A true woman wants to look attractive at any age: at 20, and at 45, and at 70. But it turns out that over the years the figure begins to change; the body is getting heavier, fatter and blurring - what a beauty! Moreover, if in youth it was easy enough to lose a few extra pounds, then in mature years the weight goes too slowly and reluctantly, or even just stands still. Why is this happening, and is there a diet for weight loss after 45 years and older? We will try to answer these questions now.
Physiological changes in the body of a woman after 45 years
Like it or not, but forty-five years of age is a kind of frontier for a woman - the time of approaching and the onset of menopause with all that is associated with this condition: mood swings, hot flashes, headache, etc. All of the above is caused by a change in the hormonal background in the body.

To all the troubles, extra pounds are rapidly being added. Metabolism slows down with a parallel decrease in muscle mass and an increase in the layer of fat. The vitality of many women at this time is markedly reduced, as is motor activity. Troubles begin to “jam” with something tasty and sweet, physical activity is reduced, which also affects the figure is not the best way. Finally, there comes a time when a woman, once again looking critically at herself in the mirror, decides that she can’t go on like this anymore, and begins to actively wonder if there is any good weight loss diet after 45 years.
Of course, there is more than one! Just before you start to lose weight, you need to clearly determine the number of kilograms that must go.
What weight is considered normal
Having decided to lose weight, many adult girls, having taken out their old dresses from secluded places, in which they flaunted at the age of 18-20, decide at all costs to adjust their figure to those distant parameters. The most unreasonable thing you can do for this is to score in a search engine on the Internet: "A tough diet after 45 years for a woman to lose weight." From the options found, choose the most extreme and start fanatically following it with the simultaneous exhaustion of your body by excessive physical exertion. After some time, the numbers on the scales will come closer to the cherished figures, it may be possible to get into things from the past, but ... the reflection in the mirror will not please - bruises under the eyes, a tired face, saggy skin, etc.
Time cannot be fooled, and if you go against nature, then it will certainly take revenge. 20-25 years have passed since youth, over the years there have been gradual changes in the body, and this must be reckoned with. If once the formula was used to determine the ideal weight : “The growth figure minus 110 and minus another 10 percent of the result,” then after 45 years it would be wiser to turn to the classic: “Your height is minus one hundred.” This will be enough to look good and feel great at the same time.
Nutrition correction
And now we will begin to figure out how to lose weight after 45 years with a simple correction of nutrition. Note that this is not a diet yet, but the results can be very good. You need to analyze your usual diet. It is best to do this, armed with a notebook and pencil or pen and honestly write down everything that is eaten and drunk in a day.
As a rule, the menu of a woman who is suffering from excess weight includes too much sweet, fatty, floury. If so, then it will be enough to reduce the share of all of the above in favor of an increase in the diet of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products; replace red meat with turkey or chicken meat, indulge yourself regularly with a variety of seafood, drink plenty of clean water, not tea and coffee.

If you adhere to the new rules daily, then gradually the weight will begin to decline. The trouble is that women often do not want gradualness, they want to get a quick result, and that's why all kinds of diets are invented.
The best diet for weight loss after 45 years
When choosing a diet program, it is best to make priority not speed, but safety, combined with effectiveness at the same time. This is precisely the diet from the Russian nutritionist Margarita Koroleva - "Nine Days." What are its advantages? Firstly, you don’t have to sit on it for a long time, just 9 days - you must admit that this is a trifle! Secondly, during this time you can lose up to 10 kg of weight. The last figure, of course, is approximate, because the organisms of different women can respond to the diet in their own way, but this can be considered an average indicator.
The procedure will be as follows:
- The first three days you can eat only boiled rice. The amount of rice cereal allocated for a day is not more than 250 grams. In boiled form, naturally, much more is obtained. There are 5 meals per day. An additional bonus is 3 tablespoons of honey daily. And be sure to drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters). After 8pm - no food!
- The next three days belong entirely to boiled chicken meat, without skin and fat. Do not salt or season the meat with any spices. You can’t even honey. Drink plenty of water, do not eat after 20.00.
- And finally, the final stage - vegetable three days. Daily allowed to eat 500 g. boiled and 500 gr. raw vegetables. Oil and salt are prohibited, but again honey can be used (3 lawful spoons per day), and of course, water.

That's the whole diet. "What to do next?" - you ask ... And then you just need to switch to the adjusted nutrition, which was discussed in the previous paragraph. The 9- day diet is a kind of springboard, a start in a new life in which weight will not accumulate, but will go away.
What you do not need to do after 45 years
1. Starve in the name of weight loss. Starvation should be done exclusively for medical reasons, under the supervision of a doctor.
2. Sit on a strict long-term diet, which implies the exclusion of many products. At this age, it is very important to fully supply the body with a variety of nutrients, otherwise it can react with serious nervous breakdowns and diseases.
3. Drink pills that lower your appetite. Yes, there are such drugs, they are often used by young girls, obsessed with losing weight and finding out with girlfriends how to lose weight. After 45 years, such extraordinary measures can end in failure. Than? You can find out by watching programs and talk shows on TV about anorexia. But if the young body still has a chance of recovery even in a very critical situation, then in mature years such a chance may not be presented.

Physical activity
In order to accelerate the obtaining of results, and at the same time to tighten muscles, increase flexibility, etc., it is necessary to choose an available type of physical activity for yourself. Just not exhausting aerobics - let those who are younger do it. Yes, not such a simple matter - losing weight after 45! How to lose weight after 45 years with the help of sports? Well, sports, what we offer below, can be called a stretch, but still ... Here's what is best for mature women:
- Bodyflex.
- Active walking.
- Callanetics.
- Swimming.
- Yoga.
- Dancing classes (oriental dances are very well suited).
- Nordic walking.

How fast can you lose weight?
Here, it would seem, a paradox - the more extra pounds a person has, the faster they melt. But this is only at first, then the process slows down, or even stops at all (for a while). Doctors believe that the safest weight loss rate is a kilogram or a half a week. Faster speeds are harmful both for appearance (the skin will not have time to tighten and sag), and for health. And although, losing weight after 45 years is possible very quickly (if you make an effort, of course), but it’s better not to do this. Another argument in favor of gradual leisurely weight loss is that quickly losing weight tends to come back just as quickly. And who needs it?

So, we found out what a diet should be for losing weight after 45 years - comfortable, healthy, unhurried and combined with physical activity. This approach to weight loss will really help to build on several sizes of clothes and be younger for a dozen years. We wish our readers to achieve the goals that they set for themselves, and we hope that our article will help them in this.