“Our stuff is growing fast,” he said.
Arthur Conan Doyle The Dancing Men

Mulled wine, tangerines, pleasant chores, fabulous time and gatherings under the fireplace by the screen with a juicy anime.
And, like every magical stretch of life, all this is filled with a sense of mystery. The premonition of the new year and future ideas is intertwined with the winter desire to remain in a warm mink. Quiet conversations, the noise of a blizzard outside the window - and only a homely raccoon will comfortably grumble and a laborer-motorblock dreaming of summer electric buzzing will sleepily in the barn.
It is time
This is exactly what we thought at the very beginning of December, listening to our inner sensations. “We” is your disobedient servant and his interlocutor, a well-known specialist in information security, an expert in international communication, an experienced moderator who has a delicate sense of Japanese culture and aesthetics, and simply in two words - a wonderful family man.
It was he who suggested starting the New Year’s warm-up of the audience with omissions and all sorts of curiosities. So that everything is as always - and a little different. To seem to be a cicada - and at the same time just like that. And no matter how fortune, but at the same time not reddit. Just Habr.
And therefore we want to announce loudly that we have a code for a playful observer. It is located there, a little lower, on a yellow-yellow background, since the calculator of your “serious working tool” system. Well, if you are a sincere user of a handheld computer with the ability to broadcast by mouth for thousands of kilometers, then it may not be yellow, but very white - with a lamp on the left.
An eager reader may wonder, why then this obscure photograph hiding under the beautiful acronym "KDPV"? Does it have any connection with the riddle?
And then our “No!” He hears. The key (and connection) is missing there. But there is a huge associative value in this photograph. So let's go through the points:
2. Secret inscriptions should naturally become apparent.
3. Greta will be very, very happy when she sees this article.
4. No need to measure 15 cm - we are for healthy professional competition.
5. And, of course - dancing people!
We think this is more than enough, and therefore - proceed.
Take off your helmets as soon as possible and train your neural networks - solemnly swear that we are only pranking!
PS Anyone who cares about urbanism in our interesting time would like to report: during the preparation and editing of the article, not a single balcony was damaged.