To convince you that the Internet of things can offer an ordinary person much more now, we have put together a selection of other “smart” gadgets that can make our life easier and more interesting.

Black Mirror DVR
The Israeli company OrCam is working on mini-cameras that attach to clothes and recognize words, signs, and faces surrounding a person. This technology is used in several product lines aimed at different audiences.
The MyEye 2 gadget is designed for visually impaired people. The camera is mounted on the user's glasses and helps him read texts. It recognizes objects that the gadget owner points with his finger for two seconds. They receive information through a bone conduction earpiece. Such a device costs up to $ 4 thousand.

A more controversial use of the technology is the MyMe service. The camera acts as an organizer for overly busy people. The system remembers everything that happens with the owner of the gadget - scans and saves the read documents, analyzes the people with whom he meets. If necessary, all information can be viewed in a special application. If the user cannot remember the person, the camera will tell him if they have met before. Estimated cost of the device is $ 400. The developers were able to raise money for production on the Kickstarter crowdfunding site - 877 people donated $ 185 thousand to them.
Beer Filling Machine
After the digitalization of cafes and restaurants with the help of wrist gadgets, which we have already talked about, the turn has reached the bars. An automated system with the characteristic name Pubinno will allow you to specify not only the exact volume of beer being poured, but also the amount of foam, as well as its type (regular or cream).

But this gadget would remain an ordinary beer dispensing machine, if not for the IoT component. Firstly, the tap automatically transmits information about the volume of the poured beverage to the server, and the system compares this data with the generated checks. The device also calculates the average beer consumption and tells the bartenders in advance when to prepare for the replacement of barrels of alcohol.
Typical IoT functions are added to this - sensors monitor the microclimate in the bottling system, monitor the temperature and pressure in the system, and notify personnel of any changes. It is assumed that the technology will appear on the market in 2020, for one tap the developers plan to get about $ 500.
Oven for the lazy
We have already written about smart refrigerators that can order food themselves. The smart stove from Whirlpool looks much more interesting. It integrates an application with recipes Yummly. The owner of the gadgets takes pictures of the contents of his refrigerator, the system processes the picture and tells you what you can cook, it sets the desired temperature mode. True, technology cannot yet independently put the ingredients in the oven. Such a device costs about three thousand dollars.

IT developers suggest installing less obvious gadgets in the kitchen. Among them is a fork that monitors the speed of food intake. If a person “stuffs” food into himself too quickly, the device signals this. Also on the market among the not very promising IoT solutions you can find an automated system that regularly checks the freshness of eggs in the refrigerator, and a juicer that is activated by a button in the application (when this cannot be started manually).
Smart mirror
In fact, this is a two-sided mirror (which reflects light on one side, but passes through on the other) with a display installed behind it. Theoretically, it can be done with your own hands, which some users of Habr have been doing since 2015.

However, now smart mirrors have become more Smart, and they have their own applications that use the built-in video camera. For example, L'Oréal allows you to change the color of your hair in your reflection in the mirror by choosing the most suitable paint. The SenseMi application in a similar pattern allows you to try on clothes from stores. Also, a smart mirror can be used for training - after the reflection a ghostly-looking trainer will appear, after which you need to repeat the exercises.
The cost of a smart mirror depends on the functionality of the device and the material of which the glass is made. The minimum price tag is $ 100, and can be found for more than $ 2000.
Agronomic drones (drones for agriculture, to choose from)
Flying devices with a camera and video analytics function fly around the harvested fields, collecting information about weeds and pests. On-board cameras also process multispectral images (combine data from the infrared and visual spectrum), allowing farmers to pay attention only to diseased plants in advance.
Such drones cost from 1.5 to 35 thousand dollars.

The price determines the level of autonomy of the device. For example, in more expensive versions, you can specify the most important control points, after which the system will automatically build a patrol route. Additional functions depend on this - the ability to automatically send SMS when any problems are detected, calculate the number and height of plants, measure the noise level, etc. The appearance, in the end, also varies (you can buy a drone in the form of a small maize).
Pet health monitoring
After smart wearable gadgets came into fashion, they began to adapt for animals. Among these technologies are smart bracelets that monitor the pulse, sleep schedule, frequency of food intake and analyze whether the pet is healthy. Also, the devices monitor how many steps your dog ran through, how many calories burned per day.

On the network you can even find a baby monitor for pets. Startup Petcube offers to connect a special camera to the smartphone, through which you can continuously communicate with your pet. The version for cats allows you to play with animals using the built-in laser pointer, and there is a smart feeder in dog gadgets - if you wish, you can give the pet a treat at the touch of a button.
Smart clothes
Functions of wearable gadgets (such as smart watches) are gradually integrating into the clothes themselves. Sensors are sewn into inconspicuous pockets, and wires are woven into the fabric itself. The device controls a person’s heart rate, his temperature, monitors his movements and so on, the set is pretty standard with a few exceptions.

Sneakers from the limited edition Nike series analyze a person’s foot and adjust their fit for maximum comfort, and the Ministry of Supply company offers jackets that select the temperature that is most suitable for a person and maintain it at that level.
Not without tricks - Blacksocks company has been selling “smart” socks connected to a smartphone for more than five years. Using the gadget, you can solve the most complex issues of the universe - where the second sock lies and with what sock it was originally paired.
Bonus IoT for babies
Children's gadgets use a variety of solutions, from the already familiar sensors that monitor human health, to cameras that monitor the movements of the child. If the baby wakes up at night, the parents will know about it using the signal from the video camera. The system analyzes how often and at what time the child wakes up - so parents can more accurately plan for the day.
There are more unique developments. Smart bottle Littleone automatically enters into the application information about when the mother fed the baby, and tells you when to feed him next time. A heater is also built into the bottle, which will bring the milk to the optimum temperature.
By the way, in the network you can find similar bottles for adults, recording information in the application how much water a person drank per day. But not everyone is ready to pay $ 50 just for a bottle and a reminder to fulfill the daily norm.