It is in this way that our body strives to prevent dehydration. What is the lethal dose of water? About it further.

How much water per day is a threat?
Is it harmful to consume a lot of water? Is it possible to die from this? Indeed, a person can be fatal if the allowable daily dosage limit is exceeded.
The lethal dose of water for each person is purely individual. If you take the average, then it is from six to seven liters. In relation to children, this figure is two times lower. If such a huge amount of fluid is used, then an enormous load is made on the body, on all its organs and systems. Among the first, kidneys fail, ceasing to cope with an increased dose of water, no longer fulfilling their detoxification function.
A lethal outcome can occur due to acute renal failure or cerebral edema.
The norm of water per day
For a healthy adult, the amount of fluid consumed per day should be determined individually. It is not entirely correct to say that every person needs to drink two liters of water every day. To calculate, you should multiply thirty milliliters by the weight measured in kilograms. For example, a person weighing sixty kilograms will need only eight thousand eight hundred milliliters, with a weight of one hundred kilograms it is required to use three liters of liquid per day. It is not necessary to drink such a volume at a time, but to distribute it evenly throughout the day so as not to get a lethal dose of water at a time.
Nutritionist Recommendations
There is a recommendation of dietitians about the beginning of each day with a glass of plain table water, because it helps to cleanse the stomach of mucus that accumulates in it overnight, as well as the launch of all metabolic and digestive processes in the human body.

Not only a lethal dose of water is dangerous for humans. Particular attention must be paid to water quality. For example, rich in chlorine and nitrates, the crude liquid is harmful and dangerous. For daily use, purified table water is recommended, which can be purchased at the store or purchased from special suppliers.
Mineral water
At the same time, the mineral water, which many love so much, is not suitable for daily use. It is medicinal water due to its specific electrolyte composition and is used according to a schedule prescribed by a doctor. For example, in Borjomi mineral water the composition is alkaline. This mineral water helps with intoxication, poisoning, diabetes mellitus and hyperacid gastritis.
When to drink?
In order not to drink a lethal dose of water, you need to drink it when a person feels thirsty, even while eating, if you really want to. But it is advisable to drink water two and a half hours after eating to complete the digestive process and eliminate dehydration caused by the breakdown of food.
Also, water should be drunk in the morning after sleep to eliminate dehydration caused by prolonged sleep. This rule also applies to the implementation of exercises, training, etc. Thanks to water, a reserve of fluid is used that is used for perspiration.

Drinking water should also be those who are prone to constipation and consume vegetables and fruits in insufficient quantities. Two or three glasses of water immediately after waking up will affect as a good laxative. And remember, a lethal dose of water per day is 6-7 liters. Due to exceeding the norm by 3-4 times, intoxication can occur.
Sweet carbonated drinks should also be replaced with fresh, clean water. It is quite difficult for many people to refuse to drink with food, especially when drinking tea with sweets, pizza and beer, etc. As for coffee and tea, it is also better to replace them with water.
It will be more difficult to refuse to drink for food, we often go together with tea and pancakes, beer and pizza. Regarding tea and coffee, it would also be better to replace them with water, at least their regular consumption. Since caffeine is a diuretic, tea and coffee dehydrate the body. Or make it a rule, if you drink a glass of tea or a cup of coffee, increase the rate of clean water consumed per day by the same capacity.
In what cases can you increase the daily amount of fluid used?
In some conditions and diseases, a person needs to drink more water than usual. This is due to increased fluid loss caused by various factors.
So, to increase the daily intake of water should be in the following cases:

- In acute infectious diseases, accompanied by intoxication and fever.
- With alcohol intoxication or during a hangover.
- With poisoning and intestinal infections, other conditions accompanied by diarrhea.
- During heat and sun exposure. Together with sweat, the body loses a lot of water.
The amount of water needed by a person should not exceed the border allowable. For diseases, poisoning, consult a doctor about drinking regimen. It will help to calculate the daily fluid rate for the patient.
Water when consumed in large doses can be deadly poison to humans. 6-7 liters of fluid taken over one day can cause kidney failure and death. The amount of water needed by a person is calculated individually for each. It may increase slightly with infectious diseases and poisoning.

The lethal dose of hellebore water and ordinary water are two completely different concepts. Hellebore is a poisonous plant. The medicine based on it is intended for external use. But some use it to get rid of alcoholism. It is important to remember that it is fatal for a person to drink 2 g of hellebore water.