/ * Readers of the Science Fiction hub are offered a small science fiction novel.
The story is divided into 2 parts, under the cut is the first. The second part is flooded and ready for use. It will be published in three days - in the event that the first part does not go negative. * /
- “Humanism” calls the Earth. “Humanism” calls the Earth.
- Earth on the wire.
- On the planet Sirl, a seventeenth-type civilization was discovered. I am sending data. I have an incomplete crew, there is no contact specialist. I ask for clarification on how to proceed.
- Act in accordance with the situation. I will try to find the right person. However, I do not promise - contactees are in short supply.
“I understand you, Earth.” I understand you.
He found Varia in the meeting room.
Behind the portholes hung a yellow Sirl, beautifully framed by stars. Portraits of Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus, Dostoevsky, Mendeleev, Irakli Abazadze and smiling Vari were hung between the portholes.
Varin hung a portrait of Roman for the sake of fun, and for beauty, of course. The girl, captured against a blue sky, smiled - just as Varka and no one else can.
“Well, what did you get to Earth?” She asked from the chair.
The meeting rooms were on wheels. During flights, they were fixed, but the rest of the time, when artificial gravity worked, it was possible to ride. Zvezdoletiliki love to ride in chairs on wheels - such was the tradition inherited from the ancestors.
Roman flopped into the seat and stretched out his legs.
- I got through.
- Advised to act on the situation? - Varya grunted.
Roman nodded.
“Well, why am I pulling everything out of you with ticks ?!” They promised to send a man?
- In any case, he will be late.
- In other words, did you decide to make an independent contact?
“What else to do?” - shrugged Roman, realizing that he had no choice. - Civilization of the seventeenth type, there are no contraindications. Do not leave the reconnoitered sector without salty slurping ?! We will carry out autanasia ourselves.
The girl kicked off and rolled a little closer to Roman.
- Roma, you do not have access. Are you a pilot.
“But I have enough experience.” I participated in interviews twice in number two. Second access numbers are not required. Don’t worry, Varka, everything will go smoothly, we’ll get in touch. Then we invite the siren on board, we will talk. Lebedinsky’s technique, nothing complicated. In fact, it all comes down to pronouncing typical phrases and demonstrating training videos.
- Take the second number?
Roman smiled and tried to make his face stupid.
- Who should take the second number? Who to take? Given that there are two of us on the starship, you have to take you number two. I recommend that you read the special literature, the second issue. But first, it is necessary to conduct a test for psychological and physiological compatibility.
He grabbed Varino’s chair by the armrest and pulled it to him.
- Well, I knew that, again a test! The girl cried out. “Why did I only agree to fly into space with you ?!”
She did not think to resist.
A delegation of siren arriving aboard Humanism consisted of a man and a woman. The man was thin and tall, and the woman seemed to be just a girl. Their hair was golden, and their chins were dyed yellow - this is the national specificity of the inhabitants of Sirla exhausted.
The novel was once again convinced: intelligent life, with all its mental diversity, is enclosed in a strict anthropomorphic framework. There were no and could not be exceptions to this rule.
Naturally, he was a little worried. However, the case was familiar. The main thing here is the first phrase. For this reason, Roman didn’t include a translator: if the Sirelanes decide to insert a word, he still won’t understand.
He led a delegation to the meeting room, where Varia was waiting, and made it clear: the interview will be held here. He took a position opposite and exhaled deeply. He clicked on the translator and said as quickly as possible:
- The people of the Earth, the oldest and strongest in the galaxy, greet the friendly people of Searle on the starship "Humanism".
The case was half done, it remained to wait for a response.
“Yes,” the man said.
The girl, quite unexpectedly, put her hand on the top of her fellow tribesman.
“Understanding is possible thanks to terrestrial technologies of mental translation,” Roman issued the second phrase put in according to Lebedinsky’s technique. - On Searle, such technologies are absent, so you are not able to independently communicate with other space nations.
The girl squealed unexpectedly:
- It! What for???
And she pointed to the portrait of Varin.
“The Sirlans cannot stand blue,” the man explained. “The Sirlanes love yellow, especially females.”
Roman jumped to the wall and turned the portrait on the back.
- Good now?
“Now my female is well,” the Cyrilian confirmed.
The girl laughed, too loudly, that's why it is silly. But it was even not bad, because the problem was not worth a damn.
- My name is Roman. And the name of my ... female is Varia.
Varya shot a mischievous glance at the commander, but said nothing.
- My name is Gril. And the name of my female is Rila, ”said the Cyrilian.
Everyone sat in their chairs - with the exception of Rila, who remained standing behind Gril's back, hands clasped behind her back.
Roman began autanasia:
- We invited the most worthy representatives of the sirens to the humanism starship for communication. And we are glad that the most worthy representatives have appeared. Both earthlings and sirlyans are biological creatures. Each biological creature is a separate material individual, with its own psychology. Between biological creatures misunderstandings and contradictions are possible, up to the occurrence of conflict situations.
When Roman mentioned individual material individuals, the Cyrilian was surprised to begin to examine his hands. At that time, the girl stepped aside to see other portraits hanging between the portholes.
When Roman mentioned possible misunderstandings and contradictions, the Cyrilian said with displeasure:
- Rila, what are you doing?
“I look at the pictures,” the girl answered.
- Stop it immediately.
Rila had to return to her seat and put her hand on the top of the grill.
Lebedinsky’s technique worked flawlessly.
“Curiosity, like conflict, is characteristic of all biological creatures,” Roman continued. - However, the contradictions that have arisen between biological creatures must be overcome. To get to know each other better, we will give you the accumulated unique knowledge - to the extent that you are able to perceive it. You will learn a lot about the universe, including your planet. We have watched Searle for generations.
“The Sirlans did not suspect your existence,” Gril put in.
- We have unique technologies. At first we preferred not to be discovered. But when they decided that the people of Searle were ready for contact, they turned on the visibility mode. Further you know. We gave the invitation to the most worthy of the sirens to visit the spaceship, you arrived here.
Rila laughed again, this time for no apparent reason.
- Why is she laughing?
“Rila is mocking,” said Gril.
“Females are the most unstable of biological creatures,” said Roman impromptu.
“Females need to restrain themselves, especially in the presence of representatives of other cosmic civilizations,” the clever Varia added.
The girl’s laugh broke off. No, Lebedinsky’s technique definitely worked. However, for the first time it’s enough - it’s time to round off.
“Will you pass on to your people what you heard here?”
- Yes.
Rila put her other hand on the top of her head. She seemed to lay a palm on her man’s head with every “yes”. Amusing local custom. I wonder what will happen if the Cyrilian will have to answer “no”?
- The amount of knowledge that will be provided to you is so great that it will take several meetings. Therefore, our interviews must be made permanent. I suggest meeting once during the Sirla revolution around the star.
“I'll be there,” Gril promised.
Roman summed up:
“We will deliver you here for conversations.” And now we’ll see an information video about the people of the Earth, very small. We know everything about Searle, while you know nothing about our planet. This knowledge gap needs to be filled.
The video has begun. A warning inscription flashed in the corner: "Exclusively for alien civilizations." The inscription was not voiced, so it could not be understood by the guests.
The announcer read out in a penetrating voice:
“Dear alien! The cradle of intelligent life in the vast expanses of space - Earth. Here civilization arose much earlier than on other planets. When other planets had not yet been formed, saber-toothed tigers were already pacing the Earth. When the first primitive fauna appeared on other planets, electric trams traveled around the Earth. When the wheel was invented on other planets, earthlings plowed the galaxy in comfortable starships.
Realizing their ancient superiority, the inhabitants of the Earth have assumed the responsibility for the development of intelligent life in the galaxy. Our scientists are actively interfering in the natural course of evolution, adjusting and coordinating biological processes on life-impregnated planets. We can say that earthlings fostered most of the galactic peoples with their own hands.
By no means do we come into contact with all our brothers in reason, but if this happens, the chosen civilization will receive invaluable assistance for further intellectual and technological development. The amount of knowledge provided is considered separately in each case. ”
The read text was illustrated with documentary frames, generously flavored with animation. In some cases, they were replaced by short staged scenes.
Here is the beginning of the beginnings - a hopelessly black lifeless galaxy. On one of the planets, a bright dot begins to blink, indicating the birth of life. The point approaches with terrible speed and turns out to be a man and a woman who hold each other's hands tightly. And courageous earthlings are already looking into the starry sky ... Courageous earthlings ride a tram ... Courageous earthlings step on a spaceship ... A spaceship with earthlings on board soars upward, but does not find signs of life in endless space. No, life is still discovered! Here and there other light points light up, indicating the origin of alien life.
To observe the foci of life, many starships fly from Earth. From them, whirling in planetary orbits, earth-scientists carry out scientific observation. If necessary, scientists descend to the surface and water the protoplasm with nutrient broth.
Life is gradually evolving - in reality it is painfully long, but in an informational video for a dozen seconds.
After millions of years, the long-awaited contact of the brothers in mind takes place. With tears in their eyes, local residents thank the earthlings for a nutritious broth and valuable information support.
- This is Earth. This is the earth.
“I hear you, Earth.” "Humanism" on the wire.
- I found you a specialist. Yuri Chudinov. Has access to work with alien civilizations up to the thirty-first level. Sent by transport capsule. Wait for a day.
“I understand you, Earth.” Many thanks. The initial contact with the seventeenth-type civilization was successful.
“I'm sorry, Humanism, I have a call on a different line. The end of communication.
They sat in armchairs, occasionally touching each other with their hands, and exchanged impressions of the contact.
“For a seventeenth-type civilization, the Sirlans are pretty primitive.”
- Rustic and taciturn. And this girl who laughs constantly and for no reason ...
- Pretty good.
Varka grunted.
- Pretty, or what? So you made a mistake?
- Which one?
- Used the word "preference." You recommended to familiarize yourself with the special literature on contacts with civilizations of the seventeenth type, well, I got acquainted. Admitting alternative thinking is not recommended, and the term “preference” allows alternative thinking.
Roman felt a slight chill splash into his chest. Varya was right: the term “preference” should not be used.
“This term is not on the list of banned ones,” he said, looking for an excuse, but a little ashamed. - In any case, it’s uncritical. Thanks for the help, second number.
- Please, first number.
Wanting to smooth out the mistake, Roman tried to hug the girl. But the harmful Varka pulled away.
- No, now is not the time!
- Why? He asked with a purely male resentment.
- Soon the transport capsule will dock.
And again Varka was right. She always turned out to be right in a situation of ambiguous choice - such was the ineradicable property of her nature.
- Yes exactly. For bureaucrats from the space ministry, they quickly worked.
- What is his name, by the way - our new contactee?
- Yuri.
- I read that in case of contact, the operational command on the spacecraft passes to the contactee.
At least she didn’t know something! But I subtracted it anyway.
“That's right,” Roman nodded. - The contactee knows better what is possible and what is not possible during contact with unexplored civilizations. Alien psychology - too thin matter, easily torn. Although the transfer of operational command refers only to control the behavior of the crew and directly contact. The control of the spacecraft remains the responsibility of the pilot.
- Are you upset?
- What? - surprised Roman.
“By losing dictatorial powers?”
- This is temporary, and I am partially losing authority.
They were silent for a moment, touching each other with their fingers.
- Will we meet?
“Well, to hell with him,” Roman was angry for some reason. “Hopefully not getting lost.” All "Humanisms" are built on a standard project.
“What are we waiting for?” Let's play the game?
The pilot allowed himself a condescending smile.
- Are you hoping to squeeze me in the endgame?
“I'm playing worse than you.”
- Then go.
The novel concentrated, and an unplayed position arose in his memory. He and Varya often dabbled in three-dimensional chess. Here he felt at a height, allowing you to lightly tease his girlfriend. She pretended to be angry in response, in the end everything ended with the usual caresses.
Now, recovering from her left position, Varya covered her eyelids and lifted her chin up.
“Rook h9-a9-iota-12,” a moment later she made another move.
- pawn a8-a9-epsilon-4.
- Elephant b5-c6-sigma-1.
It was not easy to squeeze Roman in the endgame, yet he was a pilot of a spaceship.
The contactee turned out to be an energetic and pleasant-looking man: tall and youthful for his age. He entered the “Humanism” meeting room with a confident step, with a traveling bag in his hands.
- Hello, Roman. Hello, Barbara. I see, indulging in three-dimensional chess ?! It is commendable.
I heard at the entrance, I guess. Why they didn’t meet, didn’t ask, it means that formalities were not a priority for him.
- Nice to meet you.
Varya nodded. Roman greeted the hand and reported:
- Hello, Yuri. I give you the operational command of the humanism starship.
- I accept operational command.
- How did you get there?
- Thank you, Roman, got safely. Unexpected appointment. They reported neither light nor dawn - had to pack in a hurry.
- A man with a diploma contactee went to the hospital three hours before the start. We flew out of stock ...
“And, as luck would have it, they discovered a seventeenth-type civilization.”
“No one thought,” Roman frowned, as if he were guilty of that. “Discovering an unknown civilization in this stellar sector is pretty unbelievable.”
Yuri collapsed in an armchair in an armchair and rolled on the floor, checking the wheels. The wheels were fine.
- I sincerely congratulate you. I was informed of an unplanned opening, and I could not refuse. Nevertheless, I am glad to meet you. You may call it premonition, but we will work together. Glorious place, your "Humanism." And the seventeenth-type civilization is glorious - I have never worked with such people before.
Roman and Varia looked at each other.
“Have you ever worked with seventeenth-type civilizations?”
“So you ask, Roman, if I worked with seventeenth-type civilizations.” The very formulation of the question implies a doubt that a person who has not worked with such civilizations is able to work with them. However, I have permission to work with all extraterrestrial civilizations up to and including the thirty-first level. Do you, Roman, have access to work with civilizations of the thirty-first level?
- Not.
“At the same time,” the newcomer assertively continued, “I worked with civilizations of the tenth and twenty-eighth types.” Do you think this is much easier than working with a seventeenth-type civilization?
“I don't think so.”
“I hope I answered your question.” Now let's move on to the performance of our joint duties. What time is the contact scheduled for?
- I'm sorry, but the contact took place.
Yuri's face stretched slightly and darkened.
- In what sense did it take place? He said harshly and decisively. - I packed up and flew out on a transport capsule a few minutes after the message. And did the contact take place?
Roman affirmed.
- When?
“Ten hours ago.”
- Who gave the order to contact?
“I'm like a starship commander.”
- Why didn’t they wait for a specialist with permission?
It began to look like interrogation on the carpet at the authorities - however, it seems that was it.
“Yuri, I suspect you have been sought for too long,” Varya put in.
Roman loudly, as in a training, reported:
- In accordance with the Instruction on Extraterrestrial Contacts, paragraph 238, when a seventeenth-type civilization is discovered, autanasia should be started as quickly as possible. If autanasia is not started within twenty-four hours after the discovery of civilization, you must immediately leave the place of contact and do not return there again. Twenty-four hours have now expired. I could not allow the newly explored star sector to become unvisited.
- Commendable. However, you do not have access!
- Paragraph 238 prevails over paragraph 411, which establishes the rules for admission to actions in outer space. Contact problems were not fixed, everything went as usual. As a result of my actions, the star sector is open to visitors.
Yuri could not find what to answer. A slight darkening on the face remained, but the jaw slid back into the skull box.
- Barbara, the success of the contact does not cancel labor discipline ... Well, Roman. It’s not only “open for visits”, but “will soon become open for visits”. And the rest - in the hole itself ... However, from now on I will ask you to act strictly in accordance with my orders.
- Of course.
Well, no one will violate the subordination, there is no need for this.
- What time is the next interview scheduled?
“Tomorrow at eleven.”
Then Yuri drew attention to the portrait, turned by the back side.
- What is it?
“Varin's portrait,” Roman explained. “But the sirlanes asked to be removed.” They are annoyed by the sky background.
- Good.A portrait of a crew member is commendable. The main thing is to remember the responsibility imposed on us. The discovery of a new civilization is a powerful factor in influencing galactic politics. I hope you understand that. And if you don’t understand, refresh the memory of the story of Irakli Abazadze ...
Yuri poked a finger at the portrait of Abazadze - the only photograph of him that has survived. The famous young man was shot against the background of a log wall and held a shovel in his hands.
- The merits of Irakli Abazadze are well known.
- Does not matter. Review the video from the "Video". It is useful to recall what happens when you work incorrectly with seventeenth-type civilizations.
Varka intervened:
- Yuri, but the repetition of that situation is impossible.
But before her was already a wise, patient and omniscient commander.
- Understand, Roman. Understand, Barbara. From the moment I assumed the operational command of Humanism, you have no right to make a mistake. Competence, iron discipline and a common goal, because we are dealing with an alien mind. So tomorrow at eleven. Now I have to go to my cabin for rest, the flight was not easy. Roman and Barbara, we are one team and we have a common goal - autanasia.
Having grabbed a traveling bag, the arrivals set off to look for a free cabin.
- Sit down please. This is Yuri, he will participate in the conversation instead of Vary, ”Roman introduced the contactee.
At the last moment, Yuri freed Varia from participating in the interview, so there were two earthlings.
“Yes,” agreed the Cyrilian.
Rila immediately put a hand on his crown.
- This is Gril, and this is his female Rila.
- Yes.
Rila put her other hand on the top of her partner.
- Now we will see a new video - about how life was born on your planet. Then, if questions arise, Yuri will answer them.
Roman pressed the projector key, but, to his surprise, he heard:
- No need. I will personally tell our friends the Sirlans about how life began on Searle.
A familiar chill crept into his chest.
- What?
- The screen is not needed.
“Okay, Yuri ... If you think it is necessary ...” Roman muttered, not understanding why the contactee needed to change the typical scenario.
“A sir appeared a long time ago, from gravitational clots,” Yuri began. - Gravity clusters pulled together and formed your planet.
“Have you seen this?” Asked Grill quickly.
- No, earthlings flew to Searle later.
“How do you know that?”
Roman mechanically noted: at the first interview, the Cyrilian did not allow himself to question twice. Negative dynamics.
- We concluded by analogy. We are the oldest civilization visiting the most remote corners of the universe. We can observe similar metamorphoses on the example of many planets, therefore the origin of Searle is not in doubt.
Incidentally, the term "doubt" was included in the list of prohibited when in contact with civilizations of the seventeenth type. The pilot involuntarily peered into the features of Grill, but did not notice any visible changes. The Sirlyan — with his back as straight as a stick — remained in the chair. His features remained unchanged.
“Is doubt possible?” - exactly asked Gril.
It seems that Yuri realized that he gave a blunder because he gave out a rather clumsy, though effective phrase:
“Our civilization is powerful, therefore our logical conclusions are undeniable and are always confirmed by practice.
- Yes.
Rila’s two palms were located on the top of the grill: there was nothing more to put on her.
“Skip?” A thought flickered.
No, I didn’t. The girl changed her palms, so she was pleased.
- Where did I stop? So, when the gravitational clumps were drawn to each other ...
- Why?
- What "Why?
- Why are they attracted to each other?
“Why are you asking about this?”
The novel realized with horror that the interview was being directed in a different way than planned by Lebedinsky’s method. The dangerous chill in the chest no longer disappeared, but seems to have settled forever.
“I want to know the answer,” the Cyrilian insisted.
- In that case, I answer. Gravity clumps pulled together due to a powerful flash on your star. A prominence melted the edges of gravitational clots, and they stuck together.
There was a resounding girlish laugh.
- Why are you laughing? - broke out Yuri. “Am I telling something funny?”
“Rila is mocking, she often laughs,” Roman explained.
“She will stop now,” said Gril sternly.
The laughter stopped, as if cut off.
The paint had not yet left Yuri's cheeks when he continued:
- In that historical period, the Searle was a coalesced gravitational clot floating in outer space. It would remain so if chemical compounds did not begin to condense on its surface. Chemical compounds interlocked and disengaged, forming organisms that were initially elementary.
- Why elementary?
Curiosity finally awakened in the sirlyans. If only she did not get out of control, if only she did not get out!
“Great question, Gril, in the hole!” These organisms were elementary because they had one distinctive property. Moreover, they could exist in symbiosis with other elementary organisms. It was mutually beneficial. Suppose there was an elementary organism whose functional was size reduction: relatively speaking, it was a muscular organism. On the other hand, there was an organism whose functionality was protective: an epithelial organism. The first organism is muscles. The second organism is the skin. After a number of unsuccessful attempts, the skin enveloped the muscles, and this design was viable. The skin protected the muscles from the external environment, and the muscles allowed the skin to contract, making it possible to move in space and travel.
Rila laughed - even louder than the last time.
“Females,” Gril explained in excuse. - Unstable biological creatures.
The laughter ceased.
- It's okay, I continue. So, complex biological organisms were born. And it's not a joke.
Hearing about the "joke", Roman twitched, opened his mouth, but forced to close it.
- A joke? - said Grill, as if perplexed.
“Maybe we’ll finish for today, Yuri?” It seems to me that the guests are tired.
The novel said it in such a smooth and friendly tone as he could. But Yuri did not understand, while remaining active and verbose.
“Gril, are you tired?” He turned to the Cyrilian.
- Not.
Finally, the Cyrilian said “no.” Despite the danger of the situation, Roman watched with curiosity as Rila removed one of her palms from Gril's dummy. These, then, are the Sirlan customs. If “yes”, then the palm is superimposed, if “no” - removed.
- And you, Rila?
- Not.
She laughed, but then shut up.
“You see, Roman, your assumption is wrong,” the contactee summed up. “Let me finish the review that has begun, all the more so as a little remains.” Thus, the evolution of biological creatures on Searle moved to a higher level. Many elementary organisms responsible for vision, touch, smell, digestion and excretion were combined into single complex organisms, becoming parts of them.
- We are born whole! - objected Gril.
- Well, of course! Shortly afterwards, chemical compounds appeared on the Searle with a record of the complete composition of complex organisms. Organisms began to multiply by gradually increasing the biological mass of the patterns available to them. Believe me, really.
- Is it possible not to believe someone?
Roman sat with his face turned to the porthole. He was shaking with indignation and helplessness.
He watched through the porthole as the boat with the sirens separated from the "Humanism" and gained speed. Soon the boat shrank and completely melted in the yellowish sirilian atmosphere.
- Yuri, why did you step back from the standard scenario?
- But why are you asking?
This person had a stupid manner of answering a question with a question, translating it into an interlocutor.
“Why don't you answer the question right away ?!” - Roman could not restrain himself. - Because this topic excites me, damn it!
- Would you like to talk informally?
Yuri looked confident in himself - perhaps unnecessarily.
- As you wish.
- Well, let's talk informally. To begin with, I did not depart from what you call a typical scenario. There is no typical scenario, but there is a Lebedinsky technique. I assume that it is her that you mistakenly consider typical. However, I used the latest technique - Schwartzman, which also does not contradict the Instructions on extraterrestrial contacts. I hope my answer satisfied you?
“Not completely,” Roman hesitated.
- What exactly did not satisfy you?
- I am not familiar with the Schwartzman technique ...
- I thought so.
It was not enough to pat on the shoulder.
“… At the same time, I’m familiar with seventeenth-type civilizations,” Roman continued. - This is my third contact with similar civilizations, so I know a little how to communicate with them. Well, that is, I mean the general principles. As far as I can tell, during the communication you made a number of mistakes. These are gross errors that cannot be justified by referring to any of the methods, Lebedinsky, or Schwartzman, or someone else.
“So, so ...” Yuri nodded throughout the monologue, just like a metronome.
- You several times hinted to the sirels on alternative thinking. When talking with seventeenth-type civilizations, doing so is strongly discouraged. Even hints are unacceptable.
“You are mistaken, Roman.” During the conversation, I did not hint at alternative thinking.
- You used such terms as “faith”, “joke”, “doubt”.
- These speech turns do not hint at alternative thinking.
- Even as hinted at. If there is "you believe us", then there is "you can not believe us." This is alternative thinking - the assumption of purposeful lies. Many of these terms are prohibited for use in communication with seventeenth-type civilizations.
- And why should the Sirlanes accept the second option, and not the first? - unexpectedly asked Yuri.
- Because they have a choice.
- Do you notice signs that our friends have accepted the second option?
Roman was aware that Yuri used sophisticated techniques, but could not turn the tide of the conversation.
“You talk about it so easily ... Well ... No, I don’t notice anything like that,” he had to admit.
- I don’t notice either. Consequently, the Cyrilians settled on the first option. I acted correctly.
“But you repeated a similar speech revolution, in various formulations, several times!” It was necessary to deliver a training video!
- You want to say that I do not understand anything in my profession? - Yuri squinted.
- No, but ...
- But you think so. Based on his scanty amateurish experience.
“I don’t think so,” Roman blurted out of inertia, although he had similar thoughts.
- Let's see why you started this conversation. Is it because my appearance lost commanding authority?
“You have only operational authority, Yuri.” You do not know how to fly a spaceship and never learn. Your temporary commander status is a formality required by the space charter.
“So you answered the question about the reason for the conversation,” the contactee summed up. - Excessive emotionality betrayed you. You are worried that during the time of carrying out autanasia, operational management passed to me. It was preferable for you to manage yourself, although you do not have the necessary form of clearance.
“But you never worked with seventeenth-type civilizations!”
- But he worked with many others. All is well, Roman - you have absolutely no need to worry. I control the situation, soon all procedures will be completed, after which I will leave Humanism and go home to Venus.
He reassured Roman as a small child.
- Yuri, they are not joking with civilizations of the seventeenth type! - said Roman as detached as possible. - You yourself mentioned Abazadze. Then, too, it began with small.
- By the way, did you revise the video about Abazadze’s exploit?
- Not.
- Review it. And get acquainted with the Schwartzman technique, we work on this technique. And this, unlike the previous one, is an official requirement. Now, I'm sorry, I need to draw up a report on the second interview.
Yuri left. Roman, alone, leaned against the cold glass of the porthole. In front of him hung a yellow Sirl - a planet inhabited by a seventeenth-type civilization.
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Continued here: habr.com/en/post/472540
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