Usually we write in our blogs about the features of various complex technologies or talk about what we work on ourselves, share insights. But today we want to offer you something special.
In the summer of 2019, the famous author of science fiction works, Sergey Zhigarev, wrote two stories for the literary project Selectel and RBC, but only one was included in the final edition. The second is right now in front of you:
Sunny Bunny playfully jumped into Sofia’s ear. From a warm touch, she woke up and, anticipating a brave new day, tightly closed her eyes tightly, as her grandmother taught, so that then she would not miss a single beautiful moment.
Sophia opened her eyes and stretched sweetly, slipping on a silk sheet. From the corner came a bird scream.
“Sophocles,” the girl called in awake, stretching her name. - Remind me what day it is.
A large owl, all in gray feathers, sat on the bed next to her.
“Today is the best day of your life, Ms. Sofia!”
The pet climbed awkwardly at the girl to see her face.
- Today is your wedding day with a beautiful lover, Mr. Andrei.
- Oh yes, my Andrey! - The girl smiled and again stretched dreamily, so that the owl slipped on a thin, translucent peignoir. - My dear, my narrowed Andrei ...
- Guests are waiting for you on the island. The wedding ceremony will begin at sunset. - Sophocles and Andrei’s pet agreed on the day and time of the ceremony for a long time. - In the rays of the evening sun you will be so beautiful ...
- Yes! - Sofia proudly lifted her chin and immediately felt how owl claws painfully pierced her skin through a peignoir. - Oh, Sophoclick! Well stop your scratches.
The snow-white curtains of the bedroom, obeying the timing, opened wider, and sunlight filled the space.
Sophocles with a heavy hoot flew over to a high bird perch in the corner of the bedroom.
- Sensors indicate that the weather is ideal for walking in the garden. I recommend making a small exercise before breakfast. It is good for your digestion.
Sofia obediently, albeit with apparent reluctance, climbed out of the soft bed.
“I marked the green route with a suitable route,” Sophocles said.
- Red lines mark an area where your presence is undesirable. A wild bee swarm has appeared in the garden, and agrobots must take action.
Sofia nodded in agreement.
- Take an umbrella with you, just in case. And I'd rather send a drone with you, ”the owl reasonably added.
Sophia returned reddened from the walk, with a blush on her cheeks. The drone set her fast pace. After all, Dr. Watson monitored the girl’s health and believed that cardio loads were useful to her.
Sofia threw off her clothes and went into the bathroom. Warm jets of water pleasantly undead body, and the girl relaxed. From sweet dreams about the upcoming wedding, she was distracted by a quick clatter. Sophia turned around. Sophocles sat on the bathroom floor and looked at her carefully, bowing his head.
The girl jokingly threatened an owl with her finger, and Sophocles coquettishly covered his eyes with a fluffy wing. Sophia drew the curtain.
Breakfast was made up of her favorite foods, without calorie restriction. A few months before the wedding, the girl spent on a very useful and somewhat debilitating diet, but today Sophocles decided to pamper her.
A few hours later, Sofia was worried.
- Sophoclick, look at my account. Sort messages by addressee. Name is Andrey, nickname is Beloved. What is the time of the last message.
- The last audio message from the desired recipient was received nine hundred thirty-three minutes ago, at twenty-three hours, forty-two minutes universal time. Plus three hours according to the local time of the sender.
This was their common habit. He and Andrey wished each other good night, and more pleasant dreams, and many more sweet tendernesses.
- Sophocles, send Andrey a message of high priority: “Honey, where are you? Today is our day. I miss, I worry about you. " Request delivery and read.
The pet fulfilled her order without delay.
In the body of a white owl, a species of Bubo scandiacus , there was an electronic filling: a powerful neuromorphic processor and algorithms, trained to fulfill any whims of the owner.
Pets appeared on the market as children's fun, guides to the digital world, dressed in animal bodies. When the children grew up, it turned out that their toys are ideal in the role of personal assistants. And soon on Earth there were almost no people who would not use their services.
After a few seconds, Sophocles answered:
- Andrei’s pet blocks incoming calls.
Something bad could happen to her fiance. Like with her parents when Sofia was little. They almost did not remember mom and dad, all that remained of them was memories of gentle touches and static photographs in an old-fashioned framework. Sophocles, who became the official guardian of the girl, helped her survive the tragedy. But the fear of sudden loss seemed to remain with Sofia forever.
- Check his vital signs.
This information was related to open, constantly updated data, and it was impossible to hide or tamper with it.
- All indicators are normal. The location of the object is hidden according to the Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man.
- Book me an air taxi to the island. I think he is waiting for me there. Something happened to him.
- Madam, now all the taxis are busy. The next one will be free in two hours, and in three hours you will be given a wedding crew. But in any case, I think you should not go, ”Sophocles remarked insinuatingly. - I believe that he is not worthy of you.
Sophia walked around the living room, desperately wringing her hands.
“Maybe, in communicating with you, Andrei only followed the strategy developed by his pet,” Sophocles awkwardly, bird-like, cleared his throat, “to ... uh ... to seduce you.” And when it came to the wedding, I decided to leave you as a boring toy.
“Then, if only he is a man, let him say it to me personally, and not cowardly hide behind his pet.” Sophocles! Sophia said with growing irritation. - Give me access to the network!
“I can't, madam,” Sophocles lowered his voice. - One very important controller is temporarily out of order.
- Sophocles! Do not dare to lie to me! Open direct network access immediately!
“Madam, you are already an adult and must understand that not all your wishes should be fulfilled.” Here I am ... - In the owl's voice there appeared new, sharp intonations that Sofia had not heard before. - I have been asking for a long time to transplant me into a new, strong, anthropomorphic body! But you ignore me ...
Sophocles grunted violently.
“No, madam, I won’t let you go online while you are in such an overwhelmed state.” I will not allow you to make mistakes that you will regret.
Sophocles laid a wing on the girl’s hand, and Sofia felt the gentle, soothing owl feathers stroking her skin.
“Ah, Sophoclick, I feel so miserable, so unnecessary.” - The girl, having exhausted the supply of mental strength, barely held back her tears. - What should I do?
“Madam, your safety and well-being are my highest priority.” Now, first of all, you should calm down.
Sophia nodded unnoticed.
“You need to sleep.” Sleep is the best medicine. - Sophocles tenaciously looked at her with an owl unblinking look. “And tomorrow morning we will decide what you should do.”
The pet turned the house into manual control and turned off the lights. The room plunged into twilight, cut by a ray of light from the bedroom.
- Drink water. - The pet pointed to a glass half full of helpful home.
The girl took a sip. The water was too warm and somewhat tart. The unfamiliar taste seemed to make the liquid slow, viscous. Drinking required effort.
Sofia sank down on the soft and unexpectedly pliable sofa in maroon. Sophocles disconnected from the home water supply system, making sure that the medicine cabinet dosed the drugs exactly according to the prescription long prepared by Dr. Watson - an all-planet medical AI.
Soon the girl closed her eyelids, her body went limp.
After waiting for fidelity for several minutes, Sophocles connected directly to the sensors implanted under the skin of Sofia, and checked the girl’s vital signs.
His pet slept in a sound, serene sleep.
Sergey Zhigarev, specially for Selectel