Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and gastritis in particular, are so common today that this diagnosis is often found in children, not to mention adults. Improper nutrition, constant stress and ignoring the needs of your body - these are simple factors that lead to a rather serious problem, which some get rid of for years, and someone is afraid of a relapse. If you seek qualified help in time and follow all the doctorβs recommendations, you can return and maintain your health at the proper level.
What to eat with gastritis? Is kefir possible ? This will be discussed in the article.

Features of the course of gastritis
Gastritis in its development goes through several stages. If you do not pay attention to the first signals of the disease, then after a while you can feel the exacerbated form. The thing is that the gastric mucosa will almost always be irritated by the food that gets there, especially if it is harmful. In addition, some have chronic stress, fatigue, and simply the wrong rhythm of life. At first, you can feel minor pain or short-term bouts of nausea, but all this quickly disappears. If these signals are ignored, then irreversible processes of change in the gastric mucosa itself can begin inside. No self-medication is appropriate in this case. It will require professional consultation of a specialist and only the right medication, combined with diet and even physical procedures. Only in a comprehensive way can you try to rectify the situation and restore health. In another case, the risk of ulcers and even stomach cancer is not excluded.

Kefir and gastritis
As soon as a person hears a diagnosis of gastritis, with him he receives a lot of restrictions in terms of food. What is impossible with gastritis? Fried, fatty, spicy foods should definitely be excluded. However, alcohol, carbonated drinks, sour juices are contraindicated. A constant and fairly rigid diet should lead to a successful normalization of the state, therefore, it must be strictly observed.
Almost everyone has a clear question about the possibility of using dairy products. Is kefir useful for gastritis? Doctors recommend introducing it into the daily diet, since the bifidobacteria that it contains have a very beneficial effect on the food processing process, in addition, a large amount of lactose from kefir can calm the nervous system.
Be sure to consult with your doctor about the correct amount of product used, because some are sincere fans of it and can drink a large amount every day, and someone doesn't like kefir so much. In order to have a positive effect, you need to know the optimum permitted amount and always use exclusively fresh dairy product.

Useful properties of kefir
Of course, every gastroenterologist will say that kefir is good for gastritis. He has just a mass of those qualities that are necessary for complete recovery and recovery.
- Kefir with gastritis has a very beneficial effect on the state of the microflora of the stomach. It prevents rotting products.
- Kefir helps significantly reduce high sugar levels.
- Thanks to the fermented milk product, appetite improves.
- Few people know that kefir even has anti-aging properties, which, of course, is beneficial to well-being and the body as a whole.
- Thanks to kefir, it is quite quickly possible to normalize all internal metabolic processes.
Diet during gastritis. What can I eat?
What to eat with gastritis? Depending on the form in which the disease occurs in the patient, he was admitted with exacerbation or is it a routine check, the doctor prescribes a certain diet. It is also very important to consider the level of acidity of the stomach. A lot of things depend on this. If you adhere to all medical recommendations, then in a short time you can stabilize your well-being, and after that there will be a long-awaited remission.
What is impossible with gastritis? This is understandable: fatty, fried, spicy, sour should be excluded from your diet. The use of alcohol and soda is also contraindicated, not even all juices are allowed.

What can be done with gastritis? Diet for people who have low acidity, first of all, includes the presence of broths - meat and fish. It is this product that works as a good stimulant for the production of gastric juice. Gradually, the pain will decrease, and then in the diet you need to include:
- liquid porridge;
- mashed soup;
- boiled slightly salted chicken;
- cutlets steamed from low-fat varieties of poultry and fish;
- steamed omelettes and boiled eggs;
- pure cottage cheese;
- berry and vegetable mousses or jelly.
What can be done with gastritis if the level of acidity in the body is increased? Diet will be different. In this case, all products should be light and gentle at first. Light soups are allowed only on chicken broth and with a small addition of cereals. You can also introduce milk soups. Do not forget about steamed vegetables. As soon as the condition normalizes, it will be possible to eat some crackers, steam cutlets and boiled meat.

Kefir with erosive gastritis
Erosive gastritis is very often more difficult to treat, especially if the patient has not completely dealt with this issue before. First you need to establish the level of acidity in the body and only then prescribe the correct diet. As a rule, the first week of treatment of erosive gastritis, kefir, like all other dairy products, is prohibited. If, after a weekly course, a relief occurs, then doctors, as a rule, allow the use of low-fat fresh kefir, but only in small quantities.
Reduced acidity and the use of kefir
As a rule, during remission, the acidity level of the stomach not only returns to normal, but can also be lowered. Since the body has a little hydrochloric acid, doctors recommend regular use of kefir. Thanks to a number of important vitamins and minerals, this product will contribute to the continuation of remission and the normalization of all metabolic and digestive processes. Only be sure to pay attention to the freshness and fat content of the product. It is worth remembering that only high-quality kefir with gastritis will benefit the body.

The condition of exacerbation and the use of kefir
During an exacerbation, it is imperative that you immediately seek qualified help from specialists, so that they remove the arising pain cramps and can normalize the condition.
Is kefir possible with exacerbation of gastritis? Along with traditional drug treatment, the diet recommended by the doctor should be followed. A special place in it is occupied by all dairy products and kefir in particular. The first week of kefir with gastritis at the acute stage is strictly prohibited, as well as other products from this area. The patient is advised to constantly drink warm water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice. You can also drink unsweetened tea, a rosehip decoction.
After a week of a fairly strict diet, doctors allow a small amount of low-fat kefir. It is better to use a product in the morning or in the evening. After two weeks, you can return not only kefir, but also other dairy products, but you should not eat everything in large quantities. If you adhere to such a diet for a month, then the stomach will recover.

The right kefir for gastritis
To get the maximum benefit from the product, you must definitely choose it correctly. People who have experienced gastritis should be sure to choose only a fresh product with a minimum percentage of density. You should also carefully study the content of the product indicated on the package, because many people buy kefir product today. It does not contain any benefit to the body and, conversely, can only worsen the general condition. It should also be remembered that the drink will bring maximum benefits to the body only if it is consumed not from the refrigerator, but at room temperature. You can also make very healthy and delicious berry and fruit smoothies with kefir at home. This item must be discussed with the doctor so that he gives recommendations directly on berries and fruits.

Timely treatment and prevention is the key to health
Paying attention to healthy products, adhering to proper nutrition is necessary not only when gastritis has already clearly shown itself, but also before that. In this case, you may not encounter such a problem at all. The regular use of fresh kefir, various cocktails, proper and balanced nutrition - this is the real guarantee of good health and the absence of any problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
Human health depends only on him, you should always remember this, take care of your well-being and choose only fresh, natural products for yourself.