Free English now is a must have for a self-respecting programmer, and that is why today I open a beta test recording of the Devdiction application - an application for teaching English based on checking daily stand-ups with recruiting functionality.
How it works?
- After a hard day, the developer opens the application and dictates to the best of his ability and within the NDA what he has done for today and what he plans for tomorrow.
For example, “Yesterday I had set up google scheduler to start cloud function that switch off staging environments when it's not work. also fixed connection between staging API and cloud SQL server. I will fix onboarding bugs, especially app crash when hitting button. " Audio recording goes to the admin panel Devdiction. - From our side, audio recording goes through two stages of processing.
- A person with knowledge of the specifics of the development turns the audio recording into text, corrects the grammar, adds the correct terminology if necessary. Additionally, it can give recommendations on pronunciation and on what is worth saying at the stand-up. For example, “Yesterday I set up Google Cloud Scheduler to trigger the cloud function, which scales down staging instances outside of working hours. Today I will continue fixing the onboarding flow bugs. "I will try to fix the bug that causes the application to crash when the user clicks on the submit button multiple times."
- The native speaker (or at first I, I have good English) double-checks the grammar, speech errors and reads the text.
- After processing by morning, a new audio recording with decryption is delivered to the user’s application. It is recommended to listen to the audio recording and repeat it behind the speaker.
- Application users will also be able to optionally use the recruiting functionality of the platform. With the consent of the user, recruiters and hiring managers will be able to view and listen to developers' stands. So you can find out what the developer really did day after day - picking his nose with his finger and fixing ancient bugs, or really taking an active part in the project and implemented key functionality.
You can sign up for a beta test using the link to the Google form .
I didn’t have the karma to add a post to “I’m PR”, maybe there is a place for him, I apologize to the moderators.
Invitations will be sent from December 25, 2019.