The future has already come and continues to grow tremendously, while remaining invisible to the majority of the population, including advanced users.
The market has already formed and is at the stage of rapid growth, while now there is a huge shortage of content and it is predicted that in the near future the problem with content will be even more acute. Let's look at a comparison with the mobile app market:

Having the same number of hardware devices (after all, an application with a voice assistant can be installed on any mobile device), the number of applications for voice assistants is less than 100,000, which is about one percent of the number of applications for mobile devices: 2.2 million for APPstore + 2.8 million Google Play And about 80% of applications occupy game content:

With such obvious advantages of this market, there is no excitement among development companies. Looking at the list of skills for Yandex Alice and Google Assistent applications, it becomes clear that there are only two serious gaming solutions that fully use the full power of audio interaction in the entertainment industry. Here are the video trailers for them:
The first part of the voice trilogy "Cyborgs, will and justice" for Yandex Alice
and horror quest "Lovecraft World" for Google Assistent
In both cases, the player controls the plot of the audio performance by voice. But despite the modern capabilities of the ability of information platforms to understand the meaning of what has been said, both games use this function to understand simple expressions - yes / no, left / right, I will open / pass by, etc.
It is not surprising that Amazon is ready to pay up to $ 50,000 to application developers for its voice prefix, because if there is no content, then all smart gadgets with the same type of purchase or search function (which they are initially depending on the type of manufacturer) will not be able to win over such invaluable time that the consumer is ready to devote to the product.
In the second part of the “Cyborgs, Will and Justice” trilogy, the developers promise to introduce emotional characters with whom it will be necessary to conduct a dialogue and be able to “agree” to advance the game.
Nevertheless, a start has been made, the common bar for all other market players has been raised. And we just have to be patient and wait for the release of new products.