We looked at and compared 10,000 open source libraries for Python and selected the 34 most useful.

We have grouped these libraries into 8 categories.
This article was supported by EDISON Software, a search engine optimization and SEO company, which also develops Android and iOS mobile applications .
Python toolkit
1. Pipenv : Python Development Workflow for Humans.

2. Pyxel : Developing retro games in Python.

3. PyTest v3.5 : A framework that helps write short tests, and scales for complex functional tests.

4. Poetry : Simplifies dependency management and packaging.

5. Loguru : Simplifies logs.

6. Faust : library for streaming / streaming applications.

7. Pampy : The Pattern Matching you were dreaming of.

8. Pyre-check : Performant type-checking.

9. Delorean , a library for working with time and dates.

10. Cirq : a Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) schema library.

11. Python-nubia : A command line framework.

12. Requests-HTML : HTML Parsing for Humans.

13. Bokeh : interactive data visualization in modern browsers.

14. Vibora : fast, cool, asynchronous.

15. Pywebview v2.0 : Display HTML content in a separate window.

16. WhatWaf : Detection and bypass of firewalls and web application security systems.

17. Molten : A minimalistic and fast framework for creating an HTTP API.

18. Termtosvg : we record sessions of working with the terminal as an SVG animation.

19. Asciinema v2.0 : we record terminal sessions.

20. Termgraph : tools for the command line, draws graphics.

Code editor
21. Black : uncompromising code formatter.

22. Algojammer : an experimental code editor for writing algorithms.

23. Bowler : a syntax tree-level refactoring tool.

24. Py-spy : allows you to visualize what your program is wasting time without restarting the program.

25. Birdseye : A graphic debugger using AST.

26. Icecream : a cute debugger.

27. Transcrypt : Python 3.7 translator to JavaScript.

28. Pyodide : datascience stack in the browser.

Data related
29. Voluptuous : data validation.

30. Botflow : Data driven programming framework for Data pipeline work (Web Crawler, Machine Learning, Quantitative Trading.etc).

31. Fast-Pandas : comparative benchmarks in Pandas operations.

32. A Tour in the Wonderland of Math with Python : a collection of scripts for drawing beautiful shapes and animating algorithms.

33. Chartify : helps data scientists create graphs.

34. Hypertools v0.5 : A tool for geometric representation of multidimensional data.

Share your experience using these libraries or tell us about your findings for 2019.