Atherosclerosis was known in ancient Greece, in fact, this disease got its name from the Greek atheros (pulp, chaff) and sklhroz (dense, hard). Today it is one of the most common chronic lesions of the arteries, which is characterized by multiple or single cholesterol (lipid) deposits on their inner membranes. Subsequently, connective tissue grows in the affected arteries , calcium is deposited in the walls of the vessels, which causes deformation and narrowing of the lumen of the vessel, up to its complete blockage. Naturally, as a result, an organ begins to suffer, which is supplied with blood through an artery affected by atherosclerotic plaques . In addition, there is a risk of acute blockage (occlusion) of the lumen of the vessel by the resulting thrombus, or, which happens much less often, by the contents of the destroyed plaque, and possibly both. As a result, this can lead to necrosis (heart attack, stroke), gangrene of the organ supplying the diseased artery.
Causes of the disease
Today, this vascular disease is rapidly becoming younger. Doctors say that the causes of atherosclerosis are primarily in physical inactivity (inactivity). In addition, there are a number of other factors and diseases that provoke the development of this disease:

- Obesity
- Cholelithiasis
- Gout
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Smoking
- High blood cholesterol
- Postmenopause
- Elderly age
Serious importance is attached to the factor of heredity. A very important role is played by human nutrition, saturated with foods in excess containing animal fat. But this is rather a predisposing factor, and not the main reason. Risk factors should include psycho-emotional stress and chronic stress, which have a negative effect on the nervous system, stressful pace of life and other specific negative conditions.
Atherosclerosis of BCA (bracheocephalic arteries) is especially dangerous. What is a brachiocephalic artery? This is a large main vessel emanating from the aorta, and is divided into three arteries: the carotid, vertebral and subclavian. They contribute to normal blood flow in the right half of the brachial region and brain, and precisely because brain nutrition depends on them, atherosclerosis is an especially serious disease.

As mentioned above, due to atherosclerotic plaques, the gaps inside the vessels can close, which leads to a lack of nutrition of the organs, which the arteries supply with blood, but this situation is especially dangerous for the brain. Brain nutrition is provided by three branches of arteries: the carotid, brachiocephalic trunk and one of the branches of the artery of the left clavicle. They form the Wellisian (vicious) circle, supplying blood to all parts of the brain. If there is a violation of blood flow in at least one of the vessels, a malfunction occurs in the blood supply system of the brain, blood distribution does not occur correctly, which can lead to a stroke.
The main signs of this disease are dizziness when turning the head and hypotensive state. This is a signal for an immediate visit to a neurologist.
As a rule, the main non-drug treatment of atherosclerosis is diet. The reason is that a person with this disease needs to lower the level of lipids in the blood. If the dietary treatment is planned correctly, and, importantly, will be strictly observed, then it will be possible to correct the violation of fat metabolism and lower the content of atherogenic lipids in the blood. And this is a very important step with which the treatment of atherosclerosis begins . Diet implies some limited intake of foods containing high concentrations of cholesterol and animal fats, and vice versa, increased consumption of foods rich in polyunsaturated acids with vitamins that have antioxidant effects.
In what cases is the treatment of atherosclerosis - a diet indicated:

- If there are signs of atherosclerosis or lesions of the arteries detected by diagnostic tests.
- The presence of risk factors, such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, smoking.
- High concentration of cholesterol in the blood.
Non-drug treatment of atherosclerosis. Diet:
- Low-calorie.
- Low in animal fats.
- Low in saturated fatty acids.
- High in unsaturated fatty acids.
- Limited intake of easily digestible carbohydrates.
- Main condition: reduced consumption of foods with high cholesterol.