Pregnant mothers undergo many different examinations throughout their pregnancy and regularly take urine and blood tests. The latter are able to tell a lot about the state of health of a woman.
Increased or decreased red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy is one of the important indicators that a narrow-profile specialist will pay attention to. Let's talk in more detail about the second option.
What are red blood cells?
So called red blood cells. It is this component that occupies the largest part in the composition of the blood (45%) and stains it.

Red blood cells in human blood perform very important functions. They contain hemoglobin, which helps to carry oxygen throughout the body and removes carbon dioxide.
Norm or pathology?
Changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy can lead to the development of unusual phenomena for her, including a decrease in the level of red blood cells.
It is worth noting that this is not so rare. According to statistics, during pregnancy, red blood cells in the blood are lowered in 40% of women! And it is very easy to explain. During the period of gestation, the total blood volume in the body increases. Its liquid part makes it faster than the uniform elements (red blood cells, white blood cells, and so on). In this case, experts are talking about a false decrease in the level of red blood cells.
But there are pathological reasons for lowering the level of red blood cells in expectant mothers. We will talk about them a little lower.
Normal limits
A general blood test in pregnant women should show approximately the following results:
- In the first trimester (* 10 12 / l) - 3.5-5.4;
- In the second trimester (* 10 12 / l) - 3.2-4.8;
- In the third trimester (* 10 12 / l) - 3.5-5.0.
By the way, in non-pregnant women the norm of red blood cells in the blood is in the range (* 10 12 / l) of 3.9-4.7.

Causes of the problem
Reduced red blood cells during pregnancy can be a result of a number of reasons:
- irrationally built or malnutrition;
- large blood loss before pregnancy;
- problems with the heart, liver, kidneys;
- anemia;
- iron deficiency;
- deficiency of vitamins in the body, in particular group B;
- the presence of a chronic focus of inflammation;
- infectious diseases;
- parasitic diseases;
- autoimmune diseases;
- exhaustion, which was caused by problems in the field of neurology;
- frequent stress;
- a small gap between the previous and the onset of pregnancy;
- hormonal disruptions;
- the presence of cancerous tumors at the stage of metastasis;
- taking certain types of medications;
- leukemia;
- destruction of erythroid cells.
All these pathologies will noticeably affect not only the health of the pregnant woman herself, but also the body of the still not fully formed fetus.
When to sound the alarm?
During pregnancy, low red blood cells in the blood can be detected only after taking a blood test. However, there are several signs that can tell about the presence of a problem and alert a woman:
- constant lethargy;
- causeless weakness;
- drowsiness and the desire to go to bed immediately after the morning rise;
- chronic fatigue;
- lowering blood pressure;
- dry and pale skin;
- inhibited reactions;
- fainting state.
The presence of at least a few symptoms from the list is an occasion to urgently contact a specialist! Timely assistance can relieve various problems in the course of pregnancy and fetal development.
The effects of lowering red blood cells
It is not necessary to think that lowered red blood cells in pregnancy are not such a big problem. A similar phenomenon can cause the development of dangerous complications.
Reducing red bodies in the early stages can lead to abnormal formation of the baby’s internal organs, the development of various pathologies and even termination of pregnancy.
In the last trimester, a decrease in red blood cells in women increases the risk of fetal hypoxia, complications during the birth process (weak labor, external hemorrhage), and the death of the baby during the first day after birth.

The pathology also affects the well-being of the future mother (all possible symptoms were discussed above).
Before prescribing treatment for lowered red blood cells in pregnancy, the doctor will refer the patient for a second blood test. This will help to eliminate a possible error or once again confirm the presence of a problem. A pregnant woman will have to follow a few simple rules before taking the test:
- avoid emotional upheaval;
- minimize physical activity;
- do not eat new or junk food during the day.
You need to take an analysis in the morning, on an empty stomach (at least 10 hours should pass after eating). In this case, it is allowed to drink clean still water.
The treatment regimen will depend on the cause, which provoked a decrease in red blood cells in the blood during pregnancy. If it was an unbalanced diet or an inactive lifestyle, the specialist will give the woman general recommendations regarding diet and permitted physical activity.
A sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals should be present in the pregnant woman’s diet. Do not give up daily walks in the fresh air.

In infectious and other diseases, the main focus is on their treatment. The level of red blood cells, in this case, will have to recover on its own.
If the occurrence of the problem is associated with severe blood loss, specialists will select special therapy for the speedy recovery of the patient's body. It can be various iron-containing drugs and vitamins that contribute to blood formation. In addition, such patients will be advised to drink plenty of fluids and add foods with a high iron content to their diet: dried mushrooms, beef liver, cocoa, green beans, strawberries, blueberries, beef, rabbit meat, carrots, eggs.
In the presence of serious health problems, such as anemia or malignant neoplasms, the pregnant woman will be treated in a hospital and under the constant supervision of medical personnel.
Folk methods
Reducing the deficit of red blood cells is possible with the help of effective folk methods. Before using them, you must consult your doctor!
Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, such as lungwort, strawberry leaves, rose hips, and rhizome rhizomes, are highly effective in combating the problem. You need to take them twice a day.
We must not forget that folk remedies can also have side effects. For example, strawberry leaves can lower already low pressure. Therefore, the pregnant should be as careful as possible. Also, such drugs can be used for no more than three months, after which it is important to take a break.

A mixture of nuts, dried fruits and honey copes well with the problem. You need to mix walnuts, dried apricots, prunes and honey in equal proportions. The mixture should be eaten two teaspoons three times a day.
On the day when a woman finds out about her interesting situation, she must understand that from that moment she is also responsible for the health of her future baby. Therefore, in no case do not need to refuse to take tests, which are regularly prescribed by a specialist. It is also equally important to do everything possible to protect yourself as much as possible from reducing the number of red blood cells in the blood. In this matter will help:
- a balanced diet, which includes the use of foods rich in iron, folic acid, copper and other beneficial substances;
- refusal of alcohol, smoking and other bad habits;
- moderate physical activity;
- timely diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
In conclusion, it is worth recalling once again that expectant mothers during pregnancy should be very attentive to their state of health, promptly seek help from a doctor, and submit all the tests prescribed by them in time.