This year ZeroNights will be held on November 12 and 13 in St. Petersburg at Club A2 (3 Medikov Ave.).
The conference will discuss the security of various devices, cryptography problems, vulnerabilities in the popular DICOM software, IoT hacking, attacks on Java mechanisms, PHP security problems and much more.
This year, two key speakers will perform on the main ZeroNights stage. Alexander Matrosov will open the first day of the event - November 12. Matt Suishe will perform at the beginning of the second day of ZeroNights - November 13th.
About Key Speakers
Alexander Matrosov is a leading IS researcher at NVIDIA with 20 years of experience in reverse engineering, in-depth analysis of malicious software, firmware security and operating techniques. Alexander will make a presentation on platform security imperfections and talk about the complexity and security risks posed to the hardware vendor by outsourced development in the report "Hardware Security is Hard: how hardware boundaries define platform security".
The second keynote speaker at ZeroNights 2019 is Matt Swish , the founder of OPCDE and Comae Technologies, a startup specializing in memory analysis. Matt will give a talk, “From Memory Forensics to Cloud Memory Analysis”, and discuss how memory integrity can be used as a more reliable alternative to plaintext logs.
About the program
The full program, with a list of reports, their duration and schedule can be found on the conference website.
The conference will feature special tracks.
On the first day, participants can take part in the Defensive Track. On the track there will be reports for those who are more interested in practical information security.
Web Village is a place to talk about attacks, vulnerabilities, security bypasses, new tools, and the Bug Bounty program.
Participants will also be able to visit the Hardware Zone to breathe in a pair of rosin and discuss the development prospects of the latest technologies.
About contests
Competitions from partners and friendly communities will also be held at ZeroNights 2019, including the RBK.Money Hack Quest competition in practical computer security, the task of which is to find vulnerabilities in machines and services; and the competition from Sberbank Cyber Security - for those who want to feel like employees of the information security division, to investigate several serious attacks on the organization.
ZeroNights 2019 is running out of time, buy tickets online!