The probability of getting food poisoning is quite high. Poisoning of the body occurs due to the use of low-quality food, and it is extremely important for a quick recovery is the timely adoption of measures and compliance with the principles of proper nutrition during food poisoning, which will be discussed in detail below. In addition, it is important not to lose time and immediately start treatment, which will significantly reduce the recovery period.
Causes of Food Poisoning
The causes of food poisoning can be varied, they are associated primarily with the use of food of inadequate quality. You can be poisoned by eating dirty vegetables and fruits, unfinished meat or fish, stale eggs.
The concern should be food products that were stored without observing the rules of the commodity neighborhood and at the wrong temperature conditions. In no case should you use foods that show mold even in small quantities - the infection of the product has already begun, and toxic substances have spread throughout the entire area of the product.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning
Depending on the severity of poisoning, the symptoms can be expressed to varying degrees. Food poisoning with food is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, fever, profuse vomiting and diarrhea, headache and muscle pain, chills, general weakness and dehydration.

It should be noted that only food poisoning of a low degree of severity can be independently treated. Very severe poisoning must be treated under the supervision of a doctor using special medications, since in this case very serious consequences may occur.
Poisoning has a severe effect on the body and weakens it; after it, a person needs deep cleansing in order to remove toxins from the body, as well as restore strength, which, first of all, is due to proper nutrition after food poisoning. This helps not to overload the body and contributes to its speedy recovery.
The Importance of Nutrition for Recovery
The main objective of nutrition after food poisoning in adults and children is to restore water balance and the surface of the gastric mucosa. In addition, a well-designed diet aims to relieve the intestines, as well as weaken the effect of solid food on the body. Since, after intoxication, food cannot be digested and assimilated in full, in order to avoid complications and worsen the condition, it is necessary to adhere to certain nutritional rules for food poisoning.
General rules for the treatment of poisoning
On the first day after the poisoning has occurred, he recommends that you completely refrain from eating food. It is necessary to drink plenty of water, green tea, rosehip broth or rice broth - this contributes to the speedy removal of pathogenic substances from the body.
The next day, in the food menu after food poisoning, it is necessary to introduce light dishes, such as secondary broths, mashed mashed vegetables, steamed.
Eating is necessary in small portions. The temperature of the food you eat should be approximately 45 degrees. Do not eat too hot or too cold food.
If you follow the above recommendations regarding nutrition for food poisoning, then the positive trends for recovery will be noticeable the next day.
Poisoning of children who feed on breast milk
Food poisoning can be received by a child who is completely breastfed. This is mainly due to the ingestion of toxic and poisonous substances through breast milk. In this case, a young mother suffers from food poisoning. This situation is very serious and does not accept self-treatment: you need to seek help from a qualified doctor as soon as possible, who will help mom and baby recover.

Poisoning of children on breastfeeding and feeding
With food poisoning in children, any food other than mother's milk should be completely excluded from the diet, up to the complete restoration of the child's body. Further, complementary foods should be administered very carefully, in small portions. Be sure to monitor the condition of the child in the first days after food poisoning, and if the general condition worsens, immediately seek medical help.
Poisoning of children over one year old
It is possible to treat a child older than one year only with proper nutrition during food poisoning. During treatment, parents should feed the child in small portions every 2-3 hours with products that have a soft and gentle effect on the body. The menu may include products such as: milk porridge, steamed vegetables, fruit and berry jelly, lean meat, steamed or boiled.
Such products are easily digestible, do not overload the baby’s stomach and contribute to a speedy recovery. In addition, with the proper diet, normalization of the water-salt balance occurs. The child’s body receives the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals that contribute to the growth of healthy microflora in the intestines, which shortens the recovery period and allows the child to defeat the disease in the shortest possible time.
Drinking regimen in children with poisoning
Parents should ensure that the child abides by the drinking regimen. You need to drink a lot of fluids. Drink should be clean drinking water at room temperature, as well as weak green or black tea.

As a sweetener, you can use honey, but only no more than one tablespoon per day. It is better, of course, to completely abandon the sweet. Even in a small amount, sweet foods, getting into the stomach, create an environment there favorable for the development of pathogenic bacteria.
Lack of appetite in a child in the first few days after poisoning is normal and should not scare parents. The body itself fights the disease and knows what is best for it.

Usually, appetite returns about a week after food poisoning. It is during this period of time that special nutrition must be observed after food poisoning. A week after the illness, you can begin to introduce the usual foods for the child, gradually returning to the previous menu.
Adult Poisoning
When an adult suffers from poisoning, he needs to take his treatment seriously to avoid the development of various diseases that develop against the background of an incorrectly restored gastric mucosa.
In order to remove the maximum number of toxins and toxic substances from the body, it is necessary to observe proper nutrition during food poisoning in adults.
On the first day, you must completely abandon the use of food. Drink plenty of clean drinking water. Every hour it is recommended to drink from 200 ml to 300 ml of water, depending on the weight of the adult.
In addition to water from the liquid, you can drink weak black and green tea without adding any sweeteners. If nausea occurs when drinking such a large amount of liquid, then you should try to drink it in small sips, but in no case should you reduce the amount of fluid consumed.
The next day, a small amount of boiled rice without salt can be added to the menu for food poisoning of adults. Salt should be abandoned necessarily, because it delays the release of water from the body, which in no case should be allowed during intoxication.
Sample menu for adults
The nutrition menu for food poisoning in adults on the third and subsequent days may be as follows:
- rice cooked on water, vegetable broth, rye crackers, plenty of water, weak tea and herbal decoctions;
- secondary chicken stock, baked mashed vegetables, fish cakes, rye crackers, a large amount of liquid;
- boiled rice without salt, light chicken broth with a small amount of lean meat, crackers.

Such a diet must be strictly observed for a week, after which for five days you should smoothly return to your usual diet, be sure to observe the reaction of your body.
What can not be done with food poisoning?
Some products inhibit the healing process, preventing the elimination of toxins from the body that poison the body. Products overloading the stomach are also not recommended for use. Food products that can cause increased gas production, as well as foods and drinks that have an acidic environment, are strictly prohibited during the recovery period.
Foods that are high in fiber and coarse fiber are also prohibited. Fresh vegetables and fruits, pasta and bakery products can only aggravate the situation. Do not eat fried in oil dishes, smoked sausages, canned goods, sweets, as well as beans and pastries, especially from yeast dough.
Alcoholic beverages that have an adverse effect on the gastric mucosa, strong tea and coffee, sparkling water and juices are strictly prohibited.
Food Poisoning Prevention
Avoid food poisoning by food and subsequent treatment and recovery of the body, if you follow a number of simple rules:
- do not store cooked and raw foods together: unprepared foods can become a hotbed of contamination of foods that are ready to eat;
- for drinking and cooking it is necessary to use only high-quality water, it is not recommended to use raw tap water, it is necessary to use bottled water suitable for drinking;
- cutting boards and knives for working with meat, fish and vegetables should be different;
- perishable foods must be stored in the refrigerator at low temperature;
- do not eat foods that have expired, or foods that were stored under the wrong temperature conditions;
- when eating food outside the house, choose only proven places, cafes and restaurants;
- in hot weather, try to avoid sushi and rolls, as they contain raw fish, which can become a source of infection and serious food poisoning;
- It is not recommended to buy food in tents and stalls, as there are not always observed sanitary and hygienic requirements for food.

If you do not forget about these simple rules and adhere to them, then the likelihood that you will be a victim of food poisoning tends to zero. Remember that poisoning is a very serious disease, for the treatment of which it is best to seek specialized medical help. Because poisoning in a severe stage can lead to many negative consequences.