Due to its rich chemical composition, pumpkin seeds can bring great benefits to the human body. Pumpkin is used not only in culinary recipes, but also in the field of alternative medicine for the treatment of many diseases. The seeds of this plant have medicinal qualities. This is explained by the unusual chemical composition of pumpkin seeds. When applying traditional medicine recipes, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this product is absolutely harmless to humans. In powdered form, experts recommend giving pumpkin seeds even to infants.
Mature seeds are allowed to be consumed both fried and raw. However, you should pay attention to the fact that during frying, the chemical composition of pumpkin seeds is no longer the same. Under the influence of heat, a large number of various vitamins are lost. In addition, fats are oxidized in them, and aldehydes harmful to the body are formed. But raw grains are the most useful, since they contain a whole set of healing elements and substances. What is the chemical composition of pumpkin seeds? This and other issues should be addressed in more detail.
Chemical Features
The benefit of this product is explained by the fact that the composition of the seeds contains all the useful elements and substances necessary for the human body. This can be seen in the table of chemical composition of pumpkin seeds, which is presented below.

In addition, pumpkin seeds contain vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, K, D. The chemical composition of the pumpkin seed kernels includes essential oils, various amino acids, resins, pectin, protein compounds, glycosides, alkaloids, and also ash. All these elements are extremely beneficial for the human body.
Calorie content
Pumpkin seeds are considered a very nutritious product. The calorie content of pumpkin seed kernels is 450 kilocalories per 100 g of product. This indicator refers specifically to raw seeds. In a dried form, calorie content is 550 kilocalories, and the calorie content of fried pumpkin seeds is 600 kilocalories. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that fried seeds are much worse absorbed by the human body.
Table chemical composition of pumpkin per 100 g of product
Those people who follow their figure and control the calorie content of eaten foods should familiarize themselves with the table of the chemical composition of the pumpkin.

The benefits of seeds
Raw pumpkin seeds are a very effective anthelmintic product. They are used to treat children and adults with various parasitic infestations. Speaking about the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds for humans, you should pay attention to the fact that with regular use of this product will have a positive effect on brain cells, as well as on the organs of vision. Since the seeds have such a rich composition, as well as high calorie content, it is recommended to use them during exhaustion, with reduced immunity and even with cancer.
A powder is made from seeds, which is used to treat joint diseases. Such a powder is a very effective tool, and also does not have any side effects. Seeds also have a sedative property. For this reason, they are used as a sedative, not only for adults, but also for children. They can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. In addition, pumpkin seeds strengthen the vascular walls, as well as normalize cardiac activity.
Before you use this product in its pure form or apply for traditional medicine recipes, you should familiarize yourself with the energy value, benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds.

The oil, which is made on the basis of this product, is very useful for the skin. If used on a regular basis, the skin becomes supple and supple. Porridge based on pumpkin seeds is considered a very effective tool that is used to heal cuts, wounds and burns. It is also recommended for the treatment of prostatitis, psoriasis, as well as for the purification of the liver and the treatment of periodontal disease.
Benefits for men
The composition of pumpkin seeds contains zinc, which carries a certain value to the male body. Thanks to this component, testosterone levels increase, which is why the male reproductive system is strengthened. With the help of drugs that are made on the basis of raw pumpkin seeds, you can eliminate all the stagnant processes occurring in the pelvic area. It is these processes that are the cause of the development of such a disease as prostatitis.
Speaking about the composition and properties, benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds, you should pay attention to the fact that they positively affect the quality of sperm. Thus, sperm activity is increased. Seeds are useful for those men who are prone to baldness, as they well strengthen the hair roots, and also stimulate their growth.
Benefits for women
Pumpkin seeds for the female body are considered no less useful. Their use eliminates polyps that form in the vagina and uterus. Grains are also recommended during menopause and menstruation. The fact is that this product relieves pain in the lumbar region, the frequency of hot flashes and heat.

Doctors recommend that pregnant women consume seeds during toxicosis and puffiness. During lactation, pumpkin seeds contribute to the production of milk.
This product is also able to improve the condition of the skin and hair, inhibit the aging process, fill the female body with microelements and vitamins, thereby helping to maintain the health and youth of women.
Benefits for children
Pumpkin seeds are very useful for the body of children. Many children use this product with great pleasure as a treat. Pumpkin seeds are considered to be a unique natural means in the fight against worms. The advantage of this tool is that it does not contain toxins, unlike many antiparasitic drugs.
Since seeds include cucurbitin, which is a poison for various parasites, they begin to leave the body. At the same time, the toxin is absolutely harmless to babies. Many nutritionists advise introducing pumpkin seeds into the diet of children from the age of three. The daily rate of this product should be no more than 50 g per day.
Application in cosmetology
Pumpkin seeds are used quite often to rejuvenate the skin, strengthen nails and hair. This product is suitable for any type of skin. Based on it, oil, masks and various creams are made. With the help of such cosmetics, you can get rid of bags under the eyes, fight acne and smooth wrinkles. Porridge made from crushed seeds moisturizes and nourishes the skin, contributing to its regeneration and recovery.

Possible harm
Despite all the above beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds, their excessive use can cause some harm to the human body. The fact is that the composition of this product contains salicylic acid, which can irritate the gastric mucosa, resulting in inflammation. Ultimately, this leads to the development of an ulcer or gastritis.
In addition, the seeds contain zinc, which is considered a toxin. Its excess in the human body negatively affects the work of the brain and lungs. The use of fried seeds in large quantities can contribute to the collection of excess body weight, as well as the deposition of salts in the joints. Such a bad habit can cause some serious diseases of the skeletal system. In some cases, the use of pumpkin seeds in large quantities leads to disability. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that hard husk destroys tooth enamel. In order to avoid this kernel, it is best to take out the seeds from the hands with your hands.
Pumpkin seeds also have some contraindications. They are strictly forbidden to be used by those people who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true for periods of exacerbation of these diseases.

Storage and procurement
Pumpkin seeds should be selected only from ripe fruits. For this, the pumpkin is cut in half, the middle along with the grains is taken out of it. Seeds are freed from the fibers, and then laid out for drying on some flat surface. Ready-made seeds must be stored in a glass container. You can also use paper or fabric pharmacy bags for storage. It is strictly forbidden to store this product in plastic bags.
Despite the fact that pumpkin roasted seeds are much tastier than raw, it is still recommended to use them in dried form.
When buying this product, you need to pay attention to the smell that the seeds emit. As a rule, prel product smells musty. It is strictly forbidden to eat such seeds in food.
During the manufacture of various medicines, pumpkin seeds are used both in peel and in peeled form.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that pumpkin seeds are a unique product that is used in traditional medicine recipes to treat many diseases and ailments. However, before using pumpkin seeds for their intended purpose, it is necessary to familiarize themselves not only with the beneficial properties, but also with the possible harm that they can cause. You should also pay attention to contraindications to the use of this product.