Specific thick discharge in women can be a signal of serious diseases, and can be an ordinary physiological secret, which does not carry any danger. In any case, if you are concerned about this delicate problem, you need to see a doctor.
In the article, we will consider the discharge that is different in color and consistency, their causes and possible diseases, we will designate what is the norm for the female body and what is not.
Physiological secret
What thick discharge in women can be considered the norm?
The vagina contains many lactobacilli, they form a ph-environment that is favorable for conception, and also inhibit the formation and growth of harmful microorganisms. In other words, if lactobacilli predominate in the vagina, then female immunity is strong. It is a large number of these "useful" bacteria that provokes white dense discharge in women without smell.

Mucous secretions are considered normal, they acquire a white tint on the underwear due to the presence of epithelial cells. Such dense discharge in women, which are odorless, is an excellent confirmation that the ovaries work normally and the vagina is cleaned evenly throughout the day.
The phases of the menstrual cycle determine the color and texture of the discharge.
Menstrual phases
- 1-7 day. In women, a thick discharge of a pinkish or brownish tint, there may be clots. By the end of this phase, the amount of secretion is reduced.
- 5-14 day. In this phase, egg maturation occurs; in women, white dense discharge can be observed.
- 14-15 day. The ovulation phase, the estrogen hormone is secreted in large quantities, and vaginal discharge increases.
- 16-28 day. Premenstrual phase, discharge decreases.
Normal discharge factors
A woman can not worry if her discharge has the following characteristics:
- Transparent or white, a slightly yellowish tint is possible.
- There is no smell.
- The consistency is liquid.
- No more than one teaspoon in volume.
- Stronger severity before critical days, after sex, or when sexually aroused is possible.
When bearing a fetus

During pregnancy, the hormonal background is significantly rearranged, while hormones can be at different levels in different trimesters. This is considered the norm. The rush of blood to the genitals increases, women have a white, odorless, thick discharge.
The reasons for white dense discharge in women in early pregnancy can be different: this is the fastening of the fetal egg, and a sharp increase in hormones. But there is always one reason for concern - the baby’s health, so it is important to monitor your well-being daily and visit a gynecologist.
After the birth of a baby
Immediately after birth, the woman begins to have bloody discharge, because the body has not yet recovered, overall health is weak, and the hormonal background is unstable. But after a few months, in newly-minted mothers, the cycle and all processes in the body are restored, the usual transparent, and sometimes dense, discharge of odorless women appears. And this is the norm, the body began to function normally.

But if there are yellow thick discharge in women, this is an occasion to immediately contact a specialist for further diagnosis.
Immediately after the critical days
The presence of mucous secretions immediately after menstruation is considered the norm, however, there is one pathology that is important to notice.
If immediately after the critical days there is a thick white discharge in women, this may be the first symptom of cervicitis. With this disease, inflammation occurs in the cervix. As a rule, cervicitis occurs when the banal rules of personal hygiene are not observed. The cause of white dense discharge in women can also be a promiscuous sexual life and a frequent change of partners.
Color classification
1. White dense discharge in women without smell.
White color is normal for the female body, as a rule, is not a pathology of the reproductive system. The amount of such secretions is small and depends on the phase of menstruation, such a secret is not an irritant for the mucous membranes and skin.
There are a number of functions that perform such separation:
- Humidification during intercourse. Prevent the occurrence of microcracks of the vagina, do not allow injuries.
- Exchange. The secret of the gonads destroys unnecessary cells in the vagina.
- Cleansing. The upper layer of the epithelium exfoliates to form new cells.
- Protection and the formation of immunity, increasing the body's resistance to external factors.
2. Yellow thick discharge in women.
They usually appear in the presence of pathogenic microorganisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases. In addition to secretions, a woman may feel itching and discomfort in the intimate area.
3. Greenish discharge.
Green is the first sign that leukocytes are contained in the discharge. This is a bacterial infection. This secret is called leukorrhea. Green discharge indicates an inflammatory process in the vagina, in the fallopian tubes or in the ovaries.
4. Purulent discharge.
This is a clear sign that there is a disease in the body that has not been given proper attention. In other words, it is a neglected or untreated infection.

Thrush (candidiasis) is one of the most common causes of dense discharge in women. This is a mucosal lesion that causes a fungus of the genus Candida.
In the vagina, these microorganisms are constantly present. The disease begins when their number becomes too large. The following factors provoke active growth of fungal colonies:
- An unstable hormonal background.
- Reception of hormonal drugs.
- Stress.
- Poor nutrition.
- Pregnancy.
- Antibiotic treatment.
The difference in secretions with thrush is their specific sour smell and curdled consistency.
For the prevention of thrush, it is important to eat properly, maintain personal hygiene, maintain a correct sex life and regularly undergo preventive examinations by a gynecologist.

The first signs that you have an infection
The above thick discharge in women can be a sign of a serious sexual infection. If you had unprotected sexual intercourse or you suspect a partner of treason, watch your body. We list the signs by which it is possible to determine an infectious infection:
- Burning in the intimate area.
- Thick white discharge in women and itching.
- Painful intercourse.
- Rash on the labia.
- Dryness in the intimate area.
- Swelling of the lymph nodes (not necessarily only in the groin, possibly throughout the body).
- Menstrual irregularities.
- Foamy discharge.
- Frequent urination.
- Pain during urination.
A list of infections, sexually transmitted infections
Not all infections are transmitted only during sexual intercourse, many microorganisms can maintain vital activity outside the human body, for example, on personal hygiene items. It is important to understand that you can get infected in various ways. To do this, it is useful to know what genital infections exist and how they can be transmitted. Dangerous diseases include:
- Syphilis. The disease causes pale treponema, which affects the skin, mucous membranes and bones. It is transmitted sexually, through the blood and personal belongings of the patient. For example, you can easily get infected using a patient’s toothbrush. First signs: rash on the body and genitals.
- Gonorrhea. The causative agent is gonococcus, which extends to the urethra and the walls of the vagina. The first manifestation is white thick discharge in women with purulent clots, as well as burning during urination.
- Trichomoniasis It is transmitted sexually and everyday, in women it manifests itself with abundant thick discharge of yellow color, there is pain during intercourse.
- Chlamydia Chlamydia affects a healthy body, but for a long time almost does not manifest itself. This disease is very dangerous, since it can go into a chronic form and have serious consequences.
- Ureaplasmosis. It is transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through childbirth (from mother to infant). It passes without pronounced symptoms.
- Gardnerellosis. Gardnerella displaces healthy vaginal lactobacilli, thereby causing bacterial vaginosis. The primary symptom is thick discharge in women and itching.
- Human papillomavirus (HPV). It is transmitted sexually and everyday. Warts and papillomas can occur on the body - this is the primary manifestation.
- Cytomegalovirus. Household and sexual transmission, passes without symptoms, is dangerous for pregnant women, as it affects the fetus.
All women know that they need to visit a gynecologist once every six months for a routine examination. But adheres to this requirement, unfortunately, no more than 25-30% of the female population.
Is there a need for such a frequent visit to the medical office? Sure, yes! After all, there are such diseases, the treatment of which will be productive only in case of timely treatment. But preventive examinations are optional. This is the choice of every woman. I would like to pay special attention to those cases in which a woman should contact the gynecological office.

When you need to see a doctor
You need to make an appointment with the doctor if you notice the following symptoms:
- Bloody issues. If blood flow suddenly appears between menstrual bleeding, this can indicate quite serious pathologies. To postpone a visit to the antenatal clinic is impossible.
- Unusual discharge. The female reproductive system is designed in such a way that every day she needs to renew the mucous membrane, so every woman has small natural secretions. Usually, they are odorless, transparent or slightly unclear in consistency. The cause of dense discharge in women may be a banal change in climate. But if you notice that the daily secretion has changed, an unpleasant odor has appeared, you need to urgently visit a gynecologist.
- Burning. Perhaps this is an allergy, or maybe some "bell" that the body is affected by some kind of infection.
- Itching If he appears after unprotected intercourse or you have changed your partner, then you need to see a doctor for tests. If you live a familiar sex life, itching may arise from insufficient compliance with female hygiene.
- The lower abdomen hurts. The reasons can be different, from banal hypothermia to internal bleeding. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
- Sharp pain during intercourse. Such a symptom often indicates the presence of cervical disease or adhesions. It can also be a symptom of an infectious disease.
If something bothers you, you need to immediately sign up to the gynecologist and conduct an examination! Any delay can cost a worsening of the condition, and the disease can go into a chronic form.
Identifying the disease at an early stage will save a lot of time, nerves and money. Ignoring symptoms and worsening well-being is a sure way to infertility, ectopic pregnancies and hormonal surges.
How to make an appointment with a gynecologist

If you need a routine examination, then your visit to a gynecologist is not urgent. Therefore, you must first make an appointment with the doctor. You can contact the district women's consultation or a private medical center. Let us consider an appeal to the antenatal clinic.
You can make an appointment directly in the most women's consultation in the reception window, and now almost every institution has the option of electronic appointment with a specialist - the schedules of all doctors are displayed on the monitor of a special device, different colors indicate that the time is taken or free. If the choice of a specific doctor is fundamental, then you can make a selection by name.
The most convenient way to record is through the online portal. You do not need to leave the apartment or work, just go to your personal office, choose a medical institution, doctors and the nearest convenient time, and the system will display your data in the consultation registry. Time will be reserved.
In what cases does not require an appointment with a gynecologist
There are situations in which you do not need to make an appointment with a doctor in advance, this is an emergency. If you are worried about pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination, purulent discharge or bleeding that does not go away for several hours, then you need to go to the appointment with the doctor on duty without waiting in line. The specialist must immediately respond to acute complaints, prescribe treatment or planned hospitalization in a hospital.
If your well-being does not allow you to reach the nearest medical facility, you need to call an ambulance at home.