Timely menstruation, taking into account the cycle of a woman, is the main sign of the health of the reproductive system. However, sometimes there may be pain in the lower abdomen and a delay in menstruation, which signals not only about pregnancy, but also about the course of many diseases, pathological disorders in the body.
If such symptoms occur, you should definitely consult a gynecologist for a comprehensive diagnosis and proper treatment. It is important to establish the cause of unpleasant manifestations in a timely manner in order to prevent the development of various pathologies.
Main reasons
The factors that provoke pulling pains in the lower abdomen and a delay in menstruation can be very different. Among the main reasons, in addition to pregnancy, we can distinguish such as:
- hormonal imbalance;
- cyst and neoplasm in the ovaries;
- changing of the climate;
- endometriosis;
- stress;
- the use of medications;
- physical exercise;
- power errors;
- inflammatory processes;
- menopause period.

All these reasons can provoke a delay in menstruation by about 7-10 days, but at the same time, all signs of menstruation are observed.
Pregnancy and Cycle Disorders
If a woman who lives sexually, without using contraceptives, has a delay in her periods, hurts her chest and stretches her stomach, then the first thing she thinks about is pregnancy. To dispel doubts, you need to do a test. If it turned out to be negative, then this is not a reason to completely exclude the likelihood of pregnancy. It is recommended to undergo an additional examination. If for several days the chest hurts, the stomach pulls and the menstrual delay continues, then you need to pass a special hormone test. It will help determine the presence or absence of pregnancy, even at the earliest stages.

If, with a slight delay in menstruation, the stomach hurts and the test is negative, and the test for hormones is positive, then it is important to immediately get an examination by a gynecologist. This may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Usually in this condition, a woman feels bad. She has:
- headache;
- apathy;
- pulls in the lower abdomen;
- dizziness;
- bad mood;
- weakness.
Usually women do not realize the full complexity of the situation and believe that this is a normal condition preceding menstruation. There may be periodically smearing brownish or reddish brown color. If you do not undergo a timely examination and do not take the necessary measures, then there is a high probability of rupture of the fallopian tube and the opening of internal bleeding. In such cases, surgery is required followed by treatment.
A delay of menstruation for 3-4 days is considered normal if there is no soreness and nausea. If the stomach pulls slightly and the mood changes, then this may indicate a premenstrual syndrome.
Inflammatory processes
If a woman has a delayed menstruation along with a negative test and a stomach ache, there is a possibility that this is inflammation. At first, it is impossible to determine for what reason such a violation occurred, you just need to remember that a long complex treatment is required. Among the main inflammatory diseases, it is necessary to distinguish such as:
- vaginitis;
- adnexitis;
- endometritis.
Vaginitis refers to inflammation of the walls of the vagina. In this case, there may be a prolonged delay in menstruation and severe pain in the lower abdomen. Painful manifestations are mainly pulsating in nature, and brownish vaginal discharge may also periodically appear. Pain often radiates to the lumbar region. Sometimes itching of the genitals is felt.
Adnexitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes or appendages. In the presence of such a disease, the stomach pulls very strongly, but no discharge is observed. This disease is dangerous because it is very difficult to recognize, since a woman can simply stop paying attention to the signs in 1-2 weeks, deciding that these are just features of her body.

However, at the same time, the disease will begin to progress more and more and become chronic. If treatment is not done in a timely manner, then the woman may remain infertile.
Pain in the lower abdomen and delayed menstruation can be a sign of endometritis. This is an inflammation of the outer shell of the uterus, in which spotting occurs periodically. During an exacerbation, the stomach hurts much more than usual.
Among the main provoking factors of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to distinguish such as:
- smoking;
- chronic infection
- hypothermia;
- alcohol abuse;
- stresses.
Among other symptoms of inflammation, it is necessary to highlight such as:
- temperature rise;
- painful manifestations;
- menstrual irregularities;
- vaginal discharge;
- soreness during intercourse.
In all these cases, the woman is strongly pulled and sore lower abdomen. The onset of menstruation is delayed by about 5 days. Sometimes you may notice discharge, accompanied by itching of the genital organs. During urination and during sexual intercourse, a woman is usually worried about significant discomfort. Moreover, in some cases, the symptoms can be quite painful.
You can recognize this condition by fever. All this indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body, the provoking factor of which is a sexually transmitted infection. With the transition of the disease into a chronic form, the temperature basically remains within the normal range and health also remains normal.
If treatment is not done in a timely manner, then the inflammatory process spreads to the peritoneum and causes the development of peritonitis. Other possible complications include the risk of an ectopic pregnancy and infertility.
Ovarian dysfunction
Ovarian dysfunction is often the cause of pain in the lower abdomen and delayed menstruation. Symptoms may appear in the presence of another gynecological disease, in particular, such as:
- adnexitis;
- uterine fibroids;
- polycystic ovary.
Endocrine problems, in particular, thyroid disease, can also provoke a violation. With ovarian dysfunction, ovulation is absent, which is why a woman complains of a delay in menstruation, her stomach hurts, she pulls her lower back, and there may also be other symptoms. The disease manifests itself in the form of a lack of menstruation for more than 4-5 months, after which bleeding begins and lasts 7 days. However, more frequent, erratic spotting is possible.
In the presence of ovarian dysfunction, pain in the lower abdomen, as well as discomfort in the lumbar region, can be observed. A disease can cause infertility or make it impossible to bear a child. The disease also threatens the development of mastopathy, uterine fibroids, endometriosis. This may indicate a malignant neoplasm and an ectopic pregnancy.
Pipe adhesions
In the presence of a chronic form of adhesive disease, undesirable symptoms such as delayed menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen are also possible. A negative test, concomitant with these signs, should alert a woman. In addition, there may additionally be constipation. In the same way, latent infections and endometriosis sometimes manifest. Adhesions are very dangerous in that they can lead to infertility over time. The disease is diagnosed during a gynecological examination, taking into account the characteristic complaints of a woman, as well as an anamnesis.
Untimely treatment leads to irregular menstruation, bending the uterus, as well as an ectopic pregnancy.
Pelvic varicose veins
If a woman has a delay of menstruation for a week, a stomach ache and pulls in the perineum, it is necessary to exclude varicose veins of the small pelvis. With such a disease, discomfort after sexual contact may additionally be felt.
Varicose veins have a progressive course. The disease begins to develop even in adolescence and is almost asymptomatic, therefore, it is possible to diagnose changes in the venous system of the small pelvis only by using additional research methods.

With age, painful sensations begin to grow more and more, and they differ in their diversity. There are no specific signs of varicose veins, therefore, if there is such a problem as a delay in menstruation and a stomach ache for a week, it is necessary to undergo examination and treatment.
The disease is chronic in nature, so full recovery is impossible, however, you can achieve a significant improvement in well-being. Therapy must be comprehensive and includes the use of medications and physiotherapy exercises.
Polycystic Ovary
With polycystic, there may be a delay in menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen, and the test is negative. With this disease, small cysts form and grow in the ovaries. As a result, hormonal disorders occur in the body of a woman. The disease can be completely asymptomatic, but sometimes among the main symptoms, gynecologists distinguish delayed menstruation and aching pain in the lower abdomen.
It happens that painful manifestations extend to the pelvic region and lower back. In addition, obesity, as well as increased greasy skin and hair, may join such symptoms. Polycystic ovary can lead to miscarriage, premature birth and infertility.
Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases can provoke a delay in menstruation and severe pain in the lower abdomen, in particular, such as:
- chlamydia
- gonorrhea;
- mycoplasmosis.

They may be accompanied by unusual vaginal discharge, accompanied by genital itching and an unpleasant odor. Similar diseases are completely asymptomatic. To exclude their presence, it is necessary to periodically undergo examination, since sexually transmitted diseases threaten infertility.
Other reasons
Among the causes of delayed menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, menstrual irregularities and the reproductive system are distinguished. Additionally, a symptom such as amenorrhea may occur. This condition is characterized by the fact that menstruation may not appear for up to 6 months, although the syndrome preceding it is observed monthly. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the gynecologist prescribes hormone therapy.
Very strong emotional overstrain can cause pain in the lower abdomen after a long delay in menstruation. This condition significantly affects the quality of life. Severe stress and depression can lead to dangerous problems with the cycle, which will begin much later than expected. The body reacts very sharply to various kinds of emotional overstrain, which can additionally manifest as nausea, dizziness. In this case, you must definitely consult a psychologist, as well as take sedatives. If the cause of the disorder is stress, then after a while this condition will pass on its own.
If, when moving to another area, menstruation is delayed, the lower abdomen and lower back are sore, then this is a consequence that arose as a result of changes in climatic conditions. There are people who are sensitive to weather changes. If a woman made a flight to another climatic zone, this is equivalent to psychological stress and a state of nervousness. However, in some cases, such changes can trigger the appearance of premature menstruation.
The causes of pain in the lower abdomen and delayed menstruation can be in intense physical exertion. This condition is familiar to many women who are actively involved in sports and attend intensive training. Strong mental stress is also similar to a state of stress. It is familiar to all those involved in mental work. Doctors say that work at the limit of its capabilities adversely affects the functioning of the whole organism. A short delay in menstruation and pulling pain in the lower abdomen are often noted in women with poor nutrition and after strict diets. Be sure to visit not only a gynecologist, but also other specialists, as this can be a sign of an internal organ disease.
If there is severe pain in the lower abdomen after a delay in menstruation, then this may be a sign of diseases such as:
- appendicitis;
- cystitis;
- urolithiasis disease;
- salpingitis;
- pathology of the cervix.
Painful sensations can periodically appear and disappear. Severe pain occurs only in exceptional cases. A subsequent delay in menstruation with increased pain may indicate a progression of the pathology.
One of the most complex and dangerous reasons for the fact that there is a delay in menstruation and severely hurts the stomach is uterine fibroids. Benign tumors provoke spasmodic or cutting pain. After some time, prolonged and heavy bleeding, pulling pains in the area of โโthe uterus, and also discharge between menstruation can join. As the nodes increase in size, the pain intensifies significantly.
Often, when a patient has a delay in menstruation, the lower back and abdomen hurts, the diagnosis is made - an ovarian cyst. In this case, the pain is constantly observed and intensifies before the alleged menstruation. With a large cyst, the pain is very sharp, throbbing, increases when jumping and running.
Benign ovarian neoplasms normally pass by themselves, since, in fact, they are simply excessive proliferation of tissue. If this does not happen, then an operation is required. With hemorrhage in the cyst, a hemorrhagic tumor can form. Among the main symptoms is a delay in menstruation and sharp pains in the lower abdomen. The following factors provoke hemorrhage:
- weight lifting;
- sexual intercourse;
- nervous or physical strain.
A common cause of pain is inflammation of the bladder. Disturbance of microflora can be caused by accidental penetration of pathogens into the urethra from the vagina, after which a sluggish inflammatory process escalates. With cystitis, the pain in the lower abdomen is constant, and there are also problems with urination. This condition is accompanied by clouding of urine, frequent urination and a fever.
If there is a delay in menstruation, lower back and stomach pain, and there are also white curdled discharge, then this may be a sign of candidiasis. This disease is provoked by candida fungus. In this case, qualified assistance from a gynecologist is required.
They provoke a delay in menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen on the right of a disease of the intestine and stomach, in particular, such as hernia, the formation of adhesions, colitis, appendicitis. All this can delay the onset of critical days by 3-4 days. That is why, it is necessary to learn to distinguish between the nature of pain. In the conditions referred to, the symptoms are as follows:
- painful manifestations will be cutting, pulling, stitching;
- bloating, constipation or diarrhea;
- can pull the lower back;
- temperature rises.
Oral contraceptives, puberty, menopause can delay the onset of menstruation. When you delay your period, you need to remember that a similar problem occurs after miscarriages, operations on the pelvic organs, and abortion. All this affects the womanโs cycle, and also provokes pain in the lower abdomen, which occurs as a result of uterine contractions.
There is a likelihood of such sensations during pregnancy with detachment of the placenta. Unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by the presence of bloody or brownish discharge, fever, a significant deterioration in well-being. In this case, you must definitely call a doctor, since such a condition is associated with a danger to life.
Abdominal pain in teenage girls
Teenage girls who have not yet had menstruation periodically experience severe cutting pains in the lower abdomen. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is considered to be hymen infection. As a result of this, menstrual blood cannot exit the vagina normally.
If there are painful sensations, and the girl did not have a menstruation up to 16 years old, then she urgently needs to contact a gynecologist. When the cause is indeed the infection of the hymen, the doctor will perform a small operation to dissect the hymen, after which the accumulated blood will exit the genital tract.
Possible complications
Any menstrual irregularities often indicate the development of a serious pathology. If you ignore the deterioration in well-being, this can cause serious and very large complications.
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- temperature rise;
- severe weakness;
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- the presence of pregnancy;
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Only after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor selects a treatment that helps get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
Treatment features
If for a long time there are no periods and pains are observed in the lower abdomen, some women try to self-medicate, taking analgesics and using folk remedies. However, drug therapy is not always required to solve the problem.
If the symptoms and delay are not associated with pregnancy, first of all you need to undergo a comprehensive examination and determine the cause of the violation. A sudden lengthening of the cycle may indicate disturbances in the body. Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to choose the required method of therapy. Hormonal disorders are corrected by taking special medications.

To normalize the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to adjust the diet and lifestyle, namely:
- to refuse from bad habits;
- do not abuse caffeinated drinks;
- normalize diet;
- review the regime of the day and devote more time to rest;
- take walks in nature.
In addition, you should try to avoid conflict situations that can provoke stress, depression and nervous disorders. It is also recommended to play sports, as light physical activity will help normalize well-being.
It is worth remembering that fluctuations in the menstrual cycle are permissible only during menopause and in adolescence, when the processes of ovulation are only getting better or begin to fade. In other cases, a menstrual disorder indicates the presence of pathologies in the body.
Severe abdominal pain is considered a dangerous sign that may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the fetal egg did not attach to the uterus, but began to develop in the fallopian tube. Pain is felt only on one side, in the part where it is located.
It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor in order to avoid negative manifestations, in particular, bleeding that occurs due to rupture of the tube and the onset of inflammatory processes. In this case, you can not do without surgery.
Delayed menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen is a pretty serious reason to worry about your health. In addition, this is accompanied by other unpleasant sensations, in particular, such as nausea, headache, lethargy, as well as a state of depression. To avoid complications, be sure to visit a doctor.