Photo - Malte Wingen - Unsplash
History of IT - talking about Linux
- The whole history of Linux: how it all began ( +36 , ★ 247, ䷉33.3k). The Linux kernel turned 27 years old and a lot of articles on the individual stages of the formation of the operating system appeared on the network. This series of materials is our attempt to gather significant moments from the history of Linux in one place. We start with the development that preceded the birth of Linux - Unix and GNU. In the second part of the article, we are talking about the 90s, when the commercialization of an open operating system began. The third part is devoted to the period when Linux conquered consumer markets.
- What's new in Linux kernel ( +27 , ★ 36, ䷉15,4k). A series of materials on key changes. We analyze updates for graphics drivers , network subsystems of virtualization and peripheral functions. Earlier we talked about security updates (Specter patches) and audio drivers. We also talk about fresh bugs found in the OS.
- How to secure a Linux system ( +25 , ★ 405, ䷉56.9k). At the beginning of the year, information security experts immediately found three vulnerabilities in the systemd initialization subsystem. They allowed an attacker to gain superuser rights. It is impossible to exclude the appearance of such bugs. However, their influence can be “mitigated" by competent protection. In the article, we reveal this topic in practice. We start by setting up distributions, moving on to limitations, and ending by disabling unnecessary services. The material is suitable as a check list.
When you are a developer
- Silence is Gold: what developers and testers should not say ( +48 , ★ 297, ䷉90k). Our entertaining material devoted to thirteen phrases that “colleagues” from the IT department “will not appreciate”. It will be about the destructive power of such statements as “Promise me that there are no bugs”, “Can you finish the testing as soon as possible?”
- Practical guide: “how to get a programmer mad ” ( +34 , ★ 173, ䷉54.8k). A kind of continuation of the previous topic. We give "harmful" advice to managers.
- Why Western IT companies are interested in autistic employees ( +27 , ★ 44, ䷉28.6k). We talk about why Western IT companies are recruiting employees with Asperger Syndrome . These are self-enclosed people who do not always understand jokes and prefer to work alone. However, despite the "non-command", they have unique qualities, for example, they find even the smallest flaws in the code. Let's talk about methods for selecting large firms.
- The size of the salary matters, or what employers are willing to pay for ( +23 , ★ 142, ䷉43,2k). An IT professional is one of the highest paid professions. However, salary varies depending on competencies. We discuss what else affects compensation.
- Why all these “buns”: What will IT companies offer you besides salary ( +23 , ★ 67, ䷉25.9k). Money is not the only motivator; there are still cookies and coffee. To attract developers, IT companies are trying to interest applicants with additional “goodies”. In this article, we analyze the strangest and really needed bonuses.
What to do with PD regulation
- Inspection of devices at the border - a necessity or violation of rights ( +17 , ★ 47, ䷉23.9k). Checking devices at the border is already a natural practice. Is this good or bad? We discuss opinions and tell you what to do if you are going on vacation by plane.

Photos - Mollie Sivaram - Unsplash
- European regulators opposed cookie banners ( +31 , ★ 29, ䷉26.8k). The Dutch regulator has banned the setting of cookie-walls (cookie walls). He considered that such a practice violated the requirements of the GDPR. In the material we share the assessments of experts and options for the development of the situation.
- The largest database of stolen passwords was found: what you should know ( +27 , ★ 158, ䷉66.8k). In 2017, information security experts found on the network a database of 1.4 billion merged accounting records. This is the largest drain in recent years. In the article, we talk about the features of the stolen base, and recall similar incidents. We will also tell you what to do if you “found yourself” in a similar database.
- The European Union proposed to hide the data of domain owners ( +26 , ★ 19, ䷉13,2k). ICANN wanted to hide the names of domain owners from the WHOIS system. According to representatives of the organization, this would make it possible to bring the system in line with GDPR. As an alternative, ICANN has proposed three new models of varying degrees of “closeness”. However, the European Commission rejected the initiative. We are talking about the reasons for this decision.
- New standards for passwordless authentication: how they work ( +27 , ★ 89, ䷉24,2k). Earlier this year, the W3C and the FIDO Alliance completed the four-year development of the WebAuthn passwordless authentication standard. It has already been approved by Microsoft, Mozilla and Google. Material about why the standard is needed and how it is arranged. We also interviewed one of the developers, Yuri Ackermann. We discussed with him the methods of WebAuthn.
1cloud experience
- What to look for when choosing a logging system ( +32 , ★ 78, ䷉16.3k). There are many logging systems on the market: both proprietary and open source. We share our experience in the selection and implementation of such solutions - which options were considered (Logalyse, Graylog, Logstash and Fluentd), and why we settled on ELK.
- A large photo tour of the Moscow cloud 1cloud ( +18 , ★ 36, ䷉16.7k). We show in what conditions our equipment operates in the Moscow DataSpace data center. A lot of photos of security and power systems, server racks and hardware itself.

Inside the Moscow DataSpace Data Center
- Briefly about software architectures, and which one we chose for the IaaS provider ( +19 , ★ 53, ䷉8.4k). There are many software architectures. There are multi-level, event-oriented, microkernel and microservice. Each with its pros and cons. Initially, 1cloud.ru services were based on a multi-level architecture, but we decided to remake everything for microservices. An article about how we came to this, and what happened in the end.
- Digital States: how it all began ( +20 , ★ 29, ䷉10.1k). The flying Laputa island from Gulliver's Travels is one of the first models of the technological state of the future. Also, elements of the digital state can be found in such works as “About Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley or “House in a Thousand Floors” by Jan Weiss. We tell who implements the concept of a digital state in practice and how it looks.
- How the virtual infrastructure will develop: 4 main trends ( +22 , ★ 19, ䷉6.6k). This is an extract from last year's RightScale report on the diffusion of cloud technologies in companies from various fields. We discuss the most noticeable trends in the cloud market and the IaaS market.
- Background: how the Continuous Integration process works ( +19 , ★ 79, ䷉10.6k). CI is an approach to developing applications with frequent builds of projects and code testing. The material contains history, principles of work and difficulties in implementing the methodology. We also provide popular tools for continuous integration, including cloud-based ones such as Codeship and Jenkins.
- We save time when working with the command line ( +23 , ★ 140, ䷉12.6k). Our selection of tools that automate the work with operators on the command line. We also made a selection of open benchmarks for Linux servers and frameworks for machine learning .