特にこのサービスではアラビア語のテキストを分析できるため、悪名高いワトソンを通じてコーランを「スキップ」したいという欲求が最初に生じました。 最初のワトソンスラが拒否された理由は テキストがほとんど含まれていないため、 2番目のを使用することにしました。 結果は有益であることが判明しましたが、ワトソンは感情、性別、年齢による推定値を与えていないため、必要なものではありませんでした。
感情的な範囲が狭く、衝動性が顕著である、絶対的な内向的(ほぼ閉鎖的)。 新しいことを試す準備ができています。 規律と義務。 利他主義、謙虚さ、同情、親切は見当たりません。 高い信頼性。 ルーチンの愛、調和、親密さと組織化の緊急の必要性を表現します。 一般に受け入れられている社会的基準の枠組みの中で、伝統と成果を重視します。 他人を助け、人生を楽しむことに興味がない。
( 285 , . 285 , ). { "id": "*UNKNOWN*", "source": "*UNKNOWN*", "tree": { "id": "r", "name": "root", "children": [ { "id": "personality", "name": "Big 5", "children": [ { "id": "Extraversion_parent", "name": "Extraversion", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0, "children": [ { "id": "Openness", "name": "Openness", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.7401994172490934, "sampling_error": 0.0632961745, "children": [ { "id": "Adventurousness", "name": "Adventurousness", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.0531619985 }, { "id": "Artistic interests", "name": "Artistic interests", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.01376496058079709, "sampling_error": 0.1084097325 }, { "id": "Emotionality", "name": "Emotionality", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0, "sampling_error": 0.049707709 }, { "id": "Imagination", "name": "Imagination", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.0672327285 }, { "id": "Intellect", "name": 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"Self-discipline", "name": "Self-discipline", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.7957300993092047, "sampling_error": 0.048516363 }, { "id": "Self-efficacy", "name": "Self-efficacy", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.031706902665228645, "sampling_error": 0.096044686 } ] }, { "id": "Extraversion", "name": "Extraversion", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0, "sampling_error": 0.059340869500000004, "children": [ { "id": "Activity level", "name": "Activity level", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0, "sampling_error": 0.0810636685 }, { "id": "Assertiveness", "name": "Assertiveness", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0, "sampling_error": 0.0866103315 }, { "id": "Cheerfulness", "name": "Cheerfulness", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0, "sampling_error": 0.10896341150000001 }, { "id": "Excitement-seeking", "name": "Excitement-seeking", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0, "sampling_error": 0.083409996 }, { "id": "Friendliness", "name": "Outgoing", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.004154940124177926, "sampling_error": 0.078376899 }, { "id": "Gregariousness", "name": "Gregariousness", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.006610468323581309, "sampling_error": 0.059563857 } ] }, { "id": "Agreeableness", "name": "Agreeableness", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.100387345, "children": [ { "id": "Altruism", "name": "Altruism", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.00835173524008939, "sampling_error": 0.073512979 }, { "id": "Cooperation", "name": "Cooperation", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.0826257435 }, { "id": "Modesty", "name": "Modesty", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0, "sampling_error": 0.058549201499999995 }, { "id": "Morality", "name": "Uncompromising", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.06559944549999999 }, { "id": "Sympathy", "name": "Sympathy", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.00899654205884867, "sampling_error": 0.101299643 }, { "id": "Trust", "name": "Trust", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.059132582 } ] }, { "id": "Neuroticism", "name": "Emotional range", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.12553186654101073, "sampling_error": 0.094767615, "children": [ { "id": "Anger", "name": "Fiery", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.009857823702785023, "sampling_error": 0.0976305695 }, { "id": "Anxiety", "name": "Prone to worry", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.10522549628333466, "sampling_error": 0.0574906605 }, { "id": "Depression", "name": "Melancholy", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.0012238948047045572, "sampling_error": 0.061626443999999996 }, { "id": "Immoderation", "name": "Immoderation", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.25656958950189773, "sampling_error": 0.0550395485 }, { "id": "Self-consciousness", "name": "Self-consciousness", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.06392969963372698, "sampling_error": 0.0593781605 }, { "id": "Vulnerability", "name": "Susceptible to stress", "category": "personality", "percentage": 0.10113758876238299, "sampling_error": 0.088768721 } ] } ] } ] }, { "id": "needs", "name": "Needs", "children": [ { "id": "Ideal_parent", "name": "Ideal", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.003832960708229936, "children": [ { "id": "Challenge", "name": "Challenge", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.6100166548928185, "sampling_error": 0.086264993 }, { "id": "Closeness", "name": "Closeness", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.8251348807632928, "sampling_error": 0.08506778699999999 }, { "id": "Curiosity", "name": "Curiosity", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.6427034487726155, "sampling_error": 0.1232055355 }, { "id": "Excitement", "name": "Excitement", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.005544228138235261, "sampling_error": 0.11254523300000001 }, { "id": "Harmony", "name": "Harmony", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.112534116 }, { "id": "Ideal", "name": "Ideal", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.003832960708229936, "sampling_error": 0.10201695250000001 }, { "id": "Liberty", "name": "Liberty", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.5752122746131392, "sampling_error": 0.1490213055 }, { "id": "Love", "name": "Love", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.103592588 }, { "id": "Practicality", "name": "Practicality", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.089956072 }, { "id": "Self-expression", "name": "Self-expression", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.009886632263973901, "sampling_error": 0.083656981 }, { "id": "Stability", "name": "Stability", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.011545403965898251, "sampling_error": 0.109521769 }, { "id": "Structure", "name": "Structure", "category": "needs", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.0821582255 } ] } ] }, { "id": "values", "name": "Values", "children": [ { "id": "Self-transcendence_parent", "name": "Self-transcendence", "category": "values", "percentage": 0, "children": [ { "id": "Conservation", "name": "Conservation", "category": "values", "percentage": 0.99, "sampling_error": 0.069950964 }, { "id": "Openness to change", "name": "Openness to change", "category": "values", "percentage": 0.008825493504679734, "sampling_error": 0.0660268375 }, { "id": "Hedonism", "name": "Hedonism", "category": "values", "percentage": 0.008326985786020414, "sampling_error": 0.140913567 }, { "id": "Self-enhancement", "name": "Self-enhancement", "category": "values", "percentage": 0.765277368499976, "sampling_error": 0.10627466249999999 }, { "id": "Self-transcendence", "name": "Self-transcendence", "category": "values", "percentage": 0, "sampling_error": 0.0846075525 } ] } ] } ] }, "warnings": [ { "id": "WORD_COUNT_MESSAGE", "message": "There were 285 words in the input. We need a minimum of 3,500, preferably 6,000 or more, to compute statistically significant estimates" } ] }
, «» , , , Watson .

, Watson , «human readable format». , , . , JavaScript — , . :
switch (intervalFor(valuesList[0].percentage)) { case 0: sentence = format(tphrase('You are relatively unconcerned with both %s and %s'), term1, term2) + '.'; break; case 1: sentence = format(tphrase("You don't find either %s or %s to be particularly motivating for you"), term1, term2) + '.'; break; }
, . — . , , .
uClassify , . , , .
, — .
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |
9% | 76% | 71% | 76% | 60% | 60% | 54% | |
91% | 24% | 29% | 24% | 40% | 40% | 46% |
, , , , , ( 54%).

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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |
20% | 49% | 48% | 60% | 69% | 54% | 47% | |
80% | 51% | 52% | 40% | 31% | 46% | 53% |
, 0.7839422223, .
, .