This year, a record number of speakers spoke at the summit, which is definitely good - a tight schedule ensures that time will be spent productively.
We set a goal: to share our experience and knowledge with visitors as much as possible, both in familiar and new ways. Judging by the reviews, we did it.
Many technical presentations and important announcements were prepared by Zabbix: Alexey Vladyshev, founder and CEO of Zabbix, presented in detail the latest release of Zabbix 4.4 .; Sergey Sorokin, director of business development, announced the latest relevant news: the availability and benefits of a new level of professional technical support Zabbix for large corporations, as well as the ability to install Zabbix on various cloud services. Several presentations were prepared by technical support engineers. We talked about the new Zabbix agent, settings for a highly accessible cluster, preprocessing and security monitoring using Zabbix. In addition, the Zabbix team introduced the official step-by-step guide for creating good templates and recalled how valuable public knowledge is.

If the presentations can be called the theoretical part, then the practical part is definitely workshops. You could choose from five classes conducted by trainers and partners of Zabbix. We received a lot of useful feedback from students, which means that next year we will be able to take them into account so that workshops are as convenient and useful as possible.

Exhibition stands
The third way that made the Zabbix team closer to the guests was undoubtedly through the exhibition stands. The sales team answered questions regarding professional services and helped in choosing the level of support, and Zabbix technical engineers gave free professional advice to everyone. Exhibition stands were also provided to our partners, which allowed companies to tell the summit visitors about themselves in a convenient and friendly manner. We will definitely keep this type of communication between users and company representatives at Zabbix Summit 2020, so feel free to start preparing your questions!

Open Day
The next step towards the community was made when we opened the doors of the Zabbix head office in Riga. This was the first experience of such an event, and it definitely turned out to be successful. We were glad to meet everyone who decided to visit us, and also showed how our working days go and drank coffee with guests in our small but cozy kitchen.

Tour for satellites
This year, for the first time, we decided to organize a special event for the “soul mates” accompanying visitors to the summit in Riga. Instead of exploring the city alone, we suggested spending one day accompanied by a local expert. Mārtiš Sirmais, a famous Latvian chef and TV star, conducted a tour of the Riga Central Market - told his story and arranged a tasting of local products, and then - took him to his restaurant and fed the guest lunch. Since we received rave reviews, the event continued to be.

Live Stream
I would also like to note that this time we first arranged a live broadcast of the summit on YouTube. Both days of presentations, as well as interviews with partners and speakers during coffee breaks, were available online. We didn’t shoot parties at the video, but the photos speak for themselves - it was great at each of the three events.

But stop talking about yourself. Every Zabbix event, whether it be a summit or a conference, is first of all people - guests, speakers, partners. During the 2019 summit, speakers from different parts of the globe made presentations to the public: from the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Israel, France, Italy, China, Japan, Russia, Poland, Turkey. The geographical position does not matter when there is a solution that unites the international community of users and inspires to share their experience. The real examples of using Zabbix are what motivates us to develop and improve the product, developing the functionality you request and offering the services that your projects need.

We want to remind you that the slides and videos of the presentations are published , and the happy moments of the summit captured in the photo are available in the gallery .
Now that the Zabbix Summit 2019 is over, we are gradually starting to prepare for the Zabbix Summit 2020. This will be the anniversary, tenth Zabbix event in Riga, and we will do everything in our power to make it special.
See you next year!