The basis of women's health is a regular monthly cycle. There are times when it goes astray. The reasons for this phenomenon are diverse. We will consider them further. Although it is best to immediately contact a qualified gynecologist for problems with the cycle. After all, self-medication can only harm your health.
What is a monthly cycle? This is the period from the onset of menstruation to the next. The process of leaving the egg ready for fertilization in the fallopian tube is called ovulation. She divides the monthly cycle into the follicular and luteal phase. And what is it? The follicular phase is the period when the follicle matures. Lutein refers to the period from ovulation to the onset of menstruation.
In those girls whose cycle lasts 28 days, ovulation usually occurs on the fourteenth day from the start. After it, a woman drops estrogen levels. But bleeding does not occur yet. Since the production of hormones is controlled by the corpus luteum. Strong fluctuations of estrogens in any direction during ovulation can cause uterine bleeding between menstruation, before or after.
Cycle calculation
Normally, the cycle time is 21-37 days. As a rule, most girls have 28 days. The duration of menstruation is approximately three to seven days. If you have a two-day or three-day menstruation failure, treatment is not required here. Since such a phenomenon is not a pathology. But if menstruation did not occur and seven days after the required period, then you need to consult a doctor for a consultation.

How to calculate the cycle? The time period between the first day of menstruation and the first day of the following is the duration of the cycle. In order not to make a mistake in the calculations, it is better to use a calendar on which to mark the beginning and end of menstruation.
Symptoms of Failure
Let's now look at the signs of a menstrual failure:
- lack of menstruation;
- shortening the cycle (less than twenty days);
- increased time between menstruation;
- the appearance of bloody discharge;
- abundant or, conversely, meager monthly.
Another symptom of failure is a menstrual period of more than seven days or less than three.
Adolescence and Weight Problems
Why did menstruation delay or cycle failures occur? There can be many reasons. In adolescence, a cycle failure often occurs. This problem is quite common among girls. Since their hormonal background is only just beginning to be established. If after the first menstruation more than two years have passed, and failures continue, then you should definitely go to the gynecologist.

Another reason for the failure of menstruation is a strong weight loss (or, conversely, obesity). The body perceives starvation and extreme diet as hard times. Therefore, it includes natural protection, as a result of which there is a delay in menstruation. Fast weight gain also negatively affects the body. As a result, the cycle may break.
What other known cause of menstruation failure? Acclimatization. The reason for the failure is air travel, moving to another time zone. Stress for the body is a sharp change in climate. Typically, the cycle is restored after the body gets used to new living conditions.
Hormonal disbalance
Delayed menstruation (symptoms of a similar phenomenon are known to every girl) is one of the main signs of hormonal problems. This can be caused by problems in the pituitary gland, as well as the hypothalamus. In this case, you should contact the endocrinologist, he will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary examinations, based on the results of which he will make a diagnosis.
A common cause of menstrual failure is stress. It often leads to disruption of the cycle. During stress, an excessive amount of prolactin is produced. An excess of it inhibits ovulation, as a result, there is a delay. In this case, doctors recommend getting enough sleep, spending more time outdoors. A gynecologist can prescribe a sedative if menstruation fails due to stress. It can be like valerian, and Cyclodinone tablets and others.
Diseases and hormonal contraceptives
Diseases of the female organs also lead to the failure of menstruation. Often the cause of this is the pathology of the cervix, inflammation of the uterus or the appendages. Another reason for the failure of menstruation is cysts and polyps. All such problems are treated surgically.

Reception of hormonal contraceptives or their refusal lead to a failure of the monthly cycle. In this matter, it is worth consulting a doctor. You may need to take a break in taking oral contraceptives.
Pregnancy, lactation
Failure of menstruation after childbirth is also a fairly common occurrence. A similar problem after the appearance of the baby and during the period of breastfeeding is the norm. When lactation stops, the cycle should recover.
If severe pain appears, immediately consult a doctor. Since the cause of this phenomenon can be an ectopic pregnancy. If it is not determined at the right time, then it can lead to death due to pain shock and large blood loss during rupture of the fallopian tubes.
Preclimax and abortion
Failure of menstruation after 40 is not uncommon. A similar phenomenon can be a harbinger of menopause.
Abortions, regardless of whether they are spontaneous or forced, have a bad effect on the condition of the uterus and cause a delay in menstruation. Sometimes they even cause infertility.
Other reasons
Why is there a delay in menstruation? Also, the cause of this phenomenon may be adrenal gland disease, thyroid gland or infectious diseases. In addition, bad habits (drug, alcohol, smoking), medication, vitamin deficiency and vaginal injury lead to a failure of the cycle.
When to see a doctor?
In no case should you postpone a visit to a specialist if:

- two years have already passed since the beginning of menstruation, but the cycle has not been established;
- there are pain during ovulation. Such a symptom most likely indicates ovarian rupture;
- abundant blood flow is observed. Normally, a girl during a menstruation period loses no more than 250 ml of blood. If more, then this is a sign of hormonal imbalance. It must be treated with drug therapy;
- there are regular violations of the cycle (its duration is less than three days or, conversely, exceeds seven days);
- there are spotting before and after menstruation. A similar symptom indicates endometriosis.
How is a patient diagnosed with a menstrual cycle? First, a survey and a gynecological examination are carried out, during which all smears are taken. Also, the patient, if the diagnosis is not made, you need to undergo an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and MRI. In addition, blood is given for hormones. To clarify the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed hysteroscopy, as well as a blood and urine test.
Thanks to all these methods, you can determine the reason why the cycle went astray. After diagnosis, appropriate therapy is prescribed.
First of all, the disease is treated, which led to the failure of the monthly cycle. As a preventative measure, doctors usually recommend to patients:

- eat right;
- eat three to four times a week food that is rich in iron and protein;
- sleep at least eight hours a day;
- quit smoking and other bad habits;
- take vitamins.
When teenage girls experience a malfunction with the cycle, doctors often use vitamin therapy. The patient is prescribed ascorbic and folic acid.
For anemia, women are prescribed iron supplements.

If, in addition to the girl’s cycle disruption, she is diagnosed with infertility, then drugs such as Pergonal and Choriogonin are prescribed to stimulate the development of follicles.
When a patient has severe bleeding, but clotting disorders are ruled out, doctors can prescribe hemostatic drugs. Ε-aminocaproic acid is also prescribed.
Even with heavy bleeding, an infusion of plasma is carried out. Sometimes even an injection of donated blood is practiced.
An extreme method for severe bleeding is surgery.
Hormonal drugs and antibiotics are also prescribed.
Monthly cycle failure. Possible complications
Remember that your health depends only on you! Therefore, do not take lightly to the fact that there are violations of the monthly cycle. Since such problems can lead to infertility. Frequent intermenstrual bleeding causes disability and fatigue.

Late identification of the pathology that caused the menstrual cycle to fail can lead to very serious problems and death. Although this could have been avoided if he turned to the doctor on time. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a qualified doctor.
Little conclusion
Now you know for what reasons there may be failures in the loop. As you can see, there are a lot of them. They can be quite serious. Therefore, if you have problems with the menstrual cycle, immediately contact a gynecologist.