If you look globally, then the programmer’s admin area and manager’s admin area should be 2 completely different admin areas. But they are too lazy to share / accompany everything, and so I want to harness in a sleigh and a crocodile, and a trembling doe. Therefore, in Bitrix we have a hybrid that is inconvenient for both working classes. As well as in other site admin areas.
The hanger with which the drama theater begins is the installation of mbstring.func_overload = 2 and mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8 when installing the platform on the hosting. Other CMS-ki somehow put without it. And Russian characters store-display. But Bitrix is some kind of special. I have Open Server for local work, so then I have to remove mbstring.func_overload, since MySQLAdmin does not plow with this option. And Bitrix, which is characteristic further without this option, somehow copes.
Why in the platform settings it is impossible to put down the working session time for individual user groups for administration? Some unsolvable problem? Here you need to run the php script in the "PHP Command Line" section and while it is running, it disconnects you. And the content managers, by the way, the admin also throws out and again they need to look for the element that they ruled.
And where is the normal color markup for PHP, HTML, CSS code? You have a file manager and a code editor in Bitrix, so please. And why does the script run for a long, long time in your PHP command line, and if you format it in a separate file (add a header with a footer) and open it through a browser, then quickly?
What about the "mummification" of HTML, JS, and CSS at the platform level? Line breaks there bang on the fly, comments again. So that I put a checkmark in the settings and the browser received all the compressed. And then you have a tick in the settings is full, but this one of them is not needed. Now for this you have to buy 2 modules, but almost everyone needs this business.
I’m not just throwing humus on a fan, I’m just fed up with such a disregard for users and customers. Who paid the money. Monopolists for more or less worked out unloading of goods from 1C. And here are questions for your co-owners. Why do we and you need a button in 1C "Force upload pictures." Can't you fill them in the first time? 1C-ka completely steers the process when it unloads goods. The file was uploaded, the size was checked, it did not match - repeat until blue in the face or complete the procedure, or as children, honestly. The button was washed down.
And these are Bitrix partners who sell their modules in the marketplace. I needed the site of the management company. For the lack of alternatives, you have to take the finished product on the Bitrix platform - 1C: Housing and communal services site from the Rarus company. Circulation solutions. Duck there in the discussions is a groan and a gnashing of teeth. And instead of completing the product, reporting to the client, the developer’s representatives write “Let's continue the discussion by e-mail”. This is not to make their jambs public, and at the same time cut down from the sufferer additional money for individual revision. While the product is single, it is sold in different, stripped-down versions. And if the number of installations is multiplied by the cost of the piece, yes for each version. Well, halved for fidelity, you still get tens of millions of rubles. For this idle functionality of 2013 by age. For this design without a designer. Those who sculpt such modules should go and look at any popular template for Wordpress, bucks for 30. And compare with their crafts, which are more than an order of magnitude more expensive.
And Bitrix in shares with the sales of modules. And at the same time, they additionally buy the platform. It is necessary to demand compliance with the quality standards of code and design from partners. But first, match yourself. Where is the mobile adaptation of the admin panel for mobile devices? A mobile application is good, but you need to adapt the site admin panel for smartphones. And then do not go into the application with the non-updated module Online Store. And he doesn’t write anything when trying to enter your app, doesn’t let him in silently.
Users are like children - you, releasing a software product for mass consumption, are responsible for them. And producing what you are doing, you have been mocking people for days and nights for many years, raping their brain in a perverted form.
And discounts when you ask specific products. Why only a range of identifiers can be set, but it is not possible to set a specific identifier for a product. I came with a discount to put it, why should I insert it 2 times in 2 input fields. You steal these microseconds from me, and at the global level you are eating the time of the users of your admin areas. And the nerves. Your developers need to be planted for a week to slaughter goods and in general content. I am sure that in a day they will offer a lot of improvements. Well, at least from fresh they made AJAX-loading of goods when searching the catalog. This, if I’m not mistaken, is this year, but where have you been before? Have you heard about the autocomplete? I’ll tell you - this is when you type something in the search line and a list of ready-made options pops up under it - to rr-r-times, and go where you need to. Also, by the way AJAX, since you started to master it.
And the optimization of images at the platform level? I understand the task is difficult, there are many image formats. But you need to set and carry out super tasks so that the word Bitrix sounds proudly. This is the scourge of the Internet - non-optimized images that can be compressed 5 times without loss of quality. This is the load on servers, channels, users' computers, hosting space = wasted resources and time. And you can compress images automatically, on the fly, when uploading to the site. I understand that loading of goods will slow down - let it be optional, but it will. Cannot be done in PHP - make the optimization engine in another language, but do it. Approach the level of compression to the level of tinyjpg.com. I know you can, are you real programmers or fake welders?
And the automation of loading goods? Why should I buy a (definitely good) download module from Excel? At a price comparable to the price of Bitrix itself. Buy a module with giblets or make your bootloader at the platform level. Not 1C is the only content manager alive, someone is adding products to the site with his hands.
The cache that got tired of everyone. I do not need the word at all in the local copy of the site during development. In the Caching Settings section, I have everything that allows your admin panel to be disabled. And still Bitrix caches something there.
A search in the catalog of solutions according to their 3 Russian letters. And the same search in the solution catalog in the admin panel of Bitrix itself. It’s not me who corrects the search phrase, it’s you who correct your search. You are afraid of server loads, poor things, the engine cannot cope.

These arrays of data are yours dimensionless. $ arResult which and others. It's all in the memory dangles, the database loads, slows down the work of the whole site and more. Take up the optimization of what he has done. Select a month, do refactoring, review the structure-architecture, it is not necessary for Bitrix programmers to complicate everything. Pleasures look at the sheet
print_rthey don’t have your monstrous array, only the tears from the strain of the eyeballs are welling up. Let there be 2 arrays / queries. One with the necessary minimum data, and in the advanced shove everything that you shove there right now.
The author, but who are you? He pounced on a recognized and long-term market leader, defining the development vector of the IT industry from distant Kaliningrad, which employs thousands of specialists, whose products have developed hundreds of thousands of sites, and so on and so forth. I am a self-taught programmer. And when the task arises of making the admin panel, I try to make it as clear and user-friendly as possible. What I wish Bitrix. It’s just six months ago I joined the Product over the edge. Still the same period and I would have written 5 times more of all. I once worked in a Novosibirsk Internet directory. And he made the admin linking products to content pages - show thematic products after the article. And an employee of the Light content department told me that for 7 years of work she had not seen a more beautiful and convenient admin panel. And the office is a forge of personnel; about 20 pieces of quite professional programmers have trodden on the project.
I understand that you are trying there in Bitrix - you have developed and supported all this overgrown platform engine with third-party modules adhering like shells to the bottom of the ship. But you have to do better. Since they started. Your and our super task is to make life easier for people, and not to spoil it and your karma. And for this you need a convenient admin panel, fast work speed, image compression, refactoring of the current code, optimization of structure and architecture. You can’t do it yourself - do a third-party examination of the user interface of your long-suffering admin panel. Testing content administration on focus groups, their reviews and comments. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. All possible amenities are already in other software products, you just need to pick them up. Either you set up the work of Bitrix, or very soon we will have another, better than yours. The option that everything will remain as it is now, personally, I do not want to consider.
PS At discounts, which are the rules for working with a basket. Why don't they support multisite? Why would I clone them, breaking the covenants of Occam's grandfather. For discounts that have only interest, it should be possible to specify multiple sites. And with discount coupons, the same topic should be.