Every woman who has reached the age of 45 enters a difficult, critical period in her own life, which is called menopause (from the Greek. Klimax - “step, ladder”). Most people are sure: this staircase, which leads down, leads a woman away from the delights of a full and healthy life. But this is far from the case. In this article, you can learn more about what a pathological menopause is, how to alleviate its symptoms, and much more.
general information
Menopause is the age-related natural life period of both the beautiful half of the world's population and the strong. In women, pathological menopause usually lasts for three to five years. Most often this happens quite dramatically and sharply.

In men, this process is observed at the age of about 50-60 years. Their pathological menopause is less pronounced, sometimes it is completely invisible, although the period is most prolonged. It is expressed in the fact that the representatives of the stronger sex and women end the phase of sexual activity, after which the time comes for the transition to old age.
When does this happen?
Speaking of pathological menopause, it is customary to distinguish between early, physiological and late types of menopause. In most cases, the menopause in many women begins around the age of 45-47. The early onset of menopause is recorded at the age of 40 in women, and later, as a rule, after 55 years of age.
The early pathological course of menopause is largely due to heredity, severe transferred infectious diseases, problems of the endocrine glands, physique, difficult working and living conditions, and nervous shocks. It can also be caused by primary ovarian failure in women (late onset of the first menstruation, starting only at the age of 17-18 years).
A later pathological course of menopause is indicated in those cases if a woman has crossed the 50-year line, while she has regular periods. This process is observed in the fair sex with uterine fibroids.
Very serious problems arise in women who have uterine bleeding, which are associated with a violation of the ovaries and the formation of the corpus luteum in them.

Pathological menopause in women
The climacteric period is a very difficult time in the life of each representative of the beautiful half of humanity. But it is noted that ladies who perceive this time as a path to old age, the collapse of happiness and catastrophe, suffer a much harder pathological menopause. In women, pain about the irretrievability of the past is usually manifested in the form of nervous breakdowns and prolonged depression. The fairer sexes, who have a calm and balanced nature, as well as good health, those who positively accept such changes, calmly and easily look at their future, are much better at experiencing the changes that have come, seeing new opportunities for self-improvement and development.
Causes and factors affecting the pathological course of menopause
For many ladies, menopause proceeds quite smoothly, while not accompanied by painful phenomena. But with a late or prolonged menopause, dysfunctional disorders often appear, which are called “menopausal syndrome,” which cannot be said about the pathological menopause in men.
Menopausal syndrome is a pathological development of menopause. The degree, as well as the form of disorders that occur during the period of pathological menopause, according to ICD-10 whose code is N95, depends on the state of health. They are very often observed in winter-spring time (in February-March). Most likely, this is due to hypovitaminosis, deficiency of sunlight, as well as general fatigue.
In parallel with the symptoms of pathological menopause, hormonal changes are observed in the woman’s body during this period: when the cyclic function of the ovaries decreases, the formation of estrogen and progesterone stops. This pore is characterized by irregular, mild menstruation with a smooth cessation of menstruation.
Symptoms and signs
One of the most unpleasant signs of pathological menopause is hot flashes, which can last from 30 seconds to 5-7 minutes. They can occur both in the daytime and at night. They manifest unpleasant sensations in the form of intense heat, which is localized in the upper half of the body, accompanied by redness of the skin, first in the chest area, and then in the face and neck. After a few seconds, these tides are replaced by a feeling of cold and profuse sweat. In most cases, tides are a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, primarily the autonomic one, which regulates the functioning of the heart, digestive tract, blood vessels, endocrine glands, and also genitals. Severely flowing tides become the main cause of increased blood pressure.
In parallel with this, another anomaly is also possible, which is very characteristic of menopausal syndrome, which is too profuse and frequent uterine bleeding, leading to anemia in a woman. Hormones can cause severe blood loss. However, the most serious causes of this pathology are also possible, which indicate the presence of an existing tumor or polyps in the uterus. In any situation, a woman should visit a gynecologist without fail, since only a specialist after an examination can deliver the correct conclusion, and then prescribe appropriate treatment if necessary. How to treat pathological menopause will be discussed below.

Hormonal transformations can have an unpleasant effect on the mammary glands, sometimes women feel painful tension in them, small nodules and lumps form in the chest, which either disappear or form again. Their formation is another signal for visiting a doctor. After a thorough examination, only a specialist will establish whether the formation data are a tumor (a sign of mastopathy, as well as breast cancer) or arise due to a simple failure of the hormonal balance.
In addition to violations regarding hormones with pathological menopause, women often begin to complain of headaches, the appearance of migraines and dizziness.
Very often during menopause in women, a thyroid gland malfunction is observed. And the consequences of this pathology are very unpleasant - increased heart rate, trembling hands, increased sweating.
In addition, regardless of age, with pathological menopause in the body, metabolism is disturbed. And this in most cases leads to a quick and unexpected increase in weight. Often a woman not only gets fat - she begins to redistribute fatty subcutaneous tissue with pathological menopause. The reason for this is the discrepancy between the amount of food consumed and the amount of energy expended, since at an age that approaches 50, the physical activity of the ladies is significantly reduced, while the nutrition remains unchanged. During menopause, it is imperative to revise your daily diet, reduce the intake of fats, as well as fast carbohydrates due to an increase in fiber and fresh vegetables. In very rare situations, instead of obesity in women, there is a sharp weight loss, which is also not the best way affects health. This happens with an early pathological menopause.
Consequences and danger
One of the very dangerous complications of menopause in women is osteoporosis, which leads to leakage of calcium from the skeletal system. Slow calcium metabolism can lead not only to a decrease in bone mass, but also to an increase in the fragility of tissues, deformation of the figure, a change in posture and the appearance of the so-called widow's hump.
What else can be dangerous with a pathological menopause? The syndrome in many women provokes urogenital symptoms. The mucous membrane (especially the vagina, as well as the urinary tract) loses elasticity, itching, burning, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. At the same time, many women suffer from painful and frequent urges to urinate. In addition, a slight cough, sneezing or laughing provokes involuntary urinary incontinence. This is due to the fact that the tone of the entire muscle system is weakening, including the tone of the muscles in the bladder, blocking the entrance to the urethra.

An intimate harmonious life during menopause in women, as well as after it, is quite real. The woman will, of course, decrease the formation of sex hormones, which provokes the impossibility of conception, but you should not stop having a sexual life, because it will help not to lower your own self-esteem, contribute to good health, and will also make it possible to feel loved, desired.
But since hormone production decreases, the mucous membranes of the vagina become thinner, and this is the reason for the decrease in the natural hydration of the female genital organ. Therefore, in some cases, a woman may feel soreness during intimacy. In order not to feel disharmony, it is necessary to apply lubricant creams. Their use will contribute to the normal hydration of the penis.
In some cases, the cause of disharmony in sexual life is the omission of the walls of the vagina. But this violation is completely treatable, however, this should be done by a gynecologist. In addition, in no case do you need to start the disease, otherwise you will have to resort to surgical intervention.
As mentioned earlier, one of the most unpleasant symptoms of menopausal syndrome is a persistent increase in blood pressure. During this period, hypertension in most cases occurs without signs, however, vomiting, nausea, and dizziness may appear. That is why, after 50 years of age, women should keep their blood pressure under regular control. Thanks to this, they will feel good.
A decrease in estrogen hormones will lead to the development of atherosclerosis, as well as cardiovascular disease. Along with the arising tides, disturbances in the functions of the heart are observed.
In the first five years of such a restructuring of the female body in the skin, the level of collagen fibers decreases by 30%. But such problems are completely solvable if you turn to a specialist on time.
Also, during menopause, a weakening of the muscle is observed, which changes the curvature of the lens of the eye, and this becomes the cause of senile hyperopia. The advice of an optometrist who will give a prescription for glasses will help to cope with the problem.
Treatment features
Women during menopause need at least twice a half a year to carry out preventive examination with a specialist, since it is possible to develop very serious gynecological ailments.
With severe dryness in the vagina, a specialist prescribes hormonal treatment. It has a positive effect not only on the symptoms associated with menopause, but also on the general well-being of the woman. Admission of estrogens will help to prevent the development of osteoporosis, prevents the formation of vascular and other rather dangerous ailments in which exacerbation is observed specifically during the menopause.
The use of hormones estrogen and progestogen is carried out individually or in a combined way. Today, subcutaneous administration of hormonal drugs is used, which increases the duration of their exposure up to six months. In the case of a decrease in sexual desire, additional subcutaneous hemming of the hormone testosterone is prescribed.

Estrogenic treatment during menopause will have a positive effect, but such therapy should not be abused, since prolonged use of hormonal drugs can provoke side effects and even contribute to the development of oncological tumors. Therefore, it is recommended to take them no longer than two years.
In patients who lack nutrition, adrenal glands are often depleted. That is why in the morning hours they feel tired, and in the evening they cannot fall asleep for a long time. Vitamins: B 3 (pantothenic acid), B 12 (cobalamin), B 2 (riboflavin) and B 9 (folic acid) can stabilize the adrenal glands.
Vitamin E is able to prevent the destruction of sex hormones in women, and therefore they are allowed to replace hormone therapy with estrogen. If you take about 100-200 mg of vitamin E every day, then you can prevent night sweats, hot flashes and other manifestations of menopause. In addition, vitamin C and zinc stimulate the production of sex hormones.
To strengthen teeth and bones, it is necessary that the female body can optimally absorb calcium, preferably the one that it receives with natural food products, consuming about one liter of dairy products per day. During menopause, it is useful to include in the diet products such as lactate, vitamin D (1000 IU / day), calcium citrate (1000 mg / day), magnesium (500 mg / day).
Folk remedies
Many medicinal herbs, which have an analgesic effect and have the ability to calm the woman’s nervous system, will help alleviate the course of menopause and mitigate the painful manifestations. These include: lemon balm, valerian, hawthorn, Hypericum perforatum, peppermint, zamaniha, cuff, motherwort, sage.
Knowing the characteristics of a number of plants, you can make very effective fees that help women in a difficult period feel much more comfortable.

An excellent way to relieve tension in the muscles are water procedures. Their periodic intake will improve muscle tone, normalize blood circulation, and also regulate the functions of the nervous system. Warm baths are very useful. With a pathological menopause, essential oils in the bath soothe, promote good sleep, and relieve fatigue. If you add aromatic healing herbs, then immersion will give a double effect - at the same time relaxing and tonic. All this will positively affect the well-being of a woman. Water procedures using medicinal plants will have a rather effective effect on the body, as well as all kinds of herbal drinks that are consumed inside.
A woman is in menopause for a rather long period of life. At this time, there is a gradual decrease in the content of estrogen, a hormone in her body, which is sometimes called the hormone of youth. It was no coincidence that estrogen got such a name, since it is he who is responsible for the blood supply to the skin, ensuring its elasticity and moisture. In the case of a decrease in the estrogen content in the female body, for example, with the onset of menopause, not only skin integuments, but also the whole organism undergoes age-related changes. Often, the onset of this period in a woman’s life is accompanied by unpleasant psychological experiences or even depression. Women become physically less active. The burden of everyday worries, workloads, which some time ago seemed trifling, now present an sometimes insurmountable problem.
It is not surprising that many women begin to perceive the symptoms of menopause as a manifestation of a disease and treat this non-existent disease.
Actually no need to panic. Climax is a natural age process.
If your work does not allow you to fulfill your potential and you are not ready to plunge into it with your head, it is recommended that you find yourself a hobby, something that would be fascinating and interesting for you. Try to change your usual sedentary lifestyle in favor of increasing physical activity: enrolling in a pool, fitness, doing garden landscaping.
It is necessary to get rid of bad habits, such as drinking alcohol, smoking, overeating, excessive enthusiasm for watching television programs, abandoning many hours of telephone conversations with friends or aimless wandering on the Internet.

In addition to a metered increase in physical activity, maintaining a high level of intellectual activity plays an important role. Often, among the symptoms of menopause, memory impairment is noted. - , . , , , , .
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