Osteochondrosis is a disease that is familiar to most people. Massages, pills, procedures - all these are necessary components of treatment. However, nutrition in osteochondrosis is also a very important point. Proper diet is the key to success in the correction of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system. However, the principles of food are somewhat peculiar. They differ from standard diets for weight loss, as well as from corrective programs for diseases of the internal organs. This is not a short-term diet, but a constant, healthy and proper diet, which is more preventive in nature.

What are your goals
Any doctor will tell you that eating with osteochondrosis does not cancel the main treatment. However, the correct diet is also important, this appointment has a number of reasons:
- Lack of trace elements, vitamins and nutrients adversely affects the state of the whole organism.
- Prevention and treatment of obesity. The fact is that excess weight contributes to degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. The load on the departments of the spinal column is seriously increasing, so that pathological processes begin to progress rapidly.
- Another important point is the prevention of dehydration. The habit of drinking a little, as well as the abuse of alcohol, which, in turn, draws the precious moisture of their tissues, all this is a direct way to problems with joints and spine. The loss of water molecules by the tissues of the intervertebral discs leads to drying out and cracking of the tissues.
Proper nutrition for osteochondrosis will slow down degenerative changes. Getting all the necessary resources, the body can recover to a certain extent. But the main task is, of course, prevention.

The principles of building a daily menu
I must say that it does not differ with lumbar osteochondrosis or changes in any other part of the spine. There are basic rules that must be followed and as a result a balanced menu will be obtained. We will tell you the basics so that you have a complete picture of what nutrition should be for osteochondrosis.
- The most important thing to learn: the caloric content of the daily diet should correspond to the energy costs of a person. If there is a problem of excess weight, then nutrition should be of high quality, but low-calorie.
- But the number of meals you can choose yourself. If there is a problem of overweight, it is recommended that the latter be done 3 hours before bedtime, and intervals should be made no more than 4 hours. But this has more to do with the issue of weight loss.
- A balanced diet for osteochondrosis is very important. The menu should be thought out by the quantity and quality of the main nutrients: fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In this case, animals and trans fats, as well as simple sugars should be in the minority.
- Vegetables and fruits, berries - these are the products that are needed in the diet every day. It is due to this that a sufficient amount of trace elements and vitamins in food is achieved.
For the whole family
Since nutrition in case of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is nothing special, you can cook for all family members at the same time.

This is very convenient, as it eliminates the need for individual cooking. In addition, a therapeutic diet for one will become a preventive menu for others. Such a diet fully meets the criteria for a healthy lifestyle.
Useful products for osteochondrosis
In fact, we will now talk about the standard food pyramid, which many of you are familiar with. The basis of nutrition are carbohydrates. This is bread, cereals, pasta. That is, sources of protein, dietary fiber and minerals. Very important products are whole grain bread, baked potatoes, wheat flakes. It can be argued that an excess of these products is harmful. Yes, it's hard to argue with that. Therefore, there is a reasonable framework. The number of servings is from 6 to 11 per day. Each of them is equal to a piece of bread or 30 grams of cereal, as well as 100 grams of rice or pasta.

Vegetables and fruits
Below we will consider the most useful and simple recipes that will be useful to every housewife. A regular guest at your table should be a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers and cheese. Perfectly balanced, it is a source of minerals and antioxidants. In general, vegetables and fruits are the basis of your diet. Compared to bread and cereals, they are less caloric, which means that they can be eaten much more.
Vegetables contain fiber, vitamins A and C, folic acid, potassium and iron. 5 or more servings can be consumed per day. Try to eat green or yellow vegetables. One serving is approximately 175 ml. Fruits are tasty and healthy sources of dietary fiber and vitamin C, potassium and other substances. 2-4 servings daily are recommended. At the same time, at least one of them should be citrus. Calculating the amount of one serving is very simple - this is an average apple or orange or 100 ml of natural juice without sugar.

Protein diet
Nutrition for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine must necessarily be rich in this nutrient. This is the main structural element in the body of which all cells and tissues are composed. Regularly need to include in the diet low-fat varieties of meat and fish, poultry and eggs, dairy products. This is a protein of animal origin, which is very important. Usually it is his diet that is enough. But proteins of plant origin are also needed. They are rich in nuts and legumes, mushrooms and cereals, eggplant and seeds, as well as corn.
With osteochondrosis, it is very important to eat a whole set of products. Meat, chicken and fish, legumes - all of them contain, in addition to protein, vitamins A, B and dietary fiber. Nuts, in addition, are sources of iron and zinc. 2-3 servings per day are recommended per day. One of them is equal to 50-70 g of meat or fish, two eggs or half a cup of boiled beans.
Dairy products are another great source of protein, vitamin A, zinc, magnesium, and iodine. Servings 2-3 per day. Do not forget that these are enough high-calorie foods. One serving is 40 g of cheese, 200 l of milk or 100 g of cottage cheese.
Speaking about which foods are useful for osteochondrosis, one should not forget about the benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fats must be part of a healthy diet. Despite the widespread opinion, it is completely impossible to exclude them from the diet. It is necessary to limit, rather, trans fats, for example, margarine. Therefore, oily sea fish and various vegetable oils are an important part of our diet.

Approximate Menu
As an example, you can consider the recommended foods for the day.
- Breakfast is a very important meal that should not be neglected. Cheesecakes or just cottage cheese with berries or fruits are perfect. Tea from rose hips will complement the meal.
- Lunch may consist of ripe fruit and a few nuts.
- For lunch, treat yourself to a soup (vegetable or bean). Complete the meal with a slice of meat and a vegetable salad.
- For a mid-morning snack, you can have a cup of kefir with biscuits or fruit with yogurt.
- For dinner, boiled meat or steam fish with porridge or vegetable salad is perfect.
Mistress recipes
To diversify your menu, the following options are great. Who doesn't like a delicious and fresh vegetable salad? Want to make it more interesting? There is nothing easier. We present you a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers and cheese. This will require fresh vegetables and herbs. For 300 g of chopped mixture, you need 50 g of grated cheese. Sprinkle on top and mix after serving.
Spinach recipes deserve special attention. This healthy vegetable will be a real find for the whole family, even if you do not like greens. From it you can cook the most tender mashed soup. To do this, finely crush the juicy leaves, pour them into boiling water, add a spoonful of butter and salt. After cooking, whip the soup with a submersible blender.
It's easy to make spinach salad. To do this, chop greens, add walnuts and olives. It remains to sprinkle with lemon juice and a whole mountain of vitamins on your plate is ready for use. Spinach recipes will help out during the holidays. A simple and at the same time gourmet appetizer will become a favorite among guests. Slice the spinach, fill in the saucepan and add the cream. When the greens are ready, sprinkle flour, cheese and spices to taste. Now it's up to the small. Remove the crumb from the baguette, place a thick mixture in it, fill with beaten eggs and put in the oven for 5 minutes.
The most healthy dessert
Usually they are also the most harmful. However, we offer you an alternative - amazing redcurrant jelly. This is a very useful delicacy, and with osteochondrosis such a dessert will be an excellent source of important vitamins and antioxidants.
For cooking, you will need 1.5 kg of berries and 1 kg of sugar. Put everything in a pan and add 100 ml of water. Cook until the berries burst. Now the berries need to be pressed and boiled for another 5-10 minutes. If you want to get clear jelly, then filter through a fine sieve and pour into jars. Red currant jelly is ready.