In November 2017, I first rode an electric scooter, I realized how convenient and fast it is. I ripened until the summer of 2018 and in July I bought myself a good scooter for 25k. I traveled on it for one season (a month in 2017 and two in 2018) and I want to share my insights and life hacks.
Below are nine short conclusions.
Scooter will not replace you car
Yes exactly. The scooter is cool when it's dry, sunny and warm. In St. Petersburg, such a luxury is a maximum of 30 days a year, which is why the scooter season is short in the northern rainy seasons.
It’s hardly possible to save
Because of the one point and the limited battery life, the scooter can be considered a low ROI vehicle. However, the car does not have a ROI at all if you are not taxing.
Can get involved in a traffic sign
If your height is more than 180, then you mean that you become vulnerable to signs that hang low, and there are many of them.
Pigeons fly slowly
In St. Petersburg, there was often a situation when you rush along the promenade, and in front of a flock of pigeons. I don’t want to slow down, as a result, getting into a negligent pigeon is very easy. I still don’t understand how I survived.
The battery is not infinite
I don’t even remember how many times I called a taxi to get to the house with this heavy thing when the battery died. Poking around like on an ordinary scooter is not an option, you will sweat.
Uphill pulls
Almost at 30-35 degrees he rides, but very, very slowly.
Protect the battery from a young age
By stupidity, I left the scooter in the trunk and did not pull it out until December, which means I left it in the cold. More battery is not enough for 20 km.
Fear the drivers
For them, you are a child who for some reason goes fast. Knocked down one or two. And they constantly beep.
And finally, the main thing . Legally, you are equated with cyclists, so you have every right to drive on highways and send inadequate drivers away to the bank where they bought their credit car. Infa 100%, I asked DPS nicknames.
PS: And finally, a poll.
Thanks for attention!