Two curious human brain experiments worth knowing

The first experiment, even a series of experiments, was conducted by Soviet psychiatrists in the middle of the last century. The name and authors of this scientific monograph have already been erased from my memory over the past years, so I’ll just retell the main points from myself.

This study is about delegating different functions to the left and right hemispheres of the brain. And the curious begins there right away - with the research methodology. For this is not some kind of software with fields of view from American and British psychologists. This is true hardcore.

The fact is that in the middle of the 20th century the situation with human rights throughout the world was, to put it mildly, so-so. Gulag, racial segregation, Hitler, after all. Well, if a person was a psychiatric patient, it was, in fact, a guinea pig. They received electric shocks, cut off pieces of the brain, and all this, with little or no control from civil society.

One of the treatment methods was surgical intervention in the brain, in order to completely destroy the nerve connections between the left and right hemispheres. It seems that they treated the seizures in such a way, and, it seems, it even turned out to be not the point. The bottom line is that at the exit, the person turned out with the brain, in which the two hemispheres do not communicate at all. To him, these connections were simply dissected with a scalpel during the operation. And then he lived with this for the rest of his life.

Such people, by the way, were quite normal and competent. It's just that they now had an anatomical feature. And the ardent research mind of scientists decided to use this feature for scientific purposes.

Earlier, it was noticed that due to ECT (electroconvulsive therapy - when a person is struck by a high-voltage current in the head), the patient’s brain falls into a coma for an hour or two. And the scientists came up with this:

- And what if we are in patients with dissected connections between the cerebral hemispheres - we will conduct ECT. But, not simple, but one-sided, only for one hemisphere.

No sooner said than done. Patients who lacked communication between the cerebral hemispheres were alternately immersed in the left, then the right hemisphere. And taking advantage of the fact that these patients remained conscious, they conducted various tests with the core that was currently functioning.

The tests were of various kinds (these guys, as you can see, had no problems with imagination at all) - for recognition of visual images, different verbal tasks, and the like (there’s a whole monograph there, if someone is really interested - write, I’ll strain , try to find, or if someone randomly remembers - write the name of the work).

The main experimental discovery (or confirmation) was, of course, the specialization of the hemispheres. In short, then:

  1. When a person had the left hemisphere disabled, he experienced serious difficulties with recognizing speech and a printed word, with communication in general.
  2. When the right hemisphere was disabled for a person, but the left one worked, such a person not only regained the ability to communicate, but also became excessively talkative. And at the same time, his speech was losing its emotional color, and it seemed that the person was completely not involved in the process of communication. Moreover, such a person had big problems with making a decision. Any decision.

It is about making decisions that will be discussed in the next experiment conducted by Western experts today.

The second experiment was conducted without tin and hardcore, using completely modern equipment. Even the electrodes were not implanted into the brain - they cost remote stimulation of the parts of the brain that are responsible for decision making and choice.

So, the researchers, in the course of scientific research, learned to do the following:

- Using direct (electromagnetic) stimulation of certain parts of the brain - directly affect a person’s choice in one direction or another.

In other words:

  1. They show a person, for example, two photographs,
  2. They suggest choosing one of them,
  3. And themselves at this time, with the help of electromagnetic effects on his brain, dictate this choice to him, well, in fact, they control him like a puppet. I’m not talking about television right now - they work around the visual and auditory organs, right through the skull.

And here is the most remarkable thing in this experiment (in my opinion):

- Although the choice of the experimental subject is always predetermined and known to the experimenters in advance - the experimental subject himself, not knowing about the effects on his brain, in each specific case could sincerely justify the reasons for which he made a choice in one direction or another.

Do you understand?

That is, the “weak-willed” left hemisphere each time told some very convincing tale about the motives of the “silent” right hemisphere, regarding a particular choice made by a person.

Sapienti sat

Roman D.

Proofs for the second experiment: experiment leader - Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School - this brain technology: - the essence of the experiment is disclosed here: www.

Link to the Soviet monograph will be later, as I find. For now, I’ll just write that such a dissection of the brain is called a “ callosotomy ” and is used for certain forms of epilepsy.

In general, I will write the exact name of the work on the first experiment when / if I remember. This is briefly mentioned, for example, in the work “FUNCTIONAL ASYMMETRY OF THE BRAIN HEMISPHERES” E.A. Dozortseva: “When examining the method of electroshock (one-sided exposure for medical reasons) on adult subjects, the following characteristics of the“ left hemisphere ”and“ right hemisphere ”type of organization of mental functions were obtained ...” - I believe that as a proof, this is quite enough. Although, of course, I will try to find the work itself - it will certainly be interesting to true connoisseurs of the beautiful.

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