Eggs have been consumed by humans for thousands of years. They are produced by female birds of various species, but today the most common are chicken eggs. This product contains many vitamins and minerals, which are an integral part of a healthy diet. In many parts of the world, it is eggs that are the most affordable and inexpensive source of protein food. What vitamins in chicken eggs make them such a healthy type of food?

The following facts about this product are generally accepted today:
- they are considered one of the best sources of protein;
- about 9 percent of the contents of an egg is fat, which is found almost exclusively in yolk;
- they are known to contain cholesterol;
- they are one of the most commonly consumed animal products in the world.
- The nutrients found in eggs are beneficial for brain cells and help improve its function.
What are eggs good for?
What is this product useful for and what vitamins are always present in eggs? Studies have confirmed several facts that testify to the benefits of eating eggs. The most relevant information is as follows:
- Strengthening the muscles: the protein in the eggs helps maintain muscle performance by slowing the rate of muscle loss.
- Brain Health: This product contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of cells, including the brain, nervous system, memory and metabolism.
- Good energy production: they contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for energy production in all cells of the body.
- Healthy immune system: Speaking about which vitamins in eggs are found in large quantities, we must not forget about A and B12, as well as selenium, which are the key to maintaining a healthy immune system.
- Reducing the risk of heart disease: choline plays an important role in the destruction of homocysteine, an excess of which leads to the development of heart disease.
- Healthy Pregnancy: Some nutrients found in eggs help prevent congenital disorders (such as spina bifida).
- Vision: Lutein and Zeaxanthin help prevent macular degeneration - the main reason associated with the development of age-related blindness. What vitamins in eggs help improve vision? Retinol also maintains good eye condition.
- Weight loss and maintenance: The high quality of the protein found in eggs helps to recharge your batteries and feel full longer. This sensation helps prevent snacks, which reduces total calorie intake.
- Skin Benefits: Some vitamins and minerals help maintain healthy skin and prevent the breakdown of body tissue.
However, the health benefits of eating eggs can only be achieved when they are part of a balanced diet. What vitamins does an egg contain? First of all, these are vitamins A, B2, B5, B12, D and E. In addition, this product contains a significant amount of biotin, choline, folic acid, iodine, iron, lutein and zeaxanthin, phosphorus and selenium.

A 44 gram average egg typically contains 5.53 grams of protein. About 12.6% of the edible part of the egg is protein. What are the vitamins in the yolk of an egg? Since this part of the product contains a lot of fat, fat-soluble vitamins prevail in it (A and E).
One large egg contains about 5 grams of fat. Most fats are unsaturated, so they are considered the best to be included in a balanced diet. In turn, a saturated variety should be limited in diet and make up less than 10 percent of the daily calorie intake. For example, a diet that assumes a daily intake of 1800 calories should include no more than 20 grams of saturated fat. A large chicken egg contains less than 2 grams of this substance.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Eggs are also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. They are presented primarily in the form of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which helps in maintaining brain function and normal vision. These compounds are most commonly found in oily fish, so eggs are an alternative food source for people who cannot eat fish.

Eggs and cholesterol
One egg of medium size and weighing 44 grams usually contains 164 milligrams of cholesterol. Nevertheless, new studies have shown that there is little association between cholesterol found in foods and cardiovascular disease. Since eggs are low in saturated fat, the effect they have on blood cholesterol is considered clinically insignificant.
Retinol and Eye Health
Speaking about which vitamins are found in eggs, one cannot but isolate retinol (vitamin A). Its level in this product is very high - 80 mg. Vitamin A's antioxidant activity can help reduce macular degeneration and prevent cataracts. This helps not only to see better, but also to maintain visual acuity with age.

This compound, also called vitamin B12, is found in eggs in significant quantities. Modern researchers describe B12 as an essential element for the development of RNA and DNA. Vitamin A helps metabolize both fats and proteins, and also keeps the skin, eyes, heart and liver healthy. According to the data, one large egg contains 0.65 μg of vitamin B12, or about 27 percent of the total daily amount.
Pantothenic acid
One large egg contains about 0.7 mg of another important vitamin called pantothenic acid. This represents approximately 15 percent of the daily amount of this substance needed by an adult. Pantothenic acid is necessary for the metabolism of food and its conversion into energy within the body, as well as for the production of certain hormones and cholesterol.

Folic acid
Speaking about which vitamins in eggs can improve health, folic acid should not be forgotten. Modern researchers describe folates as important substances for the formation of red blood cells and the genetic materials of RNA and DNA. This vitamin is often included additionally in the diet by pregnant women to help prevent fetal birth defects. One large egg contains 23.5 micrograms of folate, or about 6% of the norm that adults require per day.
Quail eggs
This product has similar properties to chicken egg. But is it more useful or is it just advertising? What vitamins in quail eggs are present in large quantities? In general, the amount of nutrients in this product is the same. But it is worth noting that the content of vitamins A and D in quail eggs is greater.

Quail eggs are also more nutritious than chicken eggs. As noted above, both species actually have about the same amount of vitamins and minerals. Quail eggs contain a little more protein, fat and cholesterol. But since consuming too much fat is not good, you will need to eat a little less quail eggs than chicken to get the same amount of fat, and you will end up with roughly the same nutrition.
In addition, it is considered hypoallergenic, unlike chicken. Some studies show that eating quail eggs helps relieve asthma attacks.

What is better for health?
In general, there are few differences between quail and chicken eggs, except that the former contain much more cholesterol and fat. This is not always bad, because such a diet does not increase blood cholesterol directly or by itself. Therefore, when it comes to choosing quail or chicken eggs, keep in mind that no species has significantly more health benefits than another. Speaking about which vitamins in a boiled egg prevail in each form, we can make sure that the amount of these compounds is almost the same.