We have successfully completed the second contest of IT articles "TechnoText". This time we had 253 applications, 97 finalists and 10 days before the event, at which we promised to name the winners. Long
TechnoText is a technology articles contest invented by Habr’s content studio. Every day we create creative and working projects for the most rigorous and picky audience.
Our peculiarity is that we work in a full business cycle for tasks for customers, and we prefer to take tasks on a turn-key basis - from researching the audience and building a strategy to implementation. We work on long-term reputation projects, on HR and image tasks. And HR is certainly a reputational and long-term task. We work with a pool of authors of 50 people and a pool of clients from 300 companies: we provide consulting, educational, creative and craft services. And the portfolio of our practices includes banks, fintech and informatization projects.

Our content studio says hello. From left to right: Luba Soboleva Soboleva, Habra’s commercial director, Julia Semenyuk julia , producer of the content studio, Ira Loseva jonia , chief editor of the content studio, Katya Gorelova Gorelova, chief producer of the content studio, Dima Karlov logofeel , producer of the content studio, Andrey Avramchuk Mimizavr , editor-manager of content studio
As in the past year, materials could be submitted to the contest not only from Habr, but also from other resources and even from corporate media. Three “restrictions”: we did not accept translations, articles in co-authorship and texts published before 11/20/2018 and after 11/17/2019.
And the judges - here
In the jury of the contest, we have collected the most competent content and technology experts.

- Denis Kryuchkov is our Deniskin, and there is nothing special to add here. It was impossible to hold a competition of IT articles without the person who came up with the best RuNet resource for techno authors (yes, we are modest).
- Marina Dobrinets - Head of the Department of Information and Youth Policy, MSTU Bauman. Marina works with active youth, is engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship development, so she is aware of the latest trends in the world of technology.
- Dmitry Belov is a senior engineer in Avito, and at the same time is a regular contributor to the company's blog. Like no one else, he knows how difficult it is to write about technology so that every text is read in one breath. Therefore, he agreed to help us in evaluating the entries.
- Grigory Petrov - DevRel with experience, author and speaker who knows how to create ideas, describe and present them to the general public. The master of public speaking, Gregory knows how to convey to every listener and reader even the most complex thought. Gregory is our old friend who is always ready to share his discoveries and experience with many people.
- Ivan Zvyagin - editor-in-chief of All Habr. Ivan reads Habr so much that in absentia he met each of the authors who have ever published on Habr. And Ivan knows all about how to make the perfect technology article.
- The chairman of the jury is Irina Loseva, chief editor of the Habra content studio. Irina works with complex texts every day, making them interesting for readers and useful for clients, at first glance she can evaluate an article by any criteria, spend days and nights supporting the authors.
Need more texts
Applications flew to us from all over Russia: from Kaliningrad and Vladivostok, from Petrozavodsk and Krasnodar, from Irkutsk and Simferopol, from near (Riga, Kiev, Minsk, Kharkov, Almaty) and distant (Netherlands, France, Germany, Switzerland) foreign countries.

Geography of the winners of TechnoText
Due to geography, the rewarding of the authors turned out, for the most part, virtual. Not everyone was able to drop everything and fly to Moscow. This is not so bad, because IT specialists are often introverted (hugging, we are all like that). One of the winners of the contest even wrote us such a letter:
Even if the event was held in front of my house, I would not have come to it, because by the psychotype the introverted misanthrope, and therefore, always and everywhere, avoids the slightest attention, and will NOT agree to enter the stage for award officialdom.
When the 253rd application fell to us at the end of the day on November 17, we sighed heavily,
We evaluated the articles of all finalists by 5 criteria: compliance of the nomination, technical literacy, conciseness (ability to formulate), presentation (how everything is packed) and the so-called “wow effect” - how original, interesting, surprising, “fire” is. In some nominations, the leader was immediately understandable, in others it was determined at the last moment, tearing off tenths of a point from the opponent.
Warm, lamp, craft

Our gift for the best techno authors is a set of a habraautor, the same craft, warm and tube, as the whole Habr. We thought through and made it together with the event partner of the habraseminar, the agency Kasha, which has long been helping us in organizing events. In the author’s set, we have collected everything that the author needs during the day:
- Habrakofe - to wake up, cheer up and prepare for great achievements. Ethiopia roasted coffee specially for the winners of the contest is a real Hubrabland;
- Habrastakans for habracofe - to take a tasty drink with you. Glasses are a simple subject, but even they carry a message in themselves. Minimalistic to match the style of Habr, two-layer to keep the drink warm, paper to not pollute the environment with plastic;
- Habraautor's notebook and pen — to record ideas and create anytime, anywhere;
- Hand-made slug is a small inspirer with a rich inner world of filler. Our symbol, we call it "the slug of my mother’s girlfriend." Each slug is connected by hand, with great attention and love for details, it will keep an eye on the authors and motivate them to write more and better;
- Habralampa - to create coziness, with its help you can organize yourself a “warm tube Habr” everywhere: at home, at work, on travel. Lamps, like slugs, are made individually, using natural materials. They have three glow modes to create a different atmosphere;
- A sweatshirt for those who are in the subject - with the print “Habraautor + _ UFO” and the letters habr on the shoulders. If you stand with your back to each other, ha br will fold. Although it can take shape in haha or brbr,
and if you cross your arms over your chest, the letters should form in brah, which means “brother, bro, bro, friend, brother, dude, buddy”
- A backpack made from a special material nano craft (waterproof and durable) - you need to carry with you everything we have listed above. The backpack is eco-friendly, lightweight, roomy and comfortable, and looks like it is made of paper. Over time, the "paper" effect will only intensify, so that the backpack will look even cooler.
And each winner got the book of Maxim Dorofeev “The Way of the Jedi” - to search for his own recipe for productivity.

Hugge Recreation and Communication
We invited all participants of the short list to our habraseminar, which was held with our partners. And so that the authors feel comfortable and cozy there, we made a special author's zone where you could relax and relax on the soft sofas, covered with pillows.
When we created the lounge area, first we imagined couch experts who often write aggressive comments. We wanted to make one sofa, cover it with a blanket, so that everyone crawled under this blanket. But we decided that it was too creative. Then there was an idea based on one of the publications about TechnoText - for her we painted avatars of authors combined with images of writers. And they wanted to arrange an author's dressing room so that everyone could become Pushkin, for example. Then we thought about a barbershop, in which texts are shaved, sheared and combed.

Yuri Ponomarev came to us from Chekhov and actively participated in all events. Thank you for your good wishes and for feedback.
As a result, we stopped at the merger of hugg and DIY, came up with a place where it is nice to enjoy the atmosphere and free our heads for new ideas, without which it is impossible to imagine either our authors or Habr. Much in the atmosphere of the author’s zone was created specifically for the event, literally by hand, to support the DIY concept, which is close to us and our readers.

Creating the author’s corner, we wanted him to become the embodiment of the image of habra-authors and our attitude to them. The following ideas were uploaded to the master of interior: friends - talented and comfortable in communication, Habr - warm and lamp. So there was a cozy corner with soft sofas and hard tables, on which you could throw a laptop and pee a little directly at Habroseminar.
Ekaterina Gorelova, chief producer of native projects of the Habra content studio
We surrounded the authors with coziness and warmth, because all the difficulties and pains of technical writing, and we will always be there, supporting authors who popularize technology with their own example.
In the author’s zone, the legendary Habr team collected wishes that would help improve Habr, and there you could calmly chat with the authors and find a new writer for your company. After all, writing when you are connected by a technical task is much more complicated than when such restrictions are not worth it and you can create whatever you want. A technical corporate author is doubly difficult: you need not only to follow the ToR, but also to maintain the techno-author’s essence, creating useful, accessible and expert content.

Sergey Kovalev, who made many proposals for improving the community, and we have already taken them to work. Thank you, Sergey!
We know how important it is to establish a dialogue between authors and companies, because we ourselves act as a link between them every day. Therefore, the author’s zone has become a platform for establishing contacts and conversation between authors and business.

Our dear friends and partners: Ontiko (the best expertise), Sberbank (Information Security), Avito (Programming), Yandex.Practicum (Just about complicated), Yandex.Den (Popular Science) and RuVDS (System Administration) .
So who are they?
Igor Ermolaev
Article: Matrix Multiplication: Effective Step-by-Step Implementation
Igor Ermolaev (@ ErmIg ) - our winner in the nomination "Programming". Together with the partner of the nomination - the Avito company - we had to work hard: the nomination is wide and we could only shorten the short list to 15 articles. Until the last moment, two articles were flush and as a result, the winner was separated by several hundredths of a point.

Hello, dear habravchane!
I read for a long time, and sometimes I write on Habré. Many rightly consider Habr to be the best technical resource that is in the Russian-language segment of the Internet. And it is also far from a secret that Habr’s audience is quite demanding on the quality of published articles. Therefore, I am doubly pleased that my modest work was so highly appreciated in this contest. Many thanks!
Taking this opportunity, I would like to wish Habr, as a resource, even more interesting authors and grateful readers! For my part, I hope that I have the strength and patience to write new articles - there are still so many unsolved topics in my area of interest (computer vision, machine learning, algorithm optimization). Until we meet again on the Habré tape!
Sincerely, Igor Ermolaev.
Alexey Kovrizhnyh
Article: Technical analysis of the checkm8 exploit
Alexey Kovrizhnykh (@ a1exdandy ) is a laureate in the “Information Security” nomination, which was supported by Sberbank. This is exactly the case when every detail is important: the articles of all six finalists were at about the same high level, and tenths of a point helped to win. Parcel with a gift sent to St. Petersburg.
Dmitry Samsonov
Article: Do I put out the server if the smoke test of the data center “caught fire”?
Dmitry Samsonov (@ dmitrysamsonov ) - winner in the nomination "System Administration". Thanks to the help of our seemingly unchanged partner in this field - the company RUVDS - we have reduced the list of finalists to 6 people. The battle for first place was almost to the end.
Mikhail Rubanov
Article: UICollectionViewLayout for pizza from different halves
Mikhail Rubanov (@ akaDuality ) was the best in the nomination "Mobile Development". The short list of the nomination consisted of 4 articles, which is not so small. In this nomination, the struggle for first place was not as fierce as in the previous ones. The leader was noticed almost immediately.

Yes, Mikhail, we notice expert texts even on a narrow deep technical topic and really appreciate
Vadim Lazovsky
Article: Kubernetes Application Developer Tools
Vadim Lazovsky (@ lazovskiy ) - winner in the "DevOps" nomination. The jury determined the three leaders in this nomination quickly, but then opinions were divided. Articles had to be evaluated in several passes, at the last “meters” Vadim Lazovsky broke ahead.
Grigory Great-grandfathers
Article: What to expect from the new Xeon E. Compare with E3 and draw conclusions
Grigory Pradedov (@ trashwind ) is the clear winner in the Testing nomination. In general, he lives in Irkutsk, but on this day he specially flew to Moscow for our seminar. The nomination turned out to be mysterious, because it is testers who like to look for jambs and bugs and tell others about them. But the short list has refuted this hypothesis. Maybe you protect articles for the next contest?

To win, it is not necessary to be a seasoned expert or a cool guru. Gregory, believe in yourself, and look forward to the next contest
Loxmatiy mamont
Article: The Secret Life of Laser Engravers
The author, who is hiding behind the nickname Loxmatiy Mamont (@ Loxmatiymamont ), is the winner in the "Best Report" nomination. She is one of the most interesting and difficult nominations. The works of the finalists were done at a high level, but at the same time, all three were very different, unlike each other. The most mysterious author won.

We presented the user Loxmatiy Mamont in a different way. Usually reality is sad, but obviously not this time
Dmitry Sokolov
Article: 256 lines of bare C ++: writing a ray tracer from scratch in a few hours
Dmitry Sokolov (@ haqreu ) - winner in the nomination "Best Expertise", which also had a partner - Ontiko company, the organizer of conferences. Who else should evaluate the expertise? Five applicants reached the final of the nomination, but there was a clear leader in this short list. The prize went to Dmitry in France.
Roman Marchenko
Article: There is too much water in this article.
Roman Marchenko (@ UrsusDominatus ) - winner in the nomination "Best Serve". There is no doubt that the techno authors are expert, but presenting it in such a way that it is interesting to read is not an easy task. We formed a short list of 10 articles, but the leader was determined almost immediately.
Mikhail Kumachev
Article: Boxless Schrödinger Cat: The Consensus Problem in Distributed Systems
Mikhail Kumachev (@ Ceridan ) - the best in the nomination "Just about the difficult." This is a special nomination that we established together with a Yandex.Practical partner. 7 contestants claimed the title of winner, and choosing among them was not easy.

The prize will go to Mikhail with the help of Elizabeth Shvets - the same person who, according to the author, and encouraged him to write articles.
Valery Shunkov
Article: Why silicon and why CMOS?
Valery Shunkov (@ amartology ) is our laureate in the cool and intriguing nomination "Popular Science", whose partner was Yandex.Zen. There is no need to be a hardcore programmer, but it is important to feel very clearly the line that allows you to stay within the genre. Five articles reached the finals - equally cool and professionally written. The struggle was all the more interesting.
Valery lives in Hanover and from a family of hereditary engineers.

Valery’s dad, who took away his son’s award, said that one day, while solving a problem related to radiation resistance of the microchips at work, he looked for information on the Internet, found a good article that answered the question, even invited colleagues to show them the publication: “And then I raise my eyes and see that I'm on Habré, and @ amartology wrote the article. "
Eduard Chegodaev
Article: House with high-tech elements for a homeless cat
Eduard Chegodaev (@ Fly_Cam ) - winner in the nomination “Do it yourself”. It turned out to be the hottest and highly competitive, and this is not surprising: to come up with something cool, technologically advanced and working from improvised means - a trick of the user’s site. 10 authors reached the final, the winner was determined by 2 tenths.

Eduard lives "far away from Moscow", so his representative came for the prize

In the modern world, the ability to “assemble an electronic device” no longer requires many years of study of circuitry and a confident soldering iron. All that is needed is a desire, a little money and an endless assortment of ready-made components. But in order to entertainingly talk about what was created on the pages of publications, this is not enough. It is necessary to photograph intermediate results, animate gifs of the most interesting parts and catch seals at those moments when they have a particularly anthropomorphic expression of the muzzle. Our authors do all this with great success, so the battle for prizes will be hot.
Grigory Petrov, jury expert, DevRel at Evrone
Vitaly Yurkin
Article: Hacking CAN auto bus. Virtual dashboard
Vitaliy Yurkin (@ aivs ) is the winner in the Do-It-Yourself nomination, which the community has chosen. Since there were a lot of worthy works in the nomination, and the hub users are experts in the technology world and love everything related to DIY, we could not help but give them the right to vote. The community has chosen Vitaly Yurkin.

Here it is - Habr choice

Mikhail Rubanov (@ akaDuality ), Lisa Shvets (for Mikhail Kumachev @ Ceridan ), Vitaliy Yurkin (@ aivs ), Loxmatiy Mamont (@ Loxmatiymamont ), Grigory Pradedov (@ trashwind ) and representative of Eduard Chegodaev (@ Fly_Cam )
We’ll tell you about the heroes of the competition in our Habr special podcast, a special issue about content, communities and authors.
We thank FU2RE agency for help, thank you for organizing and we are waiting for a cool video, like the ones you have already done for us, for example, about the conference " Content ".
What other nominations would you like to see in this contest? Write in the comments.
And also tell about why you write on Habr. The authors of the three best stories will receive a prize - any component of the set of habra-author (optional)
More about TechnoText, techno-authors and techno-expertise:
TechnoText, episode II. We tell how the authors of Habr live and work on articles
TechnoText, climax: approaching finale of authors competition
Results of the TechnoText contest