Comparison of internal search for Yandex products (beta)

The ability to embed a search for products (beta) from Yandex appeared in the summer of 2016. There is still little information on the integration of its functionality on a website on the Internet. Correcting ...

Some statistics for a site with a catalog of goods: 78% of site visitors go to the "catalog with goods", 45% of them will use the search by category in the menu, 40% will use the search bar when searching for goods . The statistics are taken from the Yandex metric for the Domostroy hypermarket (23 stores in the Ural Federal District with 35,000 - 40,000 items each, 7 - 8 thousand square meters each). On the same site, I installed and tested the search capabilities from Yandex (beta).

Comparison of Yandex product searches with the most visited home and repair goods stores

In the figure below: Site 1 = with Yandex search (beta) for online stores. Sites 2-9 from the TOP 15 rating of (Topic: building materials and equipment, type: all).


In addition to relevance, the search should not slow down the site loading speed:


You can view the JavaScript code for embedding with an explanation on the site in the catalog .



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