TechnoText is a large and inspiring project of the Habra content studio, which was born last year. We wanted to find the best authors and help them meet with the audience. Already the first competition has shown that this is cool and we must continue - because the authors, like any creators, need recognition. In 2019, "TechnoText" was much more cheerful and fun than in the past - you sent more than 200 (!) Articles on the topic of technology and everything that is close to the heart of a true habrovets: programming, information security, administration, DIY and other things. Thank you for your participation, all are well done. This, of course, is not the limit, and next year we will expect even more activity and interest in promoting technologies to the masses.
The Habraseminar is held with the support of Friend.Work Recruiter and XOR services, in partnership with Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing House and the Borjomi brand. There are only a few days left until the winners are awarded, on November 28th in the Loft “Wednesday” we will present the authors with prizes from the content studio and from our partners, who have established several nominations at once:
- The best expertise - Ontico conferences are responsible for this nomination;
- Information Security - nomination from Sberbank ;
- Programming - here the winner is chosen with the support of Avito ;
- Just about the difficult - a nomination from Yandex.Practicum ;
- Popular science - Yandex.Zen is looking for winners in this nomination;
- System administration - nomination supported by RUVDS .
And these are not all the “goodies” that await our authors. At the seminar, specifically for them, the “Warm, Lamp Habr” zone will operate - a creative space for communication, relaxation and development of abilities. The zone will host a workshop from the “Cut Yes Glue” collage society on creating cool images for articles. Want to join the workshop - come for you to act promo code discount on full-time participation habrapost.
We are waiting for the decisions of the jury and a little distract them from work. Texts are estimated by representatives of Habr and invited experts:

To understand why more technical texts are needed, we talked with the jury, sponsors and a content studio and asked why this world needs authors such as on Habré.
What forms of sharing are best suited for techies by expertise? Which ones are right for you and why?

It’s important for techies to get relevant information. Stack Overflow, Github, blogs, articles, documentation help. Ancient mailing lists begin to migrate to instant messengers, and instant messengers can be used. For a systematic study of something completely unfamiliar - books, courses. Personal one-on-one communication or at conferences can work, but it scales very poorly.
I rarely use books and courses, because I have been working in the same field for a long time, the base has already been formed. I constantly read periodicals in the form of blogs and articles. For the task I’m looking for the missing information in any available channel, whether it be Stack Overflow or personal communication with a specific professional.

The techies have several features: for example, they do not realize that not all people are knowledgeable in technology, technology, just like them. Therefore, it is difficult for them to share developments - they do not know how and do not like to write, therefore they like to tell and show.
In addition, they have professional slang, which depends on the type of activity and this also makes communication difficult. An ordinary person very rarely reads scientific articles, because often it is boring, but the techie himself cannot write popular science articles, for this he needs a journalist-translator.
It seems to me that the most acceptable way to share is video blogs where they can talk about their latest products. But since techies are modest and non-public guys, this format is also not easy.

We share the expertise that we have gained during the existence of the content studio. For example, we conduct webinars for employees of those companies that want to blog on Habr on their own.
Three more times a year, the content studio holds its own events, which share experiences and practices. This is the conference "Contending" and Habraseminars. Just on November 28th we will reward the winners of the TechnoText contest at such a seminar dedicated to the HR brand. TechnoText itself is also a means of motivation, contests always stimulate creative activity and help authors to realize their full potential.
We are used to working with content from several sides at once. Firstly, we work for clients, that is, for companies that blog on Habré or come for native projects. We have more than 300 company blogs, and we are helping everyone to solve tactical and strategic tasks on Habré. Most often, we are contacted when we need to solve problems related to image, HR and sales. Secondly, we separately develop native projects that will not look like advertising, will be useful to readers and at the same time fulfill the task set by the client. Here we work also for the end user, that is, for the Habr user.
Editors-producers work for us, who not only know the actual editorial work, but also understand what decisions the business requires of them. And they know how to work with high-tech business and advanced IT-audience.

Surprisingly, techies are people too. Among them, in the same way there are those who better perceive information by ear, who like to read, and those who do not touch it with their own hands, do not believe it. It would be more logical to talk about a format of knowledge that is more interesting to techies. And here, it seems to me, everything is obvious: the more specifics, the better. The closer the examination to real practical application, the sooner they will pay attention to it and perceive it.
What are the features of communication with techies?

In fact, the learning feature is simple — technicians often only listen to techies and better perceive information from more authoritative and intelligent people than themselves. Therefore, teachers must be at a high level and know how technology is developing today. At our university, many department heads are the chief designers and managers of enterprises. It is they who practice the subject in practice and can share information with the guys not from textbooks, but from their experience.
When students work side by side on one task or think together on each other's task. If a decision is born jointly and in deed, knowledge is best transmitted.
As we know, techies are introverts, and they have to overcome their sociopathic barrier. How is it done in Baumanka?
It seems to me that these are established stereotypes. In fact, people are completely different, including techies. They are funny, talented, socially active. We have large student organizations: the Student Council, the Trade Union, the Palace of Culture with various collectives. The children themselves write poetry, have their own musical groups, go to all-Russian events and represent the university there.
Each academic year we start with a camp for 1,500 people, which is done by students for freshmen. In 4 days, they all get to know each other, make first university friends and return to Moscow with completely different guys.
This is a very strong and real friendship. Tech guys are very demanding, not only in the knowledge that they are given, but also in relationships. If they are sincere, then this is usually forever. For those who have studied at the MSTU, a Bauman is for life. It doesn’t matter how many generations separate you, you always get special attention, care for each other is shown. Therefore, we somehow do not have sociopathy.

In dealing with techies, it is foolish to hope that they are satisfied with superficial information or that they will not indicate a poor understanding of the topic. When you want to convey something to techies, be prepared to answer for every word.

Technicians are meticulous - they catch all the details, delve into all the little things, check, compare, analyze. You always need to be on their guard with them: check and double-check information, follow the logic, structure. If you deliberately kept silent about something, be sure they will notice and remember. At the same time, they willingly give advice and share expertise if they see that it is necessary.
What qualities are needed by a technology promoter?

In addition to the obvious oratory skills and the ability to make good presentations, I would note the following three qualities: deep technical knowledge in my field, the ability to honestly answer uncomfortable questions, patience for a constant long stay in the information field. It is important for the technical popularizer to be accessible to the audience not only during the performance on stage.
Technoevangelist - what does he mean for the team?
I did not have to deal with techno-evangelists in their pure form. The visionaries were. More often as a role, not a position. Chaos under the supervision of a visionary should not appear. The visionary reduces the field of uncertainty, turning it into a corridor with outlined boundaries, sets landmarks that are worth moving to. I suggest that the technoevangelist may also be useful in narrowing the search field.

1. Obviously, truly love technology.
2. Do not set yourself a framework beyond which it will then be difficult to go beyond — that is, give yourself the right to try new things and sometimes change your mind.
3. Still, of course, you need to be a good storyteller, able to interest the audience. Charisma and live serving are given to some by nature, but if you don’t have them at the start, you can just practice every day - then a skill will appear.

Be able to speak the “human” language and remember who you write articles for. At the same time, be able to communicate in professional slang, be able to translate from one to another so that it is exciting, and most importantly - reliably.
It is still very important to have not only competencies in a narrow sphere, but also a broad technical, professional, life horizons. A techie should be like a fish in water in order to answer any question not only specifically about development, but also about its analogues, future prospects, etc.
How does science help students develop soft skills?
Scientific research is like traveling. And there must be a team in it that goes with you. There must be a captain, that is, a leader who will take control. Technological discoveries are not made by one person in libraries, so it is imperative to develop multifaceted: professional skills, leadership skills, presentation skills, etc.

It seems to me, and it is precisely this approach that we are trying to adhere to in the programs of our conferences, which is most interesting to learn about technology first hand. That is, ideally, the developer of the technology and its popularizer is one and the same person. The example of Konstantin Osipov or Aleksei Milovidov shows how inspired is the one who talks about his brainchild. And the showman’s skills are not at all the main ones.
A good speaker talks about his unique experience so that the listener can apply it in his work. She is not afraid to talk about mistakes and shares answers to the questions “why” and “how”. And yes, it’s great when he knows how to stay on stage and deliver information, but with this we have learned to help effectively.

Since we are now talking about digital media, the author must be multifunctional. He writes the text himself, searches for the invoice, creates visual design, adds multimedia formats to the text. Therefore, the ability to work with a complex multimedia media environment is the same requirement for a technical author as literacy and savvy in the topic that he writes about.
The best author for the company is an expert who thoroughly understands the issue, but also knows how to submit material. Finding such an author “on the side” is extremely difficult. You can, for example, contact our content studio :)
Another option is to grow such writing experts within the company. This is a long journey that will require considerable effort. In particular, it will be necessary to learn how to motivate authors, to form writing skills with them, to learn how to build a strategy for the company's content marketing. But we are ready to help companies at the same seminars and webinars.
How to write a good article: not too complicated, not too simple?

The main thing is to focus on the audience and existing material. It’s better not to write about something that already has good material, enough links. The simplest articles are read by the largest audience. If you need mass, it is worth taking the simplest of previously unrevealed topics. An exception is if existing material is poorly served. You can describe the same in an accessible way by adding value.

There is no water in a good text. If there are no facts in the text, you cannot hide this hole behind a bunch of unnecessary words. And if there are facts, fresh thoughts, discoveries and benefits for the reader, then half the work, consider it done. It remains only not to overfill - you need to think about the reader, and not about yourself.
I think editorial texts are, on average, a little better in terms of little things. Usually they are read, typography corrected with punctuation, illustrations are selected. Such texts are easier to read: do not stumble on double spaces, inconsistencies, commas, and everything is clearly divided into paragraphs and chapters. Therefore, if an independent author has a partner who can be asked to read the material before publication, I advise you to do so. A fresh look at the text, which the author has already become familiar with, is always good.
How many articles do you need to write to feel like a good author?
It may seem cunning, but I sincerely believe that a truly good author will not say this out loud about himself. The first fee for the text I received 17 years ago, and so far it seems to me that after each new material, it can be much better. But this does not mean, of course, that it is not necessary to continue. Repetition is the only thing that personally gives me confidence. But if someone voluntarily says that you are well done, thank - most likely, there is something in your texts.

The problem of many texts is a very complicated presentation. The result is a cool examination in a 10-layer wrapper, which is very difficult to read and perceive. In order to fix this, there is a proven life hack: try to imagine that you are telling a friend about it at dinner. Or on the sidelines of a coffee break. “Look, there is such a story ...” If it’s hard to imagine, speak a voice recorder, listen and record. This will help to remove the complexity of the presentation, make the text understandable, and the article easy and beautiful.
How does the promotion of technology help market development?

Since I work at a technical university, I see that the development of technology directly affects education. The more confidence people have in the technological development of the country, the more they see examples, the more the public is interested in developments in Russia, the more they want to be part of this process and contribute. We see it very well.
Two years ago there was great interest in space issues: various films were published, many articles were published, they spoke about our cosmonauts again and again, in the USA this topic was also heated up. This year we had a boom in the popularity of space specialties, the competition and the passing score increased significantly.

When we talk about any content that comes from a business, we talk about content marketing. While this is a relatively new tool on the market, few are able to work with it, and the lack of skills negatively affects the results. Therefore, such questions arise: why should businesses popularize technology.
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