Neungers: Spice must flow

Good day.

In this article, mechos look for spice, fireflies light up in the darkness, and a desert worm awakens. The fifth version of the Nevanger prototype is color transfer mechanics and other innovations.

Part One: Nevanger

Part Two: Road is changed


And we will start with the new mechanics, which became available to Mehos called Deep Dependent. He has several flasks, previously they were all filled in green. In the current version, this mehos learned to collect various substances by coloring its flasks in the color of the substance being collected. Mushrooms give it a green color, the rivers of the starting world - yellow, and the spot of spice in the desert world - red.

Spices filled with spices

The collected color is retained by the machine during transitions between worlds and can be further used in various game tasks. For example, at the moment in the game, in addition to working world-wide portals, there are two broken ones that require certain substances for repair. When the mechos brings them the desired color, it restores their functionality.

Broken portal repaired

Worlds and mechs

To the five accessible worlds was added the sixth - “Traffic”. The rest also acquired more extended conditional names. The starting world is Fanfare, the desert is Sandy, the dark world is D'Ark, the world with knotted bridges and the red web is Wezabe, the rocky intersections with energy bridges are ExTract.

New world. Here the camera cannot be switched, the view is fixed. But there is a mini-map.

Traffic also has its own refuge. And an inaccessible portal, returning to earlier worlds.

Updated worlds layout. Light jumpers indicate the main transitions, dark to initially damaged channels.

The mushroom picking mechanics for the transition between worlds now fully work - in order to use the portal, mehos must collect a certain amount of energy. In those worlds where you don’t need to collect anything to activate the transition, the scale is not displayed. Mehos Daughter of the Spiral still does not have a scale and the charge is always sufficient for transitions - a unique ability of this machine.

With enough energy, the portal icon lights up in red

Lamps-fixtures appeared in the dark world of “D'Ark”. At first they are not active, but if you go to the end of the level (for example, on the Ohm mechos, who knows how to illuminate the road) and press the switch there, the special “firefly electricity” will turn on and they will light up.

After activation, the lamps continue to shine on subsequent visits to this world

Somewhere in the darkness of this level lurked a new mehos - Chatlanin. If you find him, he will become available for choice in a shelter. Unlike most local cars, it has a non-biological nature and, by design, should look more like a robot.


Also, in one of the branches of “D'Ark” there appeared a bridge, which is switched on by a shot - the same technology as that of bridges from the ExTract level. By activating it and moving to the other side, you can find the portal in Sandy.

Now 4 mechos are initially available in the game and 3 more must first be found so that they become available for selection. This is the new Chatlanin, Ghola (reminiscent of the mechos from the original “Vanger”) and the Daughter of the Spiral, which was hidden at the level of “Wezabe”.

Pictures for some cars have been added to the selection buttons in the shelter. In addition, when switching from above, the full name of the currently selected mehos is written.

Full "garage". Type of refuge when all the mechos are open.

Secrets of the desert

In the desert Sandy level, several innovations occurred at once.

First of all, a secret shelter appeared in the form of a huge worm. Upon arrival at a special point, a worm rises from the sand, as if "eating" a typewriter.

Attention, the entrance to the mouth of Shai Khulud is approaching

Capsules hanging earlier in the air landed in the sand and acquired cannon-cubes, which, upon detecting the mechos, turn towards it, starting to shoot. Particularly accurate hits remove part of the energy accumulated from the mushrooms from the mechos, which may prevent it from going through the portal and will have to accumulate energy again. Only the Daughter of the Spiral hits are not affected in any way, since she does not have a charge scale.

Currently, destroyed capsule guards are restored when a player leaves the level or enters the shelter. In the future, destroyed guards will not be reborn.

Guards fire

I also added to the Sandy world simple bots plowing around. They ride over the sand, as if on an air cushion, even more animating the situation.

A little later, they got a kind of mini-camera, which "look" at the player, directing them in his direction. So far, these bots are not aggressive and appear in the form of some businesslike research collectors crawling on some of their affairs.

Video and demo

This video cut will briefly introduce you to the main innovations of the fifth version:

You can download the archive with the current demo here: nevangers.7z

Archive weight 54.4 MB, for 64-bit OS.

Management as a whole has not changed. WASD and arrows for movement, C - switch cameras, P - jump. The heretic can shoot the O button if he picks up a weapon.

The R button has returned to the prototype, which allows you to restart the level.

There are no conditions for the “end of the game”, the conditional “passage” can be considered the opening of an “honest” path to the world of “Traffic” (without using the abilities of the Spiral Daughters), visiting his refuge and going back to the local portal.

Another technical point. You may notice that the weight of the archive from the last time decreased by more than half. This is due to the fact that the lighting was automatically baked and light maps occupied a lot of space. The prototype is still aimed at using dynamic lighting, so the baking of the light was turned off and the size of the application was reduced.

A couple more pictures

Well, that's all for today. Good luck, thanks for stopping by.

PS By the way, the life of the community of lovers of original Vanger can be monitored in a special telegram channel .

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