Combined therapy of most gynecological diseases involves the use of vaginal suppositories "Hexicon". Whether it is possible during menstruation to use this effective drug, to continue the fight against disease?
Opinions on this subject differ both among doctors and among ordinary women. Some experts advocate the cessation of the use of candles. Others say that if you suddenly came the critical days, it is better to interrupt the cure. Which of them is right?

What does the instruction say about Hexicon?
Each suppository contains 16 mg means active ingredient - chlorhexidine bigluconate. This antiseptic is used both for prevention and in the complex treatment of various female ailments caused by simple and gram-positive bacteria.
These include: chlamydia and gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, syphilis, gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis, as well as infection with herpes virus type 1 and 2. However, some strains remain resistant to the action of candles "Hexicon". They may practically not respond to the effects of the active component of the drug:
- acid-resistant species of bacteria, as well as their spores;
- viruses
- mushrooms.
In the presence of bloody and purulent discharge during menstruation, is it possible to put “Hexicon” in a liquid medium? This issue must be discussed with your doctor. According to the annotation, suppositories with chlorhexidine bigluconate reduce their activity during menstruation, due to the fact that the main active substance quickly dissolves and is excreted from the body.

Indications: in what cases a similar drug is prescribed
The instruction for the drug warns that the Hexicon candles give a good result both when used for prophylaxis and for the treatment of gynecological diseases. They help prevent infection with a sexually transmitted infection, or protect the organs of the female reproductive system after surgery due to the antiseptic properties of suppositories.
A similar tool has proven itself in the treatment of: vaginitis, endocervicitis and thrush. It is also recommended in combination with other drugs to get rid of cervical erosion. In addition, it can provide effective assistance in the treatment of infectious diseases of sexually transmitted women (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis and chlamydia).
But is it possible to insert “Hexicon” during menstruation during unplanned discharge? Gynecologists generally do not recommend the use of such a drug in the critical days. But if treatment cannot be interrupted, then the doctor advises the patient to continue the course, while reducing the requirements for the result.

On the prevention of infection, healing of wounds and restoration of vaginal microflora
The occurrence of vaginal candidiasis, or thrush, provokes yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. Under ordinary conditions, they are in the female body, not manifesting itself. But as soon as any of the provoking factors appears:
- stress;
- uncontrolled intake of antibiotics;
- unstable immunity;
- hormonal disruptions;
- pathology of metabolism;
- acute and chronic diseases.
The fungus begins to multiply actively, affecting the intestines and vagina.
Candles "Hexicon" contribute to the gentle restoration of the natural microflora of the female genital organ, providing an antiseptic effect. Moreover, such suppositories do not lead to the appearance of negative consequences. Can “Hexicon” be used during menstruation for the prevention and healing of various sores and wounds in the intimate area? Yes of course.
Doctors describe such a drug as a safe remedy that can be used to prevent:
- the risk of infection and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa (nonspecific colpitis);
- gonorrhea and primary syphilis;
- candidiasis;
- ureaplasmosis;
- various lesions and foci of inflammation located in the genital tract, which can be caused by pathogenic microbes.
These suppositories are also used after the introduction of an intrauterine device to prevent the development of an inflammatory process in the vaginal area, as well as ulceration of the mucous membrane of the cervix.

Cons of Using Hexicon Candles on Critical Days
The use of suppositories during menstruation reduces their effectiveness for several reasons:
- Profuse blood flow. He flushes the medicine and brings it out. The active substance does not have time to provide full therapeutic effect, so the result can not be achieved. The risk of an infectious disease becoming chronic increases.
- Increasing the pH (acidity) of the vagina due to the presence of menstrual blood. This provokes the entry of the suppository components into chemical interaction with each other, which will entail the appearance of itching and other unpleasant sensations.
Given these factors, the doctor can answer negatively to the question of whether Geksikon can be used during menstruation, recommending that local treatment be postponed until the end of the period. It is advisable for women, when planning a treatment course with the help of the Hexicon drug, to choose a time that does not coincide with the period of menstruation.
Despite the absolute harmlessness of candles and the inability to harm a woman’s health on critical days, the effect of their use will be significantly lower than at any other time. Consultation of a gynecologist is the best solution in case of doubt whether it is worth starting a course of treatment with Hexicon.

Features of the introduction of suppositories during menstruation
If the disease requires urgent treatment or the doctor answered positively to the question of whether “Hexicon” can be inserted during menstruation, then suppositories are administered on critical days with extreme caution: delicately and in compliance with hygiene rules.
This is necessary in order to prevent unintended ingress of infection or local drug neutralization agent components. Microbial infection during menstruation is dangerous due to the opening of the cervix, and a decrease in the therapeutic effect is simply undesirable.
Before the introduction of suppositories should be washed thoroughly and crotch hands. Remove gel and moisture residues from mucous surfaces and skin, as they contribute to the additional dissolution of the active substance and reduce its effectiveness.
Candles are administered lying on their backs. Then you need to stay in the same position for at least 30-60 minutes. Suppositories from body heat gradually melt, and if you get up ahead of schedule, then most of the medicine can leak out. Therefore, "Hexicon" is recommended to be put in the evening (at night), if the drug is prescribed for use 1 time per day. In the event that the treatment requires a double dose of the drug per day, it is administered additionally in the morning, getting up a little earlier (an hour and a half before waking up), carry out hygiene measures, introduce the suppository and go to rest. It takes at least an hour until the drug is completely dissolved.
Side effects and contraindications
The mucous wall of the vagina during the period of menstruation is not damaged, therefore, it is affected by the Hexicon suppository. Is it possible to continue to be treated with them during menstruation? Doctors respond ambiguously. What is the reason for such duality?
Such a drug, destroying most of the microorganisms, provides an acidic environment inside the vagina. At the same time, the unused functional layer of the endometrium and blood, the chemical properties of which correspond to light alkali, are excreted. Reacting with spotting, suppositories lose a significant part of their healing qualities. Blood flow is further washes much of the dissolved suppositories. For this reason, monthly - this is not an absolute contraindication for the use of candles "Hexicon". But doctors consider it appropriate to abandon their use during menstruation.
At the end of the treatment process is recommended to resume. In rare cases, a woman may experience individual intolerance to the drug, accompanied by burning of the perineum and itching. It is necessary to immediately stop using the drug and consult a specialist. During treatment with the Hexicon drug, the introduction of detergents into the vagina is not allowed: soaps and detergents (liquid soaps, gels) that contain substances of the anionic group (sodium lauryl sulfate, saponins or sodium carboxymethyl cellulose).

Conclusion: is it possible to put “Hexicon” during menstruation
According to most experts, at the time of menstruation, it is more advisable to stop the treatment with Hexicon suppositories, since the discharge reduces their therapeutic effect and does not allow to achieve the maximum result. If there is very little time left before menstruation, you need to inform your doctor about this in order to adjust the course of treatment, because it is advisable not to interrupt it.
Regular visits to the gynecologist and preventive measures using the same candles are a reliable way to get rid of infections. Once every six months, a preventive course is carried out, using 5 suppositories for five days. Each of them is inserted deep into the vagina in the evening before bedtime. A great advantage of Hexicon candles over other suppositories is the delicate effect on the natural microflora of the vagina and even its restoration.