Many modern women have been trying, for a long time, to conceive a child to no avail. This phenomenon can be explained by numerous factors, among which the most common causes are considered infectious and inflammatory processes of the reproductive system. One of these pathologies is cervical dyskeratosis. This disease requires the most serious attitude to yourself and immediate treatment, as it can lead to irreparable consequences.
A little information
This disease in medicine has another name - leukoplakia. This implies an abnormal process that promotes the degeneration of the squamous epithelium of the walls of the cervix and vagina. In normal condition, the uterine pharynx has a multilayer coating, which does not have the ability to keratinization. When leukoplakia occurs on the mucous membrane, white growths can develop, the epithelium gradually dies and resembles ordinary skin.

In addition, cervical dyskeratosis belongs to the category of precancerous pathologies, therefore, it requires immediate diagnosis and appropriate therapy. The epithelium is prone to fairly rapid division, and with leukoplakia this natural process may become uncontrollable, which will provoke accelerated tumor growth. If we talk about the most serious consequence of cervical dyskeratosis, it is cancer. So start a pathology and self-medicate is not worth it.
Reasons for the appearance
It is difficult to talk about the specific prerequisites for the development of dyskeratosis. However, doctors identify several factors that can affect the nucleation of an abnormal process. These include:
- reduced immunity;
- incorrectly selected treatment scheme for ectopia on the cervix;
- too high concentration of hormones in the bloodstream;
- injury to the reproductive organs by surgical or gynecological devices, for example, during an abortion or surgery;
- chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
- the presence in the female body of certain pathogenic bacteria and viruses, for example, Epstein-Barr or HIV;
- diathermocoagulation of the uterus;
- transferred venereal diseases.
The greatest danger lies in inflammatory pathologies that are not treated properly. Often, cervical dyskeratosis arises after an undeveloped pregnancy, which requires surgical intervention and curettage of the cavity. Moreover, often such a process entails the same inflammation.
Types of pathology
Doctors distinguish two varieties of dyskeratosis of the cervical epithelium.
- Simple form. Such a disease is difficult to diagnose, since this requires the use of instrumental techniques. Pathological epithelium is located on the surface of the cervix and does not stand out.
- Scaly type. During a gynecological examination, a specialist can notice this form of leukoplakia with the help of mirrors. Not to see plaques that rise significantly above the neck and differ in shade is simply unrealistic.
It is difficult to make a specific diagnosis immediately after an examination, therefore additional studies are needed. If insignificant foci of degeneration of the integuments are revealed, then a Schiller test is taken, which involves staining with iodine. In damaged areas, paint is not taken.
In the presence of large lesion sites, a biopsy is mandatory, which allows you to take a piece of tissue and conduct a histological examination. In some cases, curettage of the epithelium is necessary to identify precancerous processes.
Clinical picture
In time to recognize and make a specific diagnosis in the early stages of the pathology is quite problematic due to its asymptomatic course. In addition, the situation is complicated by the irregularity of gynecological examinations in the lives of modern women.
However, with the progression of the anomaly, several specific symptoms can be noticed:
- spotting between periods;
- the appearance of blood droplets after intimacy;
- the appearance of secretions with a characteristic odor;
- constant abundant discharge.
Signs of cervical dyskeratosis can mimic the clinical picture of many other diseases. That is why it is not worthwhile to independently determine your diagnosis and even more so prescribe medications.
Diskeratosis and pregnancy
In general, every woman should undergo a systematic examination by a gynecologist, not only after conception, but also during the planning period of the child. This is the only way to avoid many unpleasant consequences for both the mother’s body and the baby’s future.
When preparing for pregnancy, a woman should know for sure that her reproductive organs are really ready for this. First of all, you should go to the gynecologist and make sure that there are no any pathologies of an infectious and inflammatory nature. If during a routine examination a woman will be diagnosed with cervical dyskeratosis, the pregnancy will need to be postponed until cured.
Actually, this defect does not affect the process of conception, however, taking into account the potential danger of this disease to the health of the expectant mother, it is best to undergo the appropriate therapy. If the disease is diagnosed already during the period of gestation, then do not panic prematurely. After all, the child is not in serious danger, and pathology will not affect the birth activity.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes a double load, while the immune system weakens, which can cause accelerated degeneration of abnormal cells into oncology.
General principles for the treatment of cervical dyskeratosis
It is impossible to choose a universal therapy for everyone with leukoplakia. The treatment technique is always selected individually, taking into account some features:
- woman's age;
- type of virus diagnosed;
- reproductive system capabilities;
- the shape and dimensions of neoplasms on the cervix;
- stage of the course of pathology;
- the presence of concomitant diseases.
Cervical dyskeratosis needs an integrated approach to therapy, only in this way you can achieve really good results. For successful treatment, it is extremely important to identify the cause of the development of the abnormal process.
Before starting therapy, it is necessary to carry out a biopsy, which will make it possible to exclude a malignant form of the disease.
Modern medicine offers several methods of treatment:
- medication;
- surgical;
- destructive.
The latter type includes:
- laser coagulation;
- diathermocoagulation;
- radio wave therapy;
- cryogenic effect.
If the initial cause of leukoplakia was discovered during the examination, it is first necessary to eliminate it. Inflammation should be stopped, and after that proceed with further therapy.
Without fail, a woman is prescribed medications that are necessary for:
- strengthening immunity;
- normalization of the microflora of the vagina;
- relief of the inflammatory process;
- lowering the activity of various pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
- elimination of pathogens of infections.
Prescribed drugs with a restorative effect against epithelial cells. Such funds include:
- prebiotics and probiotics;
- immunomodulating medications;
- hormone pills;
- analgesics;
- anti-inflammatory drugs;
- antibacterial drugs;
- vitamin complexes;
- antiviral.
As for surgical intervention, it is used only in advanced stages of leukoplakia or when the pathology began to degenerate into cancer. In such situations, diathermoconization is used, which involves the complete removal of the damaged area of the cervix along with adjacent tissues.
Further forecast
Taking into account the fact that dyskeratosis is often detected only in the late stages, the future situation depends on the correct diagnosis, the effectiveness of the treatment chosen, and the neutralization of provoking factors. If the process of tissue degeneration into a malignant tumor is absent, then in general the prognosis becomes favorable. According to reviews, cervical dyskeratosis, detected in the early stages, is easily treatable and does not require surgical intervention.
If treatment is not carried out at all or is chosen incorrectly, then the likelihood of developing cancer is quite high, which calls into question recovery. In this case, we are not talking about a positive outlook.

Such a disease is quite rare, but the percentage of degeneration of the defect into oncology is quite large and amounts to about 30%.
The most serious complication of leukoplakia is its degeneration into oncology. The later the disease is discovered, the higher the chance of cancer. After dyskeratosis of the cervix, relapses often occur, which can also lead to the degeneration of the epithelium.
It is impossible to say with accuracy that the absence of treatment will provoke the development of cancer, since much depends on other factors. For example, an important role is played by the state of immunity of a woman, her lifestyle and attitude to her health.