I warn you that after reading you can be disappointed in your own working conditions, but also take a guide to "make the conditions in your department / company better."

The start of employment begins ... with an interview! Previously, it is telephone.
If you have passed the telephone test, then you will be invited to an interview in the office. And here the fun begins - they will talk with you for about 7 hours (!). Different experts interview, each has his own time. As for professionalism - there you should know everything, even if you will never work with it.
After the interview, if you passed it, you find yourself in the cherished dream job (yes, it’s a dream), because the working conditions for the "lazy" are impressive:
- Service comfortable buses deliver employees to the office from the entire metropolitan area. They have wi-fi, you can work already on the way to work or from work, this is part of the working time. Office computers are equipped with a protective film on the screen, which allows you to protect information from those sitting on the side.
- Employee desks are the most modern - with electric drives and brackets, if you want to work while sitting, and if you want - while standing. It is very comfortable. For comparison, in Belarus, as far as I learned on my return, the production and sale of such tables just started when this topic was already there for a long time, and we have only one (!) Ofiston store.
- Nutrition of employees at the expense of the company (three meals a day). There are dining rooms across the territory that offer a variety of cuisines - Chinese, Indian, American, street food, etc. It works on the principle of self-service (kitchens, cooking look like in Minsk Lido; I give examples of Belarusian companies, because it is forbidden to take pictures inside the office) - I came, chose, threw what my heart desires on a tray and ate, only for free. All conditions have been made so that employees work at a convenient working time for them. By the way, in the dining rooms guests can also have lunch (on the pass) - it was very tasty.

- Unnecessary equipment is put into separate boxes where any employee can take it. But the equipment, which has not yet been released, goes only for recycling - there is a specially allocated room with separate access.
- In the offices of the company there are glass boxes on the walls for first aid. There are specially trained people - these are their employees who have undergone additional training.
- It is not necessary to be physically at work every day, the main thing is to hand over the work by the deadline. Well, be sure to attend the rallies. But in fact it’s more convenient to go to work, because there are all conditions for comfortable work.

- Company’s official smartphones cannot be taken on vacation because of a possible customs inspection (customs in the states has the right to inspect all information on a smartphone), and there may be new confidential developments. For these cases, you can rent a regular smartphone from the company.
- The office has comfortable places where you can sleep (nap) if necessary.
- Free cookies, sweets, fruits, soda and other snacks - this will not surprise anyone.
- Every year on Thanksgiving, families of employees are invited to the turkey, everyone gathers in the dining rooms. The turkey is handed out by senior managers, accompanying the issuance of a couple of friendly words like “thank you for work” and wishes to the family.
- Health insurance for employees and their families, including dentistry.
- The territory is freely accessible for employees: soccer field (mini), tennis court, gyms, dining rooms, snack bars, mini golf, basketball hoop, long cycling path along the reservoir. Separate parking for pregnant women closer to the entrance of the office. Around benches in greenery, where you can relax and gather your thoughts.
(in the photo, in addition to benches, the very first android)

- There are trailers on the territory - a hairdresser, snacks. The hairdresser is already for the money.
- Charging for electric cars in the parking lot at the office is free for employees.
- The company plans to build housing for employees for resettlement. This will reduce traffic on the roads (though very significantly), as well as for the comfort of their people.
- Discounts for employees at some museums and some events.
Future Custom Design Office:

Conditions (buns) are undoubtedly superb. But then after six months, the first audit of the work of employees begins. If a person works poorly, falls behind the plan, etc., then they tell him
about this and ask how to help, give another job, help. And according to the results, after another six months, they either leave or dismiss.
Once a year, salaries are reviewed: if it worked very poorly, then they are dismissed, if the work is mediocre, then a salary increase of about 3% is a pure repayment of inflation. And further from 5%. Previously, each employee prepares a report for the year - what he did good and useful. Reports are submitted to the manager. Further, the issue is decided by a commission of senior managers.
In addition to raising the salary, it can be Google’s type C shares (type C does not pay dividends, but they can be sold, usually the company buys it, the price of the shares is set by the market).
Also, according to the results for the year, it can be rewarding in the form of Google technology as bonuses or paying an annual bonus.
The levels of professionalism of employees go separately, there is a gradation. Raising the level is the hardest. For each of them there is a job description. To improve your level, you need to do the work of the next level. And then you write a report on your work in agreement with the manager for the level review commission.
Organization and working conditions are some of the best that I have met, you can take an example (my subjective opinion). Maybe someone has their own examples of organization or comfortable conditions in offices, share in the comments, it is interesting to know.
P.S. for tourists:
In the offices there are parks with androids.

There are company bicycles with which you can get to the necessary office - on the basis of pick up, drove, left. He left the office, looked where there is one left, and drove further through the territory.

There is also a Google gift shop on site.