In two weeks, we’ll host our Apache NiFi mitap, a useful OpenSource data delivery tool. Let's talk about live cases and discuss various technical approaches to its use.
There will be 4 speakers, one person from us and our colleagues from the Tinkoff Development Center, ER-Telecom and Arenadata Software.

Under the cut - a list of reports and a link to registration.
How to write your own processor (19.00 - 19.30)
Vladislav Mirkos, Developer, Department of Data Technologies, Rostelecom

In his report, he will tell you how to start writing your processors when it may be needed, and why expand the functionality of the delivery tools in general. Using a specific example, we will rake the main stages: from idea to delivery to production.
Travel Flow. From development to production and back (19.30 - 20.00)
Bronislav Zhitnikov, Lead Developer , Tinkoff Development Center LLC

The report will be about how in the Tinkoff Development Center the developed processes are delivered to the production environment, and how the processes are finalized. Where did they start and what difficulties did they face - and what did they come to.
How to simplify the life of developers and engineers. Expand Kafka and Nifi in two clicks (20.20 - 20.50)
Ella Kurginyan, Arenadata Software Development Team Leader

He will talk about how you can save time and effort when deploying environments for developing streams in Nifi and not only. It will show how easy it is to administer, update and expand the Nifi and Kafka clusters, share the internal roadmap and indicate where to contact feature-requests.
Using Apache NiFi as a Microservice (20.50 - 21.20)
Evgeny Goryachev, architect of interactive TV recommendation system, ER-Telecom

He will talk about the approach to using NiFi as a microservice for the rapid production and launch of a prototype service with classic versions for microservices, Docker-containerization, delivery and orchestration of containers in the prod.
Participation is free, the registration page is here .
November 28, we start from 18.30.
Moscow, Bersenevskaya embankment, 6 p. 3, Deworkacy, lecture hall