Every year the world more and more connects itself with the Internet structure, more and more services are found on the network, a person’s life becomes dependent on the World Wide Web.
Most of our data is stored and used there, and there are some that are better to keep away from the malevolent eye.
Sometimes this eye goes where it is not supposed to have access at all!
But now I’ll tell you how to reliably protect my data from such “barbarian”.
How do they steal?
To understand the principle of protection, you need to understand the principle of attack: in order to access data on the network, you most often need a password. This is precisely the vulnerability of any computerized system.
When entering a password in a browser, we are often asked to save it:
After you click the “Save” button, your password is recorded in the “Encrypted” file, the key for which lies very close to it, in another file.
Currently, a popular way to steal passwords using the virus program - "Stiller".
An attacker, under any pretext (or without it) convinces the victim to launch a malicious file on his PC that copies the file with your passwords, immediately decrypts it using a nearby key, and sends it to the creator of this program.
It is difficult to completely protect the file from sending, however, we can encrypt the file so that the virus cannot decrypt it before sending:
Especially for this was created- "
Master Password ".
In addition to the usual one, he adds an encryption key in the form of an additional password. He is your second key. Let the malware encoder receive the file, but he will not be able to see the coveted passwords, since the virus, not knowing the second key, “Master Password,” could not decrypt the file completely.
At the moment, this feature is supported in almost all popular browsers.
It is easy to use, and the result is simply breathtaking!
Do not neglect security, encrypt your data twice! And better, don’t save passwords at all: memory is the best protection. Nobody will climb there!