Aspirator - a medical device that is designed to "suck" anything. The nasal, as the name implies, serves to clean the nose. The main audience that manufacturers are targeting is small children, although of course there is no ban on use in adulthood.
The fact that attention to the device is primarily shown by young parents is evidenced by the tips of search engines and the positioning of devices in online directories:

The logic is very simple: it is really difficult for children under a certain age to take care of themselves. And all control tasks fall on the parents. However, at the same time, it is objectively impossible to convince a baby to blow their nose on their own.
A stuffy nose (besides a certain discomfort for the whole family) gives, firstly, discomfort to the child himself, which is expressed in screams, and also affects the internal organs providing hypoxia.
The problem with the treatment of the common cold in children lies in the fact that, until a certain age, drops, narrowing blood vessels, are contraindicated, and therefore the aspirator turns out to be almost no alternative treatment for the common cold in children.
We got Coclean suction pumps for the test. In the assortment of this brand there are "children's" and "adult" models that differ functionally. And we safely divided them among ourselves to test on different audiences.
Coclean baby models have a toy design ( duck , bear ) so that the child is more comfortable using an aspirator, possibly on their own. At the same time, the medical device will not scare him.
And note that this part of the strategy really works. The child independently showed sympathy for the device, and, despite the quiet "zhzhzhzhzhzh" during operation of the device, did not repel him. The aspirator also coped with its direct tasks, sucking out snot, making breathing easier.

The kit includes two nozzles, two batteries, from which the device works, the device itself and the liquid container.

Everything is arranged in such a way that the child will be able to cope with the aspirator toy on his own: no complex connecting elements, switching on / off - by the button.

The only thing you probably shouldnât get into is the battery compartment, although it is not particularly difficult. The compartment is located on the back, opens with a little effort.

According to the result of use: the children's nasal aspirator regularly performs all the functions, has sufficient power for the child, a relatively quiet, non-frightening mode of operation. At the same time, it has an attractive design and has a low weight, which is convenient because a child can hold it on its own without adult involvement. Although it should be noted that in any case, the procedures must be controlled!
Adult models
These include the Deluxe and New models.
The main difference is that this is a hybrid device, which is a âspray aspiratorâ, which at the kit level in the Deluxe model is displayed in the form of two separate nozzles: one for injection-irrigation, the second for suctioning biological waste.

In all likelihood, this was done so that the adult nose has some differences from the childâs, for example, the internal hairline, which can retain the same waste, so preliminary âsofteningâ may be required. Nozzles have a single place of fastening, they cannot be used at the same time.

However, the system is quite âintellectualâ.

No mode switching is necessary: ââif you connect the ânozzle-sprinklerâ the device will work âoutsideâ, if the ânozzle-retractorâ is connected - inside. Everything is also controlled by a single button on the case.

The device comes in a pretty decent packaging-stand.

And it has slightly larger dimensions and a little more weight, therefore, objectively, in a childâs hand it will not sit so comfortably.

However, it can be used as a children's aspirator, but this is probably the case when the parent will hold the device. Unlike the model for children, this device runs on a rechargeable battery (adapter included), which should give it a logical power advantage.
The experience of using this model in general is also positive. True, this takes, of course, a little longer: first put one nozzle, then another ... But itâs more difficult to work with an adult runny nose if it really doesnât flow straight in the stream. The spray works very delicately, and it is not designed for deep flushing - a light, barely noticeable shower is designed to prepare the nasal cavity for cleaning, no uncomfortable sensations were found in the process.
From the point of view of âis it necessary?â
It is foolish to deny that there are already leaders in the children's and adult markets. For example, most often, when they are looking for a children's aspirator, they mean mechanical, where absorption is carried out by the parent. As an example, perhaps, we give one of the most popular:

In the adult market, everything is much more complicated, but the leader in nose care may well be:

Which is really bad. From personal experience, I can note that in the past year I encountered a problem: it turns out that such a simple process as âblowing your noseâ also has its pitfalls and this should almost be learned. For a while, as the doctor already found out, we did it wrong, therefore, we simultaneously got edema in the ear, accompanied by sharp pain, which was safely treated for a long time.
Therefore, it seems that as a means of care and treatment, an aspirator is a good alternative to a handkerchief, and in some conditions is simply non-alternative, so it makes sense to have such a device at home, and then itâs a matter of choice. In addition, we note that in addition to the FDA, Coclean aspirators have a registration certificate of the national Ministry of Health.
Throughout November, the assortment is subject to a 15% discount on the code word: HABRCOC .
Take care of yourself and do not get sick!