This evening Alexander Mikhailov from Yandex.Money will share his experience in writing Jenkins Pipeline and show by examples how this helps in testing. DINS Ilya Gulyaev will tell you how to parallelize the launch of tests on several machines and do it as efficiently as possible, using the same Jenkins Pipeline.
Under the cut - more about reports and speakers, a link to register to participate in the meeting, broadcast information, materials from the last meeting.

“Jenkins Pipeline. What is it and how do we use it in testing ”(Alexander Mikhailov, Yandex.Money)
Writing Jenkins Pipeline is easy! For the first time, it looks complicated, but its syntax is quite simple and straightforward. I’ll tell you how to write a pipeline with minimal labor. I will show you the example of using the pipeline in our team. And what if someone deleted all your 10+ jobs! The report will be of interest to Junior Developer and QA Automation.
Over the past 4 years, Alexander has been automating testing in fintech projects in Java and Kotlin. During this time, I tested both the backend, and the frontend, and not only. He currently works in a team providing test automation as a service.
“Distributed test run” (Ilya Gulyaev, DINS)
Everyone needs a distributed test run! We will figure out how to (not) write our bikes using the Jenkins Pipeline, and scale up the launch of tests for hundreds of cars. I’ll tell you about the pitfalls and how to eliminate them. The report will be useful to QA Automation at any level. Anyone who has already pushed with a distributed test run or feels that he will soon be faced.
Ilya is engaged in test automation - from writing tests to adapting test frameworks to the tasks of the project. He likes to read code and understand how everything works from the inside. He has experience writing plugins for Jenkins. He believes that bicycles are worth riding, not building them.
19.00 - 19.30 - Collection of guests and coffee
19:30 - 20:20 - “Jenkins Pipeline. What is it and how do we use it in testing ”(Alexander Mikhailov, Yandex.Money)
20:20 - 20:40 - Coffee, pizza and chat
20:40 - 21:20 - “Distributed launch of tests” (Ilya Gulyaev, DINS)
21:20 - 21:40 - DINS office tour
Where, when and how?
December 12, 2019
St. Petersburg, Staro-Petergofsky, 19 (DINS office)
Participation in the event is free, but please register . This is necessary so that we can all comfortably accommodate at the meeting.
There will be a broadcast, we will send a link to it on the day of the event to the addresses of the participants who selected the type of ticket “Broadcast” during registration .
Video reports of reports will be published on our YouTube channel one week after the meeting.
DINS QA EVENING Materials (07.24.2019)
YouTube playlist
The exchange of experience is priceless, so we regularly hold open meetings bringing together technical experts from different companies. Most often, we discuss tools and cases in the areas of QA, DevOps, Java and JS. If you have a topic that you want to share, write to!