Like the phenomenal distribution around the world of the film of the same name this year with the title role of Joaquin Phoenix, the Java conference, held in the vast expoforum of Expoforum, was also very successful - it overcame a record mark of 2,000 people (in the comments you can specify how many people were exactly).
In addition to four halls of different capacities, in which reports of parallel tracks were read, there was an exhibition area with company stands, Demo Stages for mini-presentations from companies and communities, Lightning talks (mini-presentations from conference participants), BOF sessions, and much more.

Exhibition area
A huge spacious hall with stands conveniently placed on it allowed participants to communicate comfortably with both company representatives and with each other, sitting comfortably on ottomans.

The stands of Sberbank companies (with the Java Cafe coffee shop and the opportunity to take part in the quiz, play games and get prizes), BellSoft (with the Guardians of the Enterprise superheroes) and DMK Press publishing house (you could look through and purchase books).

Java User Groups booth
A good tradition was continued, which began at the end of August at the TechTrain 2019 IT festival , with the organization of a joint stand of Java communities. As you can see, the stand was again attended by leaders and active participants in the Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk communities: Andrey Kogun, Ivan Uglyansky, Vladimir Sitnikov, Ivan Ponomarev and others.

The stand served as a point of communication for old community members, speakers and just conference participants passing by. It was very convenient to use the stand as a venue for meetings between reports for communication and exchange of impressions. The photos below show Andrei Kogun (finally saw his famous T-shirt “The Same Kogun”) with Alexei Ragozin and Andrey Ershov.

Unlike TechTrain 2019 , we did not give away prizes, but prepared an update for the Guess the Speaker game. The game is still available on jugspeakers.online . The repository with the code for the joint development application is now on GitHub here (feel free to put "stars", the authors will be pleased). The following functional changes were made to the program:
- improved quality of many photos;
- “Guess Speaker Report” and “Guess Speaker Report” modes have been added;
- When the application starts, the nearest or passing JUG Ru Group conference is automatically selected.
For the existing modes “guess the name by photo” and “guess the photo by name” (they were described in detail earlier ), there is full information (photos and names of speakers) for all JUG Ru Group conferences of all years up to and including DevOops 2019 . For the new modes, “guess the speaker report” and “guess the speaker report”, there is information so far only on the conferences JPoint 2019 , Joker 2019 and DevOops 2019 . It is planned to implement automatic or semi-automatic replenishment of the question base with the same information that is now used to display on conference sites.

Demo stage
It was also very useful to spend time between reports, going to one of the Demo Stage at the right time to listen to mini-reports. The following photos show Alexei Fedorov and Vladimir Krasilshchik who talked about the infrastructure of the systems used by the JUG Ru Group to store information for conferences, and the new Personal Account project.

Another useful information obtained at the mini-reports was the story of Oleg Nenashev about the Dependabot service. I listened enthusiastically to the listeners, for which many thanks to him, IvanPonomarev (he also went to Oleg’s report the next day, where Oleg also mentioned this service). Dependabot automates updating dependency versions in applications by creating pull requests ( PR ) in your repositories. Necessary steps for this:
- add your repositories to the service;
- sequentially deal with the created PRs service;
- if you wish, add a service status badge to the
file (see link for badge here ).
Excited, we added to Dependabot both our personal repositories on GitHub and the general repository .
Alexei Fedorov and Andrei Dmitriev open the conference. Full hall at the opening of the conference. Andrey Kogun and Vladimir Sitnikov talk about the conference program, drawing the attention of the participants to the available types of reports.

First day
Juergen Hoeller and Josh Long in their report Reactive Spring revisited talked about the reactive capabilities that appeared in versions of Spring Framework 5.2 and Spring Boot 2.2. It was helpful to get comprehensive information from the source, as Juergen Hoeller is the co-founder and leader of the Spring Framework project, and Josh Long is the developer advocate at Pivotal . Speakers of completely different temperament successfully complemented each other in the narrative.

A very impressive report by Alexey Andreev , named by him TeaVM: Difficulties in translating from Java to JavaScript , about the AOT compiler of Java bytecode in JavaScript . The general information about the project was given and many technical difficulties that were encountered during implementation with ways to overcome them were listed. On Habré there are a couple of articles of the author about his brainchild. The importance and relevance of the project is also evidenced by the article on TeaVM in the latest issue of Java Magazine .

I listened with interest to another report by Juergen Hoeller that day , now with an emphasis only on the Spring Framework - Spring Framework 5.2: Core container revisited . In addition to the reactive capabilities that were described earlier, information was presented about many other things: changes in the API, performance improvements, integration with GraalVM , additional support for the Kotlin language.

The last report of the first day was DevOps for developers (or against them ?!) from Baruch Sadogursky . The report turned out to be very provocative and greatly stirred up the participants of the conference who were already slightly tired by the evening. As always, Baruch was in shock and just gushing with energy.

Bof sessions
The final chord of the first half of the conference was thematic BOF- sessions. The photo shows three sessions of four: “Performance: Does business care?” (Cliff Click participants, Sergey Kuksenko, Cay Horstmann and moderator Ivan Krylov are visible), “Horror stories” (with Nikita Salnikov-Tarnovsky and Gleb Smirnov as moderators) and “Is there life after Senior?” (moderator Andrey Kogun). Behind the scenes was the session “The best microservice framework” (with moderators Dmitry Alexandrov and Yuri Artamonov).

Second day
Evgeny Borisov and Kirill Tolkachev with their report Spring Reactive Ripper continued the theme of reactivity in Spring , which began at the conference the previous day with a report Reactive Spring revisited . The report was an updated version of their own Reactive or non-reactive, that’s the question from the April JPoint 2019 conference, but taking into account the changes that occurred in connection with the release of Spring Framework 5.2 and Spring Boot 2.2 . It turned out to be useful and interesting to look at both, differences in the material, as at the beginning and the speakers reported, turned out to be about 30%.

Tagir Valeev took a unique approach in his Java 9-14 report : Small optimizations , focusing the attention of listeners on lesser-known performance improvements in the latest versions of Java , which remained in the shadow of louder and more widely known features. Improvements have touched strings, collections, and numbers. A detailed exposition supported by examples, I hope, did not leave anyone indifferent in the audience indifferent.

Testcontainers report : A year later - Sergey Egorov ’s story about the events that have occurred over the past year in the Testcontainers project (an example of its use here ), in which Sergey is one of the two main developers . The story of the events was preceded by a brief digression of the causes and history of the project. Especially interesting and important was the announcement of the planned future development.

The long-awaited return of Sergey Kuksenko with a report. Do Java need inline types? Narrow look at performance engineer at Valhalla project at JUG Ru Group conference as speaker! I always try to get to Sergey's reports with their presence in the conference program. The story was about a very important part of Valhalla's experimental project - “inline types” (previously called “value types”), which, though not soon, will appear in the Java language , significantly affecting application performance. The brilliant report corresponding to the subject of the report t-shirt also impressed everyone.

Stephen Chin with the report Decrypting tech hype for the busy coder concluded the conference. Stephen Chin ("SteveOnJava") is a legendary person, who I personally associate primarily with the NightHacking project. Steve recently left Oracle and became Baruch Sadogursky’s colleague at JFrog (which later also appeared on the scene). The lightness of the report ("about ... blockchain, chatbots, serverless, CD pipelines, AI, and machine learning") may have been quite appropriate since it was the last.

Andrei Dmitriev closed the conference, traditionally inviting members of the program committee, the JUG Ru Group team and speakers to the stage.

In the end, you can once again scroll through the tweets with the hashtag #jokerconf and sadly sigh that the conference ended so quickly. See you at JPoint 2020 !
Please share your impressions of the conference in the comments: what reports were visited and liked or disliked, videos of whatever reports were recommended to be watched in the first place - anything you find interesting addition to this review.
On May 15-16, 2020, Moscow will host a conference for JPoint 2020 Java developers, for which applications for reports are already open and tickets can already be bought .