Erosion in the tissues of the genitals is a fairly common problem in the fair sex. According to statistics, in most cases, a similar pathology develops after pregnancy (successful or interrupted). Nevertheless, cervical erosion in nulliparous girls is also diagnosed, because there are many causes of this disease. So what is an ailment and how dangerous can it be? What should I look for when diagnosing? Are there effective treatments? The answers to these questions are of interest to many patients.
Erosion: a brief summary of the pathology
Cervical erosion is considered one of the most common ailments of the reproductive system. According to statistics, about 50% of women of childbearing age suffer from a similar ailment. The disease is accompanied by a violation of the structure of the epithelial layer that lines the cervical canal.

Cracks appear in the epithelial layer, which are then overgrown with other elements, which, accordingly, affects the properties and functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. The cylindrical epithelium begins to grow, spreading to other parts of the genital organs. As the disease develops, small sores begin to appear in the wall. Diagnosis of cervical erosion in nulliparous girls, mothers, and even pregnant women. This problem is quite common, so you should familiarize yourself with the basic information about the disease.
Cervical erosion in a nulliparous girl: causes
Of course, to begin with, it is worth learning about possible risk factors. In what cases does cervical erosion develop in nulliparous girls? The causes may be different:
- the presence of infections, especially those transmitted during sexual intercourse;
- inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system, in which there is irritation of the mucous membrane of the cervix;
- violation of the natural microflora of the vagina, which is observed, for example, with thrush;
- hormonal changes;
- taking hormonal drugs;
- improper use of mechanical or chemical contraceptives;
- weakening of the immune system, which increases the risk of developing infectious or inflammatory diseases;
- promiscuous sex;
- injuries of the cervix, which can be obtained during gynecological procedures or too active sexual intercourse;
- activation of human papillomavirus or herpes infection;
- in some cases, the pathological process begins in girls before birth, in the womb.

It is in such cases that cervical erosion most often develops in a nulliparous girl. The reasons, as you can see, can be very diverse, so you should not ignore the problem in any case.
What are the dangers associated with the disease?
What is the danger of cervical erosion in nulliparous? Its consequences can be very sad, especially when it comes to pregnancy. As the disease develops, the cervical tissues lose their elasticity. Therefore, during childbirth, the risk of fetal asphyxiation is high. In addition, there is a chance of rupture of the cervix during the birth of a baby. In turn, this increases the possibility of severe infectious diseases of the reproductive system. Often, after severe neck ruptures, women experience problems with subsequent pregnancy - the number of miscarriages is increasing.
According to static data, cervical erosion in nulliparous girls can be accompanied by malignant degeneration of tissues and, accordingly, the development of cancer. That is why it is important to diagnose the disease in time and tackle its treatment.
Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls: symptoms
Unfortunately, in most cases, the disease proceeds without any visible signs. Nevertheless, some changes are still worth paying attention to. Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls may be accompanied by the release of so-called whites. Sometimes women complain of drawing pains in the lower abdomen, but they quickly pass.

Symptoms include spotting, which appears regardless of the menstrual cycle - such disorders should alert the patient. In more severe cases, bleeding is possible, which appear, for example, during a gynecological examination or after sex.
What procedures are needed to make a diagnosis?
How is cervical erosion diagnosed in nulliparous girls? Reviews of doctors say that in most cases the disease is detected completely by accident, during a planned gynecological examination. When examining with mirrors, the doctor may suspect the presence of erosion, which is the reason for further tests:
- An informative diagnostic method is colposcopy. Using a special device (colposcope), the doctor must carefully examine the walls of the vagina and part of the cervix. To obtain more information, the tissues are treated with iodine solution or acetic acid - so the doctor has the opportunity to see the boundaries of erosion sites.

- Also, a specialist takes a smear from the vagina, because it is important to determine the composition of the microflora. The same procedure allows you to determine the presence of bacterial pathogens.
- Sometimes PCR diagnostics are necessary, especially if there is a possibility of activation of herpes viruses or papilloma.
- It is necessary to pass urine and blood samples for analysis, as well as determine the level of hormones in the blood.
- A cervical biopsy is performed if there is a suspicion of malignant tissue degeneration.
During the diagnosis, it is important not only to determine the presence of erosion in the cervix, but also to identify the causes of the development of pathology.
The main stages of treatment
This disease requires complex treatment. Firstly, it is necessary to restore the normal structure of the cervix and prevent an increase in erosion sites. Secondly, it is important to prevent the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases that will only exacerbate the situation.
Erosion therapy includes both medication and the process of cauterization of affected areas. It is believed that moxibustion is contraindicated in women who are not giving birth, as this can lead to problems in the future. In part, this statement is correct. The easiest and most affordable way to cauterize is electrocoagulation. Nevertheless, after the procedure, as a rule, rather large scars form on the cervix, which may make subsequent pregnancy impossible.

Fortunately, many gentle cauterization methods are known, after which there are practically no traces on the tissues. So how to treat cervical erosion for nulliparous girls?
Candles and other drugs for the treatment of erosion
Medicine at its disposal has many drugs to treat the erosive process, mainly vaginal suppositories. For example, in modern medicine, such drugs as Depantol, Suporon, Geksikon, sea buckthorn suppositories are used.
These medicines are easy to use at home. They accelerate the healing processes of erosion sites, contribute to the development of normal microflora, soften tissues, accelerate the elimination of pathological secretions, relieve a woman from discomfort. In addition, their cost is quite affordable. Unfortunately, treatment with suppositories only is possible only in the early stages of the development of the disease. In other cases, drug treatment must necessarily be supplemented by cauterization of the affected areas.
Erosion cryodestruction: advantages and disadvantages of the method
What to do if erosion of the cervix is detected in a nulliparous girl? Treatment is often carried out using liquid nitrogen. The procedure is not too painful, and does not last long. The doctor inserts a special cryoprobe into the vagina, after which it treats erosion sites with liquid nitrogen, which has an extremely low temperature. Thus, freezing of damaged areas of the epithelium occurs.
The recovery period lasts no more than a few weeks. Scars on the tissues do not remain (with skillful use of equipment), and the procedure is affordable. On the other hand, liquid nitrogen is ineffective with deep erosion, since it makes it possible to treat only the surface layers - there is a risk of relapse.

Chemical moxibustion treatment
One of the most affordable methods is cauterization of erosion sites using special medications. For example, medications such as Vagotil or Solkovagin are often used. During the procedure, the doctor treats the affected epithelium with chemicals that destroy the layer of the cylindrical epithelium.
This technique is simple, and medications are inexpensive. However, to achieve maximum effect, about five consecutive procedures are needed. And again, this method is possible only in the case of small, shallow erosion.
Radio wave erosion treatment
The safest and most painless method is radio wave cauterization of erosion, which is carried out using a special apparatus "Surgitron", which makes it possible to destroy atypical epithelial cells. Modern equipment helps to remove erosion patches, even if they are located in deep layers. Moreover, the procedure is almost painless, and the recovery period is minimal. There is no direct contact with the patient’s blood or tissues, so the risk of infection is minimized. It is this method that is recommended to nulliparous girls and women who are planning a pregnancy in the future.
Unfortunately, not every clinic can afford to purchase the necessary equipment for the procedure. Yes, and cauterization itself will cost the patient dearly.
Is treatment possible with folk remedies?
Is cervical erosion in nulliparous treated at home? Treatment with folk remedies is possible only with the permission of the attending physician - in no case should you refuse medical care. Various folk recipes can be used as adjuvants, but they can not replace a full-fledged therapy.
Sea buckthorn oil is considered a good healing agent. This product, by the way, contains vitamins and minerals necessary for tissues. Sometimes doctors recommend wetting the swab in natural sea buckthorn oil and inserting it into the vagina. In the same way, erosion can be treated with honey.
Disease prevention
The issue of preventing cervical erosion is very relevant. Unfortunately, there is no medicine that can prevent the development of the disease. Nevertheless, the implementation of a few simple rules will help to avoid the disease or at least diagnose it at an early stage.

It is extremely important for women to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and to refuse casual sex. Be sure to consult a doctor and choose a safe, but effective contraceptive, as the causes of erosion include not only sexually transmitted diseases, but also artificial termination of pregnancy. All infectious and inflammatory diseases need to be diagnosed in time and treatment should begin immediately. Patients are also strongly recommended to visit a gynecologist twice a year for a routine examination (even if there are no complaints about well-being).