When management wants to implement a monitoring system in its production, each has its own goals. Not everyone knows the capabilities this tool has and use only a small part of its functionality. Consider the main tasks that the customer wants to solve with the help of monitoring.
Monitor staff actions
Alexander Vasilievich - chief engineer at the plant. He is confident that the operators in the workshop do not work much. At the same time, they are very quick-witted and will always come up with their own justification for the reason why the machine was idle. According to Alexander Vasilievich, no less intelligent system should follow such smart workers. This will force operators to work more, which means that productivity and revenue will grow. The main requirements for the system: it should show the actual load of the equipment and fix the causes of downtime. In the future, Alexander Vasilievich wants to integrate such a system with surveillance cameras in order to better monitor the actions of operators.
Alexander Vasilievich will use only 30% of the capabilities of the monitoring system. Operators will be forced to enter the causes of downtime on special terminals. They will be indignant and prove that the system does not work, that the machine began to “slow down”, that they worked without lunch yesterday, and the program showed only 35% of the load. Such a reaction is inevitable, because people do not like it when they are being watched, invade their personal space. They see in the monitoring system a threat and a “big whip” from management. This approach will only slightly increase plant productivity.
Need digitalization
The Deputy General Director heard about the widespread digitalization in production and instructed to introduce “something similar” in his enterprise. Subordinates were given the task of choosing a monitoring system, but they did not ask why . They don’t understand what problems the new program should solve, therefore they choose according to the principle “more functions, less cost”.
The monitoring system, which will eventually be implemented at the enterprise, will be the best in terms of price / quality ratio, but will not solve the problems in production. The system must be chosen not just “to be”, but to solve specific problems.
Repeat someone else's success story
The management of the plant visited an industrial exhibition. They listened to the report of the enterprise, which increased profit by 50% through the use of a monitoring system. The plant management also wants to increase profits and therefore buys the same system.
There is no guarantee that the implemented program will increase the plant’s income. An enterprise that succeeded through monitoring resolved its specific problems. If the scope of the plant and the problems that need to be solved coincide, then one can repeat the success of others. But even with this similarity, many factors can affect the result: the type and amount of equipment, the interest of the staff, the resources to deal with “bottlenecks” and so on.
Find and eliminate “bottlenecks” in production
Igor Sergeevich production manager. He tried to increase the loading time of the machines, but this did not give the expected results. Igor Sergeyevich wants to see how the equipment actually works and where the bottlenecks are. He implements a monitoring system and monitors how many machines work in different modes, how the load changes, how the tool is used, how well the control program is written.
For Igor Sergeyevich, a monitoring system is a tool that shows the capabilities of equipment. It makes it clear where you need to increase the load, where to change the tool, and where in general to completely review the technology. In addition to CNC machines, Igor Sergeyevich wants to monitor the operation of furnaces and welding robots, which also influenced the choice of system.
To maximize the effect, you need to consciously approach the choice of a monitoring system. Identify problem areas and the ultimate goal. When choosing a monitoring system, Winnum recommends taking into account a number of factors:
- type of equipment to be connected;
- the ability to integrate with ERP, MES and other systems that are already used in the enterprise;
- parameters received from the equipment;
- scalability of the system (in case there is a need to receive data from different branches).
Digitalization works when cooperation within the company is established and everyone is interested in growth and development. Otherwise, it will be another innovation that they introduced, played around and forgot. Digitalize wisely.