Sometimes to strengthen blood vessels in the human body, blood thickens, namely, the amount of fibrin increases. Because of this, when veins are damaged, blood clots form. If the blood is too thick, then calcium salts, fats and clots settle on the walls of the arteries, thereby provoking atherosclerosis. With improper nutrition, the situation only worsens. If blood-thinning products are not consumed, blood clots condense and, if they enter the heart, cause a heart attack, stroke in the brain, and pulmonary embolism in the lung.

All processes occurring in the body depend on the quality of the blood. If her condition worsens, then health problems may arise. The main reasons why it thickens are the following factors:
- the use of chlorinated, unclean, degraded or carbonated water;
- enzyme deficiency ;
- dehydration caused by a hot climate or physical exertion;
- general oxidation of the body;
- poorly digestible liquid;
- the harmful effects of radiation;
- minimal salt intake;
- lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.
Of course, it is impossible to prevent the emergence of certain circumstances, because it is so important to try to reduce any risks, therefore it is recommended to use products that thin the blood and blood clots.
Risk group
Despite the fact that this problem is very common and can occur in anyone, there are cases when patients are more susceptible to the onset of the disease.
Increased blood coagulation is often found with:
- any forms of coronary heart disease ;
- deep vein thrombosis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- varicose veins;
- any indications of chronic venous insufficiency;
- ischemic brain disease;
- common vascular atherosclerosis;
- the use of hormonal contraceptives by young women;
- transferred ischemic transient attacks and ischemic stroke;
- pregnancy
- increased tendency to form blood clots in veins or arteries;
- malignant hypertension of arteries;
- obliterating atherosclerosis, as well as other diseases associated with circulatory disorders in the limbs;
- obesity, as well as in patients with diabetes mellitus of any degree;
- problems in the blood system, accompanied by a high content of red blood cells and platelets (polycythemia, erythremia, thrombocytosis);
- recovery after pulmonary embolism.
It must be remembered that all people after 50 years of age need to consume blood thinning foods. This is due to the fact that during this period the likelihood of cardiovascular problems increases due to internal changes in the composition of the blood. In particular, this problem is relevant in women and in overweight individuals.
Why is thick blood dangerous?
Quite often, a similar problem leads to an increase in indicators such as glucose, hemoglobin and cholesterol. After that, if you do not use products that dilute blood and blood clots, the following serious changes can occur in the body:
- Significantly increases the risk of atherosclerotic processes, which very often lead to clogged arteries.
- There is a likelihood of coronary heart disease. Because of this, damage to the transport artery occurs, and it is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to the heart muscle.
- Angina pectoris occurs much more often, in common people this disease is called "angina pectoris", because due to the development of the syndrome, a person begins to feel compressive pain in the chest area.
- If you do not eat foods that thin the blood and strengthen blood vessels, then a disease such as thrombosis can appear.
- Significantly increases the risk of heart attack, the reason for this is a blockage of the bloodstream with a large number of blood clots. As a result, the heart muscle stops receiving blood. This pathology can be fatal.
- Quite often, with thick blood, a problem such as coronary heart disease develops.
- Many diseases related to circulatory disorders can appear. One of them is a stroke, with it there is an internal hemorrhage in the brain.
Therefore, in order to avoid such serious complications, it is required to use blood thinning products.

A large number of health problems, which include thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hypertension, atherosclerosis, stroke, and many others, are directly dependent on blood density. The higher the indicator, the greater the risk of stagnation in the veins, and after the formation of blood clots and a change in the structure of blood vessels.
In order to understand whether this indicator is normal, it is enough to do a laboratory analysis. But, in addition to this, you can pay attention to individual symptoms that well reflect this condition:
- bad sleep;
- high blood pressure;
- distraction;
- severe weakness of the whole organism;
- feeling of thirst;
- noise in the auricle;
- fast fatiguability;
- cold arms and legs;
- depressed state.
All of the above symptoms can accompany a huge number of diseases. Therefore, if a person watches them at home, then it is impossible to say unequivocally that he has increased blood density. In this case, you must always consult a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis, and then begin the correct treatment.
List of the most effective blood thinners
What ingredients to use for each patient, the doctor will tell you. But if it is not possible to consult a doctor, then there is a list of the main components that will help to perfectly cope with the problem.
- Vegetables - this category includes tomatoes, garlic, beets, cucumbers, sweet peppers and sauerkraut. If they are regularly consumed, then they perfectly improve the blood characteristics and prevent thickening, and hence thrombosis. The vegetables contain essential oils and therefore the most effective of the above is garlic, it works stronger than the rest.
- Fruits - these include pomegranates, apples, oranges, lemons, tangerines and other citrus fruits. They improve coagulation processes well due to the fact that they saturate the body with vitamin "C". The only thing to remember is that you should not use them very much, since there will be an excess of vitamin, and this will not benefit the body.
- Juices are an excellent assistant in solving the problem, as they contain canned vitamins and minerals.
- Pure water can qualitatively solve the problem of density, provided that a person drinks about 2 liters per day, if you do not take into account the first dishes. But strong, tea, soda, coffee, vodka and other alcoholic beverages are not included in the list of blood thinning products, as they provoke dehydration of the body. Although if you constantly drink green tea, then it has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the body. A weak drink copes with thinning, especially with honey, lemon and ginger. This includes fruit drinks, compotes and decoctions of medicinal plants.
- Beekeeping products, namely honey, are a very effective way to improve blood. It is not at all required to eat the last with spoons, so as not to provoke the appearance of an allergy. It is considered sufficient to simply add it to tea instead of sugar, so that the body can receive a daily dose of the required trace elements.
- Vegetable oils, which include olive, linseed, sea buckthorn and sunflower, as well as Omega-3 and all fatty acids, affect the body only positively, as they prevent the formation of blood clots and the development of atherosclerosis.
- Seasonings and spices are the best blood thinners. They can be used to make side dishes, first courses, fish, meat and other things. The main and most effective include dill, apple cider vinegar, horseradish, cinnamon, peppers, ginger and mint. Ginger is the leader in action, especially in combination with lemon and honey. Therefore, many doctors recommend preparing such a mixture in advance and consuming it daily on an empty stomach.
These are great helpers for traditional medicine, which many doctors use. Therefore, they are also referred to as blood thinners.
The main ones are:
- Melilotus officinalis;
- horse chestnut;
- biscuit medicinal;
- aloe;
- mulberry;
- ginkgo biloba;
- wormwood;
- red clover;
- meadowsweet;
- willow bark;
- liquorice root;
- chicory;
- peony dodging.
But such herbs as plantain, yarrow, nettle, St. John's wort, valerian, shepherd's purse, St. John's wort and tansy, on the contrary, thicken the blood very much, since in folk medicine they are used to stop bleeding.
Water therapy

Water is a precious source of life that works well with blood thinning. This problem often arises due to the fact that people use very little water. According to research by the World Health Organization, no more than 10% of all humanity adheres to the correct drinking regimen, and this is an unacceptable and catastrophic indicator. And also the results showed that an adult is required to drink at least 2.5 liters of water, and this is without taking into account other drinks.
Water is a blood thinner that prevents blood clots, but for this it must be clean, filtered or boiled. It is recommended to use it in one glass every hour. After entering the body, it stops in the vascular bed, thereby helping to make liquid tissue less viscous.
It is also recommended to consume green tea, infusions of some herbs, fruit drinks, juices and other drinks, which only do not include sugar and without gases.

About what foods you can thin the blood, many nutritionists write. The obligatory menu requires acidic foods, vegetables and natural juices. To thin the plasma, garlic and pepper are added to regular use, but tomatoes will help prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques. And also any green vegetables will be an excellent way to solve the liquefaction problem. Doctors recommend making a smoothie of spinach, cucumber and celery. With regular use of ginger, you can well improve your blood condition. Tea with this root and lemon will help to quickly restore coagulation processes.
A diet aimed at improving blood has certain rules and features.
- The daily calorie content of the ingredients should fully take into account the weight, age and level of physical activity of a person.
- Nutrition must be only fractional and include 5-6 receptions with an equal period of time.
- All dishes should be tried to cook in the oven or steamed, as well as consumed in boiled form, frying is not allowed at all.
How to improve blood with vein disease?

Various diseases of the venous system of the legs, namely varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and chronic insufficiency, are considered very common diseases of modern mankind. One of the important therapeutic methods is blood-thinning therapy. Since the above ailments are chronic, there is no way to stop treating them. Therefore, you need to know which foods thin the blood. A list of all the ingredients is presented above. With these diseases, all components that have the ability to make blood less dense are suitable. The only limitation is spicy dishes with severe varicose veins, as these components can cause the problem to progress.
Very often, different parts of chestnut are used to treat thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. This product is one of the most powerful phlebotonics (drugs to strengthen the venous walls). In addition to this effect, it has anticoagulant abilities. Decoctions, tinctures and lotions are made from chestnut. All patients who have problems with the venous system should definitely test these substances, as they help very well. Therefore, if you use dishes from this ingredient, you can get not only taste pleasure, but also an excellent therapeutic effect and really avoid the need to take expensive drugs.
Every woman dreams of becoming a mother and making a healthy baby. Sometimes the load on the female body becomes very strong, so the girl acquires increased blood clotting. Because of this, the venous vessels of the legs suffer, which becomes a fundamental factor in the development of varicose veins and the onset of inflammation, which is subsequently accompanied by the formation of blood clots and gaps in the veins.
The ability to use various medicines in pregnant women is limited. Therefore, it is required to use products that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
In the diet of the expectant mother, fresh fruits, vegetables and juices should be present. A great option will be a variety of salads seasoned with vegetable oils. To adjust the quality of blood during pregnancy, increased fluid intake is inappropriate, since huge edema can be provoked, and this is a very serious syndrome in this position.
It is not recommended to abuse seasonings and spices that have excellent anticoagulant properties, since there is a possibility of a violation of the state of placental blood flow. This problem provokes premature detachment of the placenta due to the deposition of blood in it.
Various herbal decoctions are not worth drinking, as they often cause an allergic reaction in both a woman and a child.
What is not recommended to use
Proper nutrition, which is used for correction, involves not only knowledge about products that thin the blood and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, but also about those that need to be excluded from your diet, as they are aimed at thickening. This list includes:
- various products made from butter dough - rolls, white wheat bread and pies;
- fatty foods, the most dangerous are animal fats;
- sweets - sweets, sugar, cakes, pastries, cookies;
- smoked meats, sausages, marinades and canned goods, as well as fried foods;
- cream, meat dishes and butter;
- bone and meat broths, especially rich and jellied meat;
- lentils and walnuts;
- alcohol in all its forms, as well as carbonated drinks.
To solve the liquefaction problem, there is nothing unequivocal and absolute, therefore, each patient is obliged to consult with his personal physician, after which he will tell you which products dilute the blood and are suitable for him.

It is better to prevent any disease than to treat it later and feel all the negative aspects of this process. Therefore, as measures to prevent an increase in coagulability, you need to monitor your weight and eat properly throughout life, and not only when it becomes bad. It is also important to pay attention to the state of the blood. To do this, it is recommended to take tests every six months, according to the results of which the doctor will be able to see the development of the problem at an early stage. It is advisable to know which foods thin the blood and introduce them into your diet. It is useful to spend a lot of time in the fresh air, especially in sunny and clear weather.