When the baby is born, for a young mother, one of the most exciting is the question of how to establish lactation. As soon as a child turns one year old, most mothers ask a completely opposite question: “What should be done to reduce lactation and weaning as soon as possible?” True, there are those who encounter a similar situation only 2-3 years after the birth of the baby. In any case, the question is considered one of the most relevant among mothers.
How is lactation reduced?

Even in the time of Ancient Russia, women thought about how to reduce lactation. And, in fact, the answer to the question of what to do to make breast milk burn out was already known to many women at that time. At that time, all people believed in the power of different rites, one of them helped a woman get rid of breast milk. The woman had to drip breast milk onto the oven, and while it was evaporating, a burnout was taking place. In this case, milk ceases to be excreted from the breast without harm to the mother, this was an old custom.
In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine that a woman, in order to stop lactation, will look for a Russian stove.
Initially, you should understand what is the process of reducing the amount of breast milk excretion. Under natural conditions, lactation decreases on its own, due to a woman's illness, severe nervous shock or stress.
It is worth noting that diseases that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature lead to the fact that breast milk burns out. How to keep lactation at the same time? The answer is simple - do not stop breastfeeding for the duration of the disease. When it is vital for the mother to take medications, the active substances of which are transmitted through breast milk and can harm the baby, then lactation must be stopped.
Preparing to Stop Breastfeeding

What needs to be done to make breast milk burn out? The first thing to do is to set aside time to prepare the body. Among experienced mothers who have already encountered this situation, there is an opinion that it is important to choose the suitable season for this - spring or autumn. This is due to the fact that if you stop breastfeeding at another time, this can adversely affect the baby's immunity. However, there is no scientific confirmation of this fact.
The psychological factor is also of great importance. If a young mother does not know what to do to make breast milk burn out, it is best to seek help from breastfeeding consultants. They will help to properly tune and prepare psychologically for the fact that this process may take some time. The most painless way for a baby and his mother is to refuse first day feeds, then gradually “getting rid” of night ones. If the child is not yet a year old, but he already receives cow’s milk and milk porridge as complementary foods, then at night you can give him milk or a mixture from a bottle. Since babies calm down during sucking, this option may help you for a while.
How to choose the right time of year?
Based on the experience of many mothers, it is best to choose autumn or spring for excommunication. This is due to the fact that during this period, the child’s immunity is most resistant to various diseases. That is, it is believed that in the summer the body receives enough vitamins, and if vegetables and fruits grown on one's own plot are used as complementary foods, then their benefits only increase.
It is also worth paying attention to the emerging habits of the baby. Mom may notice that the baby is no longer so attached to her chest, she can sleep peacefully at night, she perceives food from an adult table (cereals, vegetables, fruit purees, dairy products). This is another signal that it is time to abandon lactation. And the amount of milk released in this case becomes noticeably less than the previous one.
Gradual abandonment of feeding

For those who are just starting to think about the question of how to make breast milk burn out, it is recommended to gradually reduce the amount. Thus, the need for additional breastfeeding in the child will be less. A decrease in the number of applications per day also affects the amount of milk excreted by the female body.
It often happens that by the first year of a child’s life, the mother gradually becomes less milk and the question arises of how to transfer the baby to an artificial mixture or complementary foods. It is recommended to gradually accustom the baby's body to the fact that now he needs less milk.
It is best to wean the child to fall asleep "on the chest", then it will be easier to refuse night feedings. If the baby is still small, then you can use a dummy or a bottle with an anatomical pacifier filled with a mixture or milk.
Drug use

Doctors may recommend special medications to help breast milk burn out. What needs to be done first in this case? Choose the right medications, determine the duration of the course. Hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin are responsible for the production of breast milk by the body. Therefore, for those who are interested in what to do to quickly breast milk burn out, it is recommended to lower their level.
In medical practice, several similar drugs are used, for example Bromocriptine, which consists of the active substances contained in ergot. It stimulates dopamine receptors, which inhibits the synthesis of prolactin. The drug is used strictly on the recommendation of a doctor, as it has side effects that seriously affect cardiac activity. While taking the drug, the accumulated milk must be expressed. It is noted that after a week of taking the pills, breast milk completely burns out. If a woman notices for herself that her condition has worsened, a breakdown has appeared, nausea, sweating, the drug should be stopped.
The same main component is part of another popular drug, Dostinex. It is prescribed by a doctor in order for breast milk to burn out. What to do to a woman who urgently needs to give up lactation? First get permission to use as a medicine, assess the possible risks. Since it acts much faster than the first drug, it is worth considering that after about three hours a woman will notice a lack of milk flow. The effect of admission persists for a month, then you need to consult a doctor for further recommendations. In the case of peptic ulcer, depression, the drug is not recommended.
The forced reason for the cessation of lactation
It often happens that it is important for a woman to urgently stop lactation, and she does not know the methods by which breast milk burns out. How to make sure not to harm yourself or your baby? Best if mom supports lactation for the first six months. At this time, mother's milk is rich in all the necessary vitamins and enzymes to strengthen the body, the population of the children's gastrointestinal tract with beneficial bacteria. After that, you can include an artificial mixture in the diet.
If the child calmly accepts feeding through a bottle, then the first time you can express the accumulated milk and give it instead of the mixture. It is possible to restrain the influx of milk using the method traditionally known to many mothers - pulling the mammary glands with a tight bandage. However, it is better to first coordinate this method with your doctor so as not to damage the skin.
Healing sage

Grandmother's recipes are resorted to when they do not know what can be done to ensure that breast milk is burnt out and not to take hormonal drugs. The easiest and most effective way is herbal medicine or herbal medicine. As the main ingredients, herbs that have similar properties to hormones produced by the female body are suitable.
Very popular infusion of sage. It allows not only to reduce lactation, but also to strengthen the immune system. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of boiling water and add 3 g of dry grass to it. The broth should be infused for half an hour, then it must be divided into three parts and taken throughout the day.
Useful properties of mint
Peppermint is similar in action to sage. During her admission, it is forbidden to put the baby to the breast, as it acts directly on the work of the mammary gland. Mint acts so much that it can harm the work of the heart muscle of the child. You can use a proven folk remedy for breast milk to burn out. What to do with mint? 2 cups boiling water add 2 tbsp. l herbs and leave in order for the infusion to stand. It is recommended to take 2 tbsp. l before meals three times a day.
The advice of experienced mothers and breastfeeding counselors agrees that compresses are equally effective. One of the simplest methods is the cabbage leaf. In order to use it correctly, it is preliminarily recommended to wrinkle the sheet until juice is secreted and attach to each breast. It is proposed to keep such a compress until the leaves completely dry.
Psychological component

The main advice: think in advance about how to properly make breast milk burn out. Because emergency weaning is much more difficult not physically, but psychologically, both for the mother and her baby.
The baby perceives the chest not only as a way to satisfy feelings of thirst and hunger. For him, it is also a connection with his mother, which gives a sense of security, unity. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom him to other methods of sedation in advance. For example, you can simply hug more often, stroke the child on the back while laying down.
How fast does lactation go?
The body of each woman is individual, in some, milk ceases to be excreted almost immediately, while others note that this process was lengthy. It is worth noting that if a woman is in no hurry to refuse breastfeeding, it is recommended that the process be extended for several months, gradually canceling daytime feedings, then morning, evening and, lastly, nightly. Perhaps the order in each case will be different. The most important thing is to take into account the fact that the child may simply not be psychologically ready for weaning.
Tips experienced

If there are questions about what needs to be done to make breast milk burn out, it is best to first learn all the ways in absentia and only then try it on yourself. Breastfeeding consultants agree that the growing baby needs to organize interesting leisure activities that will distract him from thoughts about the need to stick to his chest.
It will be best if instead of the mother to put the child to daytime and evening sleep will be a father or someone from close relatives. Thus, it will be possible to teach him to sleep without having to attach to his chest. At the same time, milk will be released less, since the body will no longer receive a signal about the need for further lactation.