Judging by the comments on our past posts, there is no consensus on the correctness or incorrectness of the use of radar detectors. There is not even an absolute majority leaning in one direction or another. Well, this is not surprising, because even the policy of European countries regarding such devices is very different.
And if you are going on a car tour on New Year's days or for the Christmas holidays, you should study how they relate to the use of radar detectors on the laid route.
So, for example, driving through Belarus, you can better observe the rules of the road. In this country, radar detectors are considered a useful device to help reduce road accidents.

When approaching the border with Poland, it is better to put the radar detector in the trunk, as a fine is incurred for its use. But only for use! Nobody forbids to transport the device. Moreover, in other countries of Eastern Europe, such as Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Albania, the use of detectors is again possible and necessary. This will avoid accidental violations on unfamiliar roads and slow down in front of dangerous sections of tracks (at least that is why radar detectors are legally allowed in these countries).
Northern directions
Those who went skiing or just relaxing in Finland should act in the same way. Passing Lithuania, where a radar detector helps to navigate local roads, on the border with Latvia it is better to remove it and not get it. Starting from Latvia, radar detectors are prohibited, and this ban applies to Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

Drive around the Czech Republic
Passing to Central Europe, you can breathe out on the roads of the Czech Republic. There radar detectors are allowed. That is, you can safely get the device and not be afraid of any fines. Here you can use any devices - combined radar detectors, as well as systems with GPS positioning (by the way, the Playme database includes radars in European countries where this device is allowed).

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United Kingdom only
Only Great Britain is loyal to radar detectors in Western Europe. A proud power considers the use of such devices to improve road safety quite acceptable. However, crossing the border with Ireland, the device must again be hidden in order not to get a fine.

The tiniest
To the category of countries where you can never get a radar detector from the bottom of a suitcase, you should include Spain (a fine of up to 6,000 euros), Germany (a fine + loss of rights), Croatia (a fine of 200 euros), Portugal (a fine of up to 2500 euros), the Netherlands (a fine of 250 euros), as well as Switzerland and Austria, where the fine can reach 4,000 euros. And yes, of course, do not forget Luxembourg, where you can go to jail for using a radar detector - just like in Malaysia for wearing a T-shirt with the inscription of the USSR.
However, many of these countries do not prohibit the use of devices and applications that determine the location of radars solely by GPS coordinates (they are there just as freely published as in Russia). So there you can use GPS recorders such as the Playme P570. You can read about it in our last post .

Across the oceans
Since our interest is not only practical, but also research, we will see what is possible and impossible in other countries, which are not so easy to get from Russia by car.
For example, radar detectors are fully authorized in states such as
Israel, Japan, India, Pakistan, as well as Taiwan and New Zealand. Here you can rent a car, get a radar detector from your suitcase that detects local radars, such as the Playme P670SG, and drive quietly on the roads.

Doubting countries
The United States, Canada and Australia differ in their ambiguous attitude to radar detectors. In Canada, you can use radar detectors for residents and guests of the states of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. In other regions of the country, devices are prohibited.
In the United States, by contrast, the ban applies only to Virginia and Washington, DC. In the remaining regions of the country, radar detectors are allowed, but are not in great demand. The fact is that the restrictions on the roads are reasonable, the radars are very perfect - and if the Playme devices cope with them, then the cheap Chinese radar detectors either do not see them, or see too late. In addition, no one hides cameras in the bushes, and this plays a role.

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In Australia, radar detectors can only be used in Western Australia. In other regions of the country they are prohibited.
When traveling around the world, it should be borne in mind that radar detectors are strictly prohibited in Brazil, Turkey, Jordan, Singapore, Malaysia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and South Africa. The size of fines and the terms of sanctions may change over time, but you should definitely not take devices there.
Among other things, there are dozens of countries where the use of detectors is not regulated at all. This applies to Mexico and most countries of South America, African republics and Gulf states, as well as a number of Asian countries.
It is difficult to say who is right - Russia, Japan and the United Kingdom, where radar detectors are allowed, or Germany, Brazil and Canada, where you can get a "big hit" for them. However, it is absolutely certain that before any car trip or when planning a car rental, it is necessary to check whether a radar detector can be used in this country and in transit countries.

PS Laws in different countries can change, and if you know for sure that some information is out of date, let us know - we will fix it.