Herpes is a very common disease. Infection affects all people, regardless of gender and age. But women whose body is infected with the virus often face a problem such as menstrual herpes. In this case, the disease worsens almost every month. Constant relapses significantly impair the patient's quality of life. What to do in such cases? Why does menstrual herpes develop and how is it treated? Testimonials about the treatment, the features of therapy, possible complications - this is important information that you should study.
Short description of the pathogen

Herpes is an infectious disease that is associated with penetration into the body and activation of the herpes virus. This is an extremely common infection. According to statistics, about 90 percent of the world's population is infected with one or another variety of this pathogen.
Symptoms of the disease are very characteristic - a blistering rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes (in particular, the tissues of the genital organs), which is accompanied by severe burning and itching. In most cases, the cause of the development of the disease is the herpes virus of the first or second type. It is worth noting that the infection can be present in the body for several months and even years, without causing any external disturbances. Herpes virus is activated against a background of a decrease in the activity of the immune system.
Why does herpes pop up before menstruation?
We have already dealt with the causes of the appearance of blistering rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. Nevertheless, women at the appointment with the gynecologist often ask why herpes are activated every month before menstruation.
The fact is that the menstrual cycle is directly related to fluctuations in hormone levels - the amount of certain active substances is constantly changing. Toward the end of the cycle, the level of progesterone, which has immunosuppressive properties, rises. This is a kind of protective mechanism designed to ensure the successful implantation of a fertilized egg. Unfortunately, a decrease in the activity of the immune system is often associated with the activation of various infections, including herpes.
Are there any risk factors?
We have already figured out the main causes of menstrual herpes. Nevertheless, not every woman infected with the virus faces a similar problem. There are factors whose exposure increases the likelihood of developing herpetic inflammation. Their list includes:
- general or local hypothermia of the body;
- decreased immune system activity;
- the presence of diabetes in the patient (affects both the level of hormones and the immune system);
- recent colds;
- the presence of any chronic inflammation in the patient;
- wearing too narrow underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
- change of sexual partners;
- the presence of various intestinal diseases;
- improper nutrition, a strict diet, against which vitamin deficiency develops;
- previously transferred antibacterial therapy (antibiotics negatively affect the beneficial microflora of the body, which negatively affects the work of protective systems);
- smoking, alcohol abuse and some other bad habits;
- previously transferred surgical procedures and other manipulations on the pelvic organs (including the installation of an intrauterine device);
- non-observance of the rules of intimate hygiene.
What are the symptoms of the disease?

Unfortunately, many women complain that herpes is activated before every menstruation. Reviews and the results of statistical surveys indicate that the pathological process in most cases is accompanied by damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the external genital organs. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the main symptoms of the disease:
- A very characteristic herpetic rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia. Rashes look like small bubbles with transparent, sometimes slightly cloudy contents. The number of such structures increases as the disease progresses. A rash is also formed on the skin of the perineum and thighs, on the tissues around the anus.
- The appearance of rashes is accompanied by very unpleasant sensations, in particular severe itching.
- Discomfort and burning aggravate during urination. Sometimes the rash also spreads to the mucous membrane of the urethra - in this case, when the bladder is empty, women feel a slight tingling sensation.
- Lymph nodes in the inguinal region often increase.
- Herpes is an infectious disease, the activation of which is often accompanied by the appearance of symptoms of general intoxication. Often there is an increase in body temperature, weakness, muscle aches, headaches.
Is a rash on my lips possible?

In most cases, this form of the disease is accompanied by the formation of characteristic rashes in the region of the external genitalia and in the perineum. Nevertheless, some women have herpes on their lips before menstruation. The skin and mucous membranes of the lips are covered with a blistering rash. The vesicles burst as they mature, releasing the liquid contents, resulting in small wounds forming on the lips. The whole process is accompanied by a feeling of severe itching and burning.
Description of possible complications

According to statistics, in most cases, such an infection can be controlled with the help of correctly selected medications. However, chronic menstrual herpes is dangerous. To begin with, it is worth noting that frequent relapses significantly worsen the patient's quality of life.
Herpetic rash is often complicated by bacterial infections, because viruses significantly weaken the immune system. Against the background of the disease, the walls of the vessels weaken, which leads to the appearance of menstrual bleeding. Blood loss is often associated with anemia and other complications. Sometimes the virus spreads to the urinary tract and organs of the excretory system. In addition, doctors warn that a chronic, often recurring infection increases the likelihood of developing cancer of the reproductive system.
Is there a delay in the presence of herpes infection?
Many women experience a problem like menstrual herpes. And in the gynecologist's office, patients often ask the question of whether a delay in menstruation is possible. Of course, sometimes an exacerbation of an infectious disease can be accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle. The fact is that the activation of the herpes virus affects the functioning of the immune system and often causes hormonal fluctuations. If the rashes appeared even before the discharge, then there is a possibility of a delay. The cycle, as a rule, is restored by itself immediately after the transition of the infection to a passive form.
Herpes is activated every month before menstruation: what to do?

Herpes is a disease that requires complex therapy. First of all, antiviral drugs are prescribed to patients. Effective are considered "Panavir", "Acyclovir", "Valacyclovir". These drugs are available in the form of tablets, as well as ointments and gels, which are designed to treat herpetic vesicles and wounds. By the way, gels help not only accelerate the healing of tissues, but also cope well with itching and other unpleasant sensations.
If there are frequent, protracted relapses, then patients are prescribed immunomodulators. Effective are drugs such as Viferon and Cycloferon. Similar products are available in the form of injectable solutions and tablets. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts five to six weeks. Therapy helps the body cope with a viral infection.
Symptomatic treatment

You already know why herpes can be activated before menstruation. Of course, without antiviral drugs in this case can not do. Nevertheless, patients often require symptomatic therapy.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve discomfort, in particular, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, etc. During the decay of the infection, patients are prescribed vitamins, in particular group B, as well as vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid. This helps to improve the activity of the immune system and strengthen blood vessels, thereby reducing the likelihood of bleeding.
If there is heavy bleeding, then drugs such as Etamsylate and Vikasol are included in the treatment regimen. Sometimes, patients are additionally prescribed hormonal drugs, in particular, Utrozhestan and Dufaston (such treatment helps normalize hormonal levels). If herpes is complicated by secondary infections, then antibiotics and / or antifungal drugs may be included in the treatment regimen.
Preventive actions

According to statistics, herpes spreads mainly through direct contact with an infected person, in particular during intercourse. That is why it is very important to use condoms, be careful and avoid accidental sexual intercourse. But the virus spreads through the domestic way, so sometimes it is sometimes impossible to prevent infection of the body.
In view of this, it is very important to maintain the normal activity of the immune system. Proper nutrition, walking in the fresh air, periodic intake of vitamins, physical activity, stabbing - all this helps to establish the functioning of the body. Smoking and alcohol abuse are contraindicated. It is also important to choose the right means for intimate hygiene, to refuse to wear synthetic, too tight underwear, and also to avoid hypothermia.