It seems that this could be the most unusual mitap of the year. After all, a duel was planned on it.
The Nizhny Novgorod community is young, and therefore hotter.

There are holivars in PHP NN chat,

and admins and participants have a good sense of humor. So the idea of a duel was born
The community has appeared recently - the chat arose on September 10th, and the idea of a mitap came next. Arguing whether it is possible to gather more than three on the site of a foreign company, they decided that yes - but they wrote the rules , which HR should not, and also which should be avoided.
Then they found a video camera: it will be brought by Anton, a speaker from Moscow, so there will be a recording, but the broadcast will not. During the search for speakers, we got carried away: there will be as many as 4 presentations, and two experts will come from the capital at once.
The duel did not fit into timing anymore (but we will remember the idea for the future). In the end, we decided to limit the entertainment part of the program to a quiz from PQR , the lead podcast “Five Minutes of PHP”, pizza and going to the bar.
The rest will be like this:
- “We organize the storage of a huge number of images using Glide, Flysystem, Yii2 and NuxtJS” (Anton amorev Morev, Wormsoft, Moscow)
- "How can a developer become a mentor for beginners in programming and what kind of" rake "your wards will attack" (Oleg olegsklyarov Sklyarov, Skyeng, Nizhny Novgorod)
- “About the lines in Laravel and how to cook them” (Grigory vokamut Tumakov, Morizo, Nizhny Novgorod)
- “We process 30+ million events per day, without magic and SMS” (Mikhail navvygator Mazein, ManyChat, Moscow)
Come this or next time.
PS If you would like to speak or provide a platform (from 40 people, a projector, a laptop, cool if the camera and sound) for the next mitap, write. We are already thinking about it: Oleg Sklyarov still has ideas, PaulMaly was ready to push in lightning talks, there are people who want to come from the capitals with a report.
PPS And if you are generally ready to support PHP activity - do it in your own city or drive it over the weekend, this is very cool and important. Add to the list on Github - there you can find like-minded people.